/ / "Makfa" - flour, time-tested

"Makfa" - flour, time-tested

For a long time the flour is of great importance for all people. It was a great discovery that allowed us to see on the dinner table a variety of products made from it.

"Makfa" - flour, known, probably, to each inhabitant of our country. We will describe the products of this brand further in the article.

About the manufacturer

Each of us at least once in my life faced withflour or its products - it is difficult to imagine modern counters even without pasta. A huge number of such products produced by the company "Makfa". Flour - not the only thing she does.

It is noteworthy that the named company is among the leading world five in the production of various pasta. Therefore, among customers, its products are in great demand.

macfa flour

This company grows cereals on its own agricultural land, thereby being fully responsible for the quality of its products.

The head office of this company is located in Chelyabinsk.The huge annual turnover shows how widespread the products of this company are among people. She was loved by many thanks to the use of natural ingredients. For example, pasta made in a special way only from durum wheat. They do not boil soft and retain useful properties.


Bread, which, as they say, is the head of everything,usually present on every table. It not only satisfies hunger, but also nourishes the body with nutrients. Where do they come from? Just the same from the flour, which is produced by grinding the grains. Each of us knows how useful various grains are to our health. They help strengthen the immune system, cleanse the intestines of toxins, improve the workings of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

flour macfa reviews

Flour "Makfa" manufacturer claimsdeveloped from environmentally friendly components, because, since this company claims to be the best in Russia, it produces only top-quality products. Thanks to the processing and purification technology, the flour does not lose its original properties.

The main thing is that they must perform without obedience.only buyers, but also dealers in retail outlets, - compliance with the terms and conditions of its storage. In case of improper fulfillment of instructions, insects start up in this product. And it is already fraught with poisoning.

It must be remembered that you should not get carried away with flour products for those who are going to lose weight. From this you can gain excess weight and gain obesity.

Wheat flour "Makfa"

Every decent manufacturer always takes care ofyour reputation. He tries to use only quality ingredients in his work, while observing strict control over the implementation of all norms. Flour "Makfa" wheat (top grade) is just a confirmation of this.

Available in packs of one or twopounds. It is very convenient. For those who rarely bake and do not want to store flour for a long time, it is more convenient to purchase a small pack. For others, a package that is twice as large is suitable.

The flour color is snow white. Made from high-quality wheat, it retains all the benefits of cereal.

wheat flour

As you know, the main purpose of this product is baking bakery products, and the described flour is the best for cooking.

Flour "Makfa" reviews receive only positive.Many praise her for the fact that it makes a tender butter dough, and for an airy biscuit, it fits perfectly. Unleavened dough for ravioli based on this flour also turns out fine.

No less important is the fact that it is suitable for baking. The only thing that "Makfa" refers to the highest grade, and not everyone loves bread made from such flour.


"Makfa" - flour, which is considered to be one of the best. It is so finely ground that it is not necessary to sift it before use.

The package says that it does not contain GMOs. This is important because the harm from these additives has an evidence basis. The nutritional value per hundred grams of this product is as follows:

  • proteins -10.3 g;
  • fat - 1.1 g;
  • carbohydrates -70.6 g

A large number of the latter, by the way, may not reflect very well on your figure. Therefore, it is worth a moderate approach to the use of flour products for those who are interested in sports or lose weight.

flour mkfa manufacturer

Хранить муку необходимо в строгих условиях во avoid trouble. If the pack has already been opened, it must be carefully packed. It is completely unnecessary to store it in the refrigerator, it can dampen it. Just put it in the closet. The main thing that he was ventilated, and there was no moisture. The shelf life of this product is twelve months.

Pancakes "Makfa"

maccha pancakes

In addition to the described flour, this manufactureralso produces a mixture for cooking pancakes. Not always the hostess at hand has all the ingredients for the test. Yes, and time is running out. And then - once, and you're done! Only water remains to add. Consider the composition of this product.

Its basis is wheat flour, butsecond grade. Next on the list is deodorized soy flour. After that - salt and sugar. At the last position are the yeast. They are needed to make pancakes more lush. The manufacturer recommends that you add to the mixture water or sour cream. Here everyone decides to your taste.

This product received mixed reviews.Not everyone got pancakes the first time. So, some claim that the composition lacks eggs, because of this pancakes fall apart and do not move away from the pan. Well, perhaps not everyone exactly followed the recommendations written on the package, because many, on the contrary, are satisfied with the finished mixture and claim that it was they who were looking for a long time.

The result

wheat flour macafa top grade

Now we all know about products called"Makfa". Flour, pasta made from it, and pancake mixture - all this is the work of one manufacturer. And since these products are still in great demand among consumers, we can conclude that they have excellent quality.