/ / How to cook trout steak: recipes

How to cook steak trout: recipes

Trout - fish is tender, healthy, tasty.And quite expensive. So if there was money for a trout steak, the hostess is faced with the full height of the task of not spoiling him. Fortunately, this fish is simple in preparation and not capricious. And also disposed to culinary experiments (of course, neat and careful). However, there are so many recipes for trout steaks in the oven that you can use already proven options.

with vegetables

Basic recipe

Для начала можно опробовать приготовление рыбы without any frills. Nobody forbids, of course, and just fry it in a frying pan, but the trout in the oven is juicier and tastier. Steaks need to be marinated before being shipped.

can be pre-marinated steaks

To do this, cut off the lemon halves,combined with a pair of tablespoons of olive oil, coarse salt and pepper. Use this mixture to rub the pieces of fish and leave it for a short time, without putting it in the refrigerator. Then each trout steak is laid out on a baking sheet or in a mold at some distance from the others. The fish is covered with washed tarragon with a small addition of sprigs of mint and retracted in a hot oven. Ten minutes later, the steaks are generously sprinkled with white wine and cooked in the oven for another quarter of an hour.

steak in foil

Trout steak in foil

This option sometimes tastes like more. We will not dispute their opinion: really, juicy and tasty.

Large trout portion portion (orbought already sliced ​​carcass). Salt and pepper are mixed in proportions that are dear to the heart of the cook. The mixture is rubbed into fish pieces. Lemon cut circles, and then their halves. In a trout steak, a not very deep cut is made, where the citrus sector is inserted. The baking dish is prostrated with a piece of foil cut with a margin. A little oil is distributed along the bottom of the “basket” of foil. Slices of fish are laid out, between them are halves of cherry tomatoes, sprigs of thyme and rosemary. From above, the workpiece is sprinkled with oil and white wine. The edges of the foil are wrapped in an envelope, and the mold is placed in a preheated oven for about a third of an hour. The optimum temperature of the oven is 150-180 centigrade. The time of roasting the trout steak depends on both the heating and the size of the fish slices.

Note: an interesting flavor and aromatic notes can be obtained if herbs and cherry are added with one or two garlic cloves.

foil trout

Trout Steak: Cream Recipe

Very tasty, quite unusual and easy inperformance. Fish slices are salted and sprinkled with fresh lime juice. You can take a lemon, but it will not be so piquant. One fennel is well washed, thinly sliced ​​and laid out on the bottom of the baking dish. Pieces, too, need a little salt and sprinkle with lime juice. Trout steaks are laid out on top. They should be sprinkled with zest previously removed from citrus. If you like sour food, you can also put a circle of lime on each trout steak, but with this step it is better to be careful.

The form is filled with 10 percent cream.about a quarter of a liter for four fish slices. The stove heats up to 200 Celsius, cooking in it will last about 20 minutes. When serving, you can lightly sprinkle with peas of pink pepper.

Cheese "fur coat"

Another delicious recipe for baked steakstrout Before cooking, they should be salted, sprinkled with lemon juice mixed with olive oil, and allowed to stand for half an hour. Then steaks are laid out on a baking sheet or form. The bottom is either covered with parchment or smeared. On top of the fish is quite thickly placed onion, chopped into half rings. The design is crowned with grated cheese, also not the thinnest layer. Trout will bake until very lightly browned cheese, about a third of an hour. The fish turns out surprisingly gentle and juicy.

Another option "blankets"

Start cooking described in the previous recipe:short pickling in a mixture of citrus juice and vegetable oil and putting fish in shape. But to create a "coat" need other manipulations. Four eggs are well-beaten (per kilogram of steaks), then one hundred grams of mayonnaise is added to them. When the mass becomes sufficiently homogeneous, finely grated cheese is poured into it, grams 100-150. All together again carefully mixed, and you can use the mixer. The fish is poured the resulting composition and retracts in a hot oven for 20 minutes.

"Secret desires"

So the author called a rather original recipe,on which the trout steak is baked with oranges. Preparation begins with them: fruits (two pieces per kilo of fish) are cleaned and cut into circles with the extraction of seeds from them. The form is made of foil, on which the “suns” are laid out. Steaks are placed on them, which are supposed to be thickly lubricated with a special gravy. It is made from two spoons of soy sauce (originally “Kikkoman”, but you can experiment with others), the same amount of mayonnaise, half the dose of spicy mustard and a spoon of natural honey. The cover of the sauce is sprinkled with saffron and allspice. “Secret Desires” should be baked for about 15 minutes, while the oven heats up to 180 degrees.

Small but important secrets

Usually, trout comes to us not fresh, but infrozen form. The first mistake made by many cooks is an attempt to defrost a trout steak under water or in the microwave. This can not be done in any case. Under the tap or in the basin, the fish will become too watery and sluggish, losing a lot of flavor and taste, and will be dry after the oven. After the microwave, the trout becomes loose, there is a high probability of removing almost porridge from the oven, and not whole steaks.

raw trout steaks

Вторая ошибка – передерживание рыбы в духовке.As a result, it loses juiciness, and moreover, it often turns out to be frankly tasteless. Of course, the cooking time depends on many factors: the size and thickness of the trout steak itself, the heating temperature of the oven, the presence / absence of sauce or foil, but in any case it is strongly not recommended to bake for more than half an hour. In most cases, there is less time.

И последняя распространенная ошибка – перебор со spices. If you commit it, you will not be able to spoil the dish completely, but you will lose the charming taste of the trout itself, irrevocably, after scoring it with spices.