/ / How to decorate cakes with mastic - step by step instructions

How to decorate cakes with mastic - step by step instructions

No one will argue that everything is on the festive tabledishes should be decorated accordingly. In addition, a beautiful cake with a declaration of love will delight both a woman and a man. How to make a luxurious dessert that will not leave anyone indifferent? In fact, everything is very simple - you can make any ordinary pastry a work of culinary art. To do this, you can decorate the cake with mastic at home, focusing solely on your imagination. If you want to surprise guests or make a sweet gift to your soulmate - read the instructions below.

In order to cook this unusual dessert,You will need 2 packages of cake mix for muffins, a sufficient amount of marshmallow mastic, any red jam, and red and pink food colors. This recipe will tell you how to decorate cakes with mastic.

Step 1 Preparation of the test

how to decorate cakes mastic

Prepare two packages in two different bowls.cake mix for muffins in accordance with the instructions on the package (or make the dough according to your favorite recipe). Add pink food coloring to one part and mix well.

Step 2 Baking

Положите в смазанную маслом форму слой розового dough and evenly distribute. From above - a layer of any red jam. Then put the white dough, the second layer of jam and evenly lay the remaining pink dough on top. Bake according to the instructions for making the cake mix. If you do not have a shape in the shape of a heart, you can cut it from the finished cake.

Step 3 Cooking mastic

Culinary mastic is prepared from marshmallows with the addition of butter. You can make it at home or buy a finished product. One way to cook it is as follows.


  • 1 pack Marshmallow (soft small marshmallows) weighing 150-200 g;
  • powdered sugar mixed with starch - about 400-500 g (sift all the lumps);
  • butter - about 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • milk - 1 dessert spoon.

Put the marshmallows in a bowl and add the milk andbutter. Put in the microwave for about 30 seconds (if your microwave is high power - it may be enough for 10 seconds). Optionally, you can put the bowl in a hot water bath, stirring constantly. The mass will increase in size and begin to melt.

After that add about 70-100 gramspowder, stir until smooth. If desired, you should now put food coloring and flavoring. Gradually add the required amount of powder and mix until the consistency of the dough. You should get a thick mass that can not be stirred with a spoon.

Transfer this mass onto a powdered sugar-coated table, brush your hands with butter and knead the mastic to a plastic state, adding the required amount of powder.

Please note in advance that if you want to performinstructions on how to decorate cakes with mastic, you need a large rolling pin with rings to give the entire mass the same thickness throughout.

Put the mastic on a large chopping board. Start rolling it from center to edge in both directions. When it becomes thin enough, cut the ends with a sharp knife.

The advantage of the mastic is that it provides a very smooth surface and will hide all the irregularities and shortcomings of your cake.

Step 4 How to decorate cakes with mastic: coating its surface

decorate the cake with mastic at home

When everything is ready, spread out the mass on the cake and gently attach, creating a heart shape.


It is advisable to put a thin layer of glaze on top,to help the mastic stick to the cake. Starting from the center to the edges, stretch it over the entire surface of the cake layers. Use a sharp knife to cut out most of the excess amount. Remember that the icing (store cake or homemade) should be light, so as not to disturb the appearance of your dessert.

Step 5 How to decorate cakes with mastic: shaping

As soon as you cover your cake with an even layer of the resulting mass, use a small, sharp knife to cut off all the excess around the edges.

cake decorated with mastic flowers

Step 6 Decoration

With the help of food coloring and confectionerybrushes make on the cake beautiful drawings and inscriptions. You can also transform the dessert by putting beautifully shaped chocolates on it. In addition, you can make a cake decorated with mastic flowers. In fact, your imagination is not limited by anything - you can make any design.