"Gourmet" - a chain of restaurants (Dnepropetrovsk)Italian and Japanese cuisine, as well as beer bars, whose popularity is due to affordable prices and favorable location. Each visitor will find a place here that matches his preferences.
All establishments of the restaurant chain "Gurmania" are located in the center of Dnepropetrovsk and are in demand among residents of Dnepropetrovsk and visitors of the city.
"Gourmet" (restaurant chain, Dnepropetrovsk) is not only an excellent cuisine, but also a courteous staff. Almost every institution has a curious history.
Among the seven existing institutions -the Atrium Café-Restaurant, the Bavarius beer restaurant, the Banzai Japanese food restaurant, the Beerhouse beer bar, Japanese cuisine in Kyoto, the Giuseppe inn and the Italian restaurant Portofino.
Gourmet Restaurants
«Атриум» - ресторация, расположенная в самом the heart of the first tier "Bridge-City Center". It serves mainly Japanese and European cuisine. The regulars of the "Atrium" certainly will not miss anything of interest - the lack of walls produces the proper effect: the visitors of the restaurant remain at the epicenter of business and social life. In the central part of the cafe-restaurant "Atrium" is a fountain, and soft colors of the interior are complemented by elements of cuisine in the style of fusion (more about this style - below in the text).

Here, in "Most-City", at the same address,a beer restaurant "Bavarius" is located. This is the realm of connoisseurs of the freshest beer of fifteen varieties, produced by German, English, Danish, Czech brewers, as well as specialists from other countries.
Excellent addition to the foam drink will be crispy wings cooked according to the Bavarian recipe, "draniki" with pearl herring and other snacks.

What is fusion?
Kitchen fusion, promoted by the restaurant "Atrium", is the author's current, the counter of which is harmony and spontaneity. In other words, a combination of seemingly incongruous ingredients.
Fusion consists of the delights of the traditional cuisine of Western and Eastern chefs - French, Chinese, Italians, Japanese, Mexicans and representatives of many other peoples.
The fusion menu can consist of both traditional dishes and unusual combinations. For example, in the salad "Olivier" can be added shrimp, and in beetroot and carrot salad - tangerines.
With the appearance of the kitchen fusion is associated with a lotamazing stories. One of them tells about representatives of two completely different cultures, who, by the will of fate, happened to coexist side by side somewhere in the Hawaiian Islands. According to another version, the cuisine of fusion originated in New York City - a city of dozens of cultures, nations, and destinations.
"Gourmet" (restaurant chain, Dnepropetrovsk): delivery of food to the house and self-delivery
Those wishing to order food at home network administrationrestaurants "Gurmania" offers a coupon that provides a 50% discount on the range indicated in the menu, as well as sushi and pizza.
According to the terms of the current action, all couples will be able to use the coupon and get a 50% discount until May 16, 2017.
"Gourmet" (restaurant chain, Dnepropetrovsk): reviews
Users of the Global Network, who left their feedback about the network of Dnepropetrovsk restaurants "Gurmania", report about pleasant impressions left by the quality of service and excellent cuisine.
Единственным минусом комплекса «ГурманиЯ» (сеть restaurants, Dnepropetrovsk), according to Internet users, is the lack of walls in the restaurant "Atrium". People who ride on an excavator involuntarily consider the visitors of the restaurant, and the latter feel uncomfortable.