/ Eggplant and tomato salad with garlic: a recipe. Home cooking

Salad from aubergines and tomatoes with garlic: a recipe for cooking. Home cooking

Tomatoes and eggplants are frequent guests on ourtable, especially in the autumn. In addition, they are perfectly combined with each other in the form of salads, appetizers, stews. Each housewife has his own special recipe. Eggplant with tomatoes and garlic, cooked in any way - the perfect decoration of the holiday table.

How to cook eggplant with garlic and tomatoes

Eggplant for salads subject to different typesculinary processing. They can be fried, stewed, baked, stuffed and even wilted. Fresh eggplants slightly bitter, but in the process of cooking, changing their structure, they become soft and tasty. Regardless of the type of heat treatment, many useful vitamins are stored in eggplants. Without a characteristic smell, eggplant has the ability to absorb foreign odors. This vegetable spoils quickly, so you need to cook it immediately.

Eggplant and Tomato Salad with Garlic

Tomatoes are also a source of necessarybody vitamins and minerals. In addition, they have few calories. Tomatoes contain serotonin, which is considered a hormone of happiness. They are perfectly combined with most products, including eggplant.

The benefits of garlic are known to all.Since ancient times, it was used as a means to improve immunity. This plant is indispensable in the period of epidemics of influenza, as well as in early spring as a remedy for beriberi. Garlic in salads and other dishes stimulates the appetite, saturates the food with valuable vitamins and microelements.

By combining these healthy vegetables, you can getexcellent to taste, rich in vitamins dietary dish. An eggplant snack with tomatoes and garlic has many cooking options. Consider the most popular ones.

Eggplant and Tomato Salad with Garlic

This spicy snack salad must be prepared in advance so that it can brew. The dish contains few calories, so it is suitable for those who follow a diet.

To cook a delicious eggplant salad withtomatoes, you need three eggplants, three large tomatoes, six cloves of garlic, herbs, salt, pepper to taste, one lemon, two teaspoons of sugar, olive oil for dressing.


Eggplants are washed and dried with paper.towels. Putting them in a heat-resistant container, put them in a heated oven for half an hour to bake. For even baking, it is advisable to turn them every ten minutes. When the eggplant turns brown, shriveled and soft, you can remove it.

Delicious Eggplant Salad

While the vegetables are cooling, you need to chop the greens andgarlic, combine them with olive oil, salt, sugar, pepper and lemon juice. When the eggplants are cool, they are cut into four pieces, first in length, then across in large pieces and put in a deep dish. Coarsely chopped tomatoes are added to the same. Vegetables poured cooked earlier garlic sauce. Eggplant and tomato salad with garlic should be infused before serving. Therefore, the dish is covered with a lid and refrigerated for an hour.

Spicy salad

There is another recipe.Eggplant with tomatoes and garlic in this embodiment will be no less tasty. They take three eggplants, two small tomatoes, garlic (1 clove), vegetable oil for frying, a few spoons of sour cream for dressing, salt to taste.

Cooking process

After washing the eggplants, cut them into a largestraws. To get a delicious eggplant salad, they must be freed from the bitterness that can spoil the taste of the dish. To do this, one liter of water and two teaspoons of salt make a solution in which vegetables are placed for five minutes. Then the water is drained, and the eggplants are laid out on a pre-heated pan and fried in vegetable oil until they are soft. It is necessary to ensure that the vegetables are not fried, for which they need to constantly stir.

Recipe for Eggplants with Tomatoes and Garlic

Tomatoes cut across and remove seeds from themthen cut into small pieces. Eggplants and tomatoes spread on a plate, sprinkled with garlic and seasoned with sour cream. This salad of eggplants and tomatoes with garlic should be consumed immediately after preparation, until the latter had time to isolate the juice and the dish became watery.

Appetizer with grilled eggplants and cheese

This simple dish is cooked very quickly. You will need one eggplant, two tomatoes, two cloves of garlic, some vegetable oil for roasting, 50 g of hard cheese, and salt.

How to cook

Eggplant Snack with Tomatoes and Garlicis prepared as follows. The first step is to wash the blue vegetables, dry with a paper towel and cut into rings. The thickness of the ringlet is about 1 cm. Then the eggplants are fried in vegetable oil until golden brown, slightly salted. Vegetable oil will have to be poured all the time, as these vegetables absorb it very quickly.

While eggplants are cooked, they wash, dry and cut tomatoes into rings. The size of the rings is also about 1 cm. The dish will look better if the eggplants and tomatoes are about the same size.

Ready eggplants spread on a dish, alternatingthem with tomatoes. Top vegetables sprinkled with chopped garlic and cheese, grated on a coarse grater. If desired, you can pour the dish with mayonnaise. An eggplant snack with tomatoes and garlic is served on the table immediately after cooking, although it has a cool taste when it is cold.

Eggplant Snack with Tomatoes and Garlic

Spicy eggplant appetizer with tomatoes

This snack is moderately spicy, if desiredGarlic can be changed. For cooking you need to take four eggplants, two or three tomatoes, garlic to taste, greens, vegetable oil and some salt.

Cooking with a prescription

How to cook eggplants with tomatoes, herbs andgarlic? Very simple. To do this, washed eggplants need to be cut in the form of circles 0.5-1 cm thick, fold into a deep plate, pour over well-salted soda, cover with a load and leave in this form for half an hour.

Tomatoes rubbed on a grater to make mashed potatoes, salt. Combine finely chopped greens and chopped garlic.

Squeezing eggplants, fry them in a skillet tobrowning, then spread in one layer on a flat dish. Spoon on each ringlet laid out tomato sauce, on top - garlic with dill. Before serving up an eggplant and tomato salad with garlic and herbs, it is best to keep it in the fridge for a while.

Another snack option

In this version, cooking eggplantsPrepare the same as in the previous recipe. Putting vegetables on the dish, grease them with a mixture of mayonnaise and garlic. For each eggplant ring they put a circle of tomato, which is also smeared with garlic-mayonnaise mixture on top. The last step - eggplant circle with a drop of mayonnaise on top. Before serving, decorated with greens.

Eggplant with tomatoes greens and garlic

Салат из баклажанов и помидоров хорош и в as an independent dish, and as an addition to meat, side dishes. Try to make it. Knowing how to cook eggplants with garlic and tomatoes, without much financial expenditure, you can get a tasty and healthy dish.