/ / How to cook shark steak: a few simple recipes for a frying pan, oven, multicooker

How to cook a shark steak: a few simple recipes for a frying pan, oven, multivarka

Shark meat appeared on the shelves of our storesrelatively recently. And buyers, especially those who have already tried exotic fish in a restaurant, reached for a novelty. But they were disappointed. Cooked at home in the usual way shark gorchila and uttered an incredibly nasty smell. And such beautiful steaks were! White, pearly blue, with red meat in thick blue-black skin ... But in order to create a tasty dish from this most dangerous predator of the seas, you need to know how to make shark steak. After all, the chefs have a few secrets about ridding the meat of this fish from unpleasant smell and bitterness. And we will reveal these secrets in our article. Below you will also find some easy-to-use recipes. It must be said that the inhabitants of Southeast Asia, where the shark is widely eaten, consider it a powerful aphrodisiac. The meat of this muscular fish has neither fat nor bones. In addition, it is low-calorie: only 130 kcal per hundred grams of product.

How to cook shark steak

Preliminary processing

To us the shark gets already, if possible soexpress, disassembled. The shops sell frozen steaks - in vacuum or other packaging. Therefore, we are not offered to think from which part and how to prepare a shark. Steak at home need to defrost. To the meat has not lost its excellent taste, it should be done carefully. We open the package and put the steaks in a container, on the bottom of which we first put the grid. It is needed so that moisture can drain from thawed fish. Close the container and put it in the fridge. The longer the steak will be defrosted, the tastier it will turn out. Then we clean the remaining ice and wash the shark meat. To eliminate the smell of ammonia and bitterness in the taste we act with steak, as with the kidneys: soak it in water sourced with lemon or lime. You can also use milk for this purpose - the result will be the same.

How to cook shark steak at home

What can be cooked from shark steak

The meat of this fish is very tasty.From it you can cook a lot of various dishes. If you are going to fry steaks in a pan in a pan, they need to be dried thoroughly. Shark meat contains a lot of fluid. Leave the steaks on a kitchen towel for an hour at room temperature. Shark meat can be cut into smaller pieces for cooking various dishes. In this case, we need to remove the cartilage and skin. If there are allergies in the house, it makes sense to cut off the dark red meat at the very skin. It contains the substance histamine. It may cause an allergic reaction. Of course, if the recipe is required to cut the shark meat into small pieces, you should first cut the steak, and then marinate it. After two hours in the refrigerator under lemon juice or milk, an unpleasant odor and bitterness will completely disappear. Well, now consider several ways of how to cook delicious shark steak.

How to cook shark steak in a pan

Fish Snacks in a Fryer

It doesn't matter if you don't have one at home.adaptations, as in "McDonald's". The fryer will replace any metal colander or sieve. The main thing is that their volume was less than the bottom of your pan. We have already told how to cook shark steak in small pieces. So, cut the fish, sprinkle it with lime juice, shift it with lemon circles and send to the fridge to marinate. After that, slightly dry the shark on paper towels. We set the vegetable oil to warm up in a wide and deep pan. On three plates we prepare: flour mixed with salt and white pepper; egg, slightly beaten with a fork; breadcrumbs. Slices of fish roll down alternately in all these components. Put it in a colander (or sieve). Dip in hot oil. Fry until golden brown. We take out the pieces of fish with tongs.

How to cook a shark steak

How to cook shark steak in a pan

This recipe is for the lazy.The only thing that needs to be done after marinating a steak in water acidified with lemon or vinegar is to remove the thick skin. Put on the pan with vegetable oil. Pour it is not as much as in the previous recipe. Cooking two plates for breading. One - with flour, in which we mix salt and spices for fish. And the second - with a scrambled egg. Let's wait until the vegetable oil warms up well. Roll down each steak first in the egg, and then in the flour. Fry on each side for three to four minutes, until a crisp is formed.

Shark steaks in the oven

This fish seems to be made for roasting.Fat in this recipe requires a little bit. How to cook shark steak in the oven? We start, as usual, with marinating. After we cut off the skin, put the steaks in a cup with soy sauce, sprinkle with spices for fish, close with lemon circles. Send in the fridge for an hour. Preheat the oven. Baking tray cover with foil. Silicone brush brush aluminum sheet of vegetable oil. Put the steaks on it. Cover with another sheet of foil. Let's bake about half an hour. Then remove the foil. Let the fish redden in the oven.

What can be cooked from shark steak

Shark steaks in a slow cooker

This recipe will require two marinades.The first one is ordinary: lime or lemon juice, vinegar or wine diluted with water will do. But the second will be exotic. Pour into a plate three tablespoons of olive oil. Three there ginger root (or add 0.5 tsp. Ground). Add on a tablespoon of soybean oil and liquid honey. Stir. This composition thoroughly rub our fish. But first (we remember how to cook a shark steak) carefully press it from the first marinade. This fish has an amazing ability to absorb water. If you do not squeeze the steak, it will turn out gelatinous. After an hour of marinating, roll the slices in flour mixed with sweet paprika. Pour sunflower oil into the bowl of the multicooker. We put the unit on the "Baking", setting the timer to fifty minutes. Put the steaks in butter. Fry on both sides. Then on each steak we put a thin slice of cheese, which we sprinkle on top with dill. We lower the cover of the multicooker and wait for the end of the program.