/ / How to cook dolma in grape leaves: a recipe

How to cook dolma in grape leaves: recipe

In Russian cuisine is widely known such a dish ascabbage rolls. It is a minced meat wrapped in cabbage leaves. However, many housewives cook and lean cabbage rolls with mushrooms or vegetables inside. But in the Caucasian cuisine the stuffing based on boiled rice is wrapped in grape leaves - fresh or pickled. This dish is called dolma. Small "stuffed cabbage" traditionally cooked in meat broth and served with sour cream sauce, wrapped in grape leaves. Each kitchen has its own secrets of cooking this dish. How to cook dolma, we will tell in our article. You can choose from several interesting recipes, including for the oven and the multicooker.

Features of preparation and recommendations

Most tips from experienced chefs on how to cook dolma come down to preparing the leaves for this dish.

First, they should be collected only in the spring. Old grape leaves are suitable only for putting them on the bottom of the pan during cooking.

Secondly, it is desirable to pickle the leaves in advance in a jar. Then in the finished dish they will be more tender and soft.

Third, be sure to cut hard streaks. They can spoil the taste of the dish.

Leaf marinating for dolma

Dolma pickled leaves

Traditionally for cooking this dish.Salted (pickled) grape leaves are used. But this does not mean that you can go to any shrub and plenty to pick them. Only white grape leaves are suitable for dolma. They should be young, relatively clean, with a glossy surface and without coarse streaks.

Marinating grape leaves is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Plucked leaves from a shrub of a suitable variety (60 pcs.) Are soaked in a bowl of cold water for about 1 hour.
  2. On the stove in a large saucepan, boiling water is prepared for blanching.
  3. After the time has elapsed, the soaked leaves descend into boiling water for exactly 1 minute and immediately transferred to a clean and deep bowl.
  4. On a flat surface, the cooled leaves are stacked in stacks of 10 pieces each. Their edges are bent towards the center. After that, the stack is twisted with a roll and folded into a clean jar of suitable size.
  5. Similarly, the remaining leaves are prepared. They all go to the bank.
  6. Spices are poured on top: dry mustard and salt (1 tsp each), a pinch of ground black pepper. Piles of leaves are filled with boiling water.
  7. The can is closed with a capron lid and sent to a cold place to infuse for three months.
  8. After this time, you can start cooking real dolma from pickled grape leaves.

Cooking fillings for dishes

Cooking dolma at home

It is no coincidence in the Caucasus minced ricewrapped in grape, not cabbage leaves, because they contain a whole mass of beneficial substances for the body. Therefore, at the end of spring, while the leaves are still young and glossy, they are recommended to be collected and marinated in order to enjoy the pleasant taste of this oriental dish in winter.

For classic dolma, you will need 50 pieces of pickled grape leaves and 500 ml of broth. They must be prepared in advance. Further in this sequence the filling is prepared:

  1. Half a cup of rice is poured into a bowl and washed 5-6 times in cold water until it becomes clear.
  2. Pure rice is filled with boiling water and set aside for a few minutes. During this time, it should be well steamed. Or you can cook rice on the stove until half ready.
  3. Onions (2 pieces) are fried in a pan with vegetable oil. As soon as it becomes transparent, steamed rice is added to it. Together with onions, he cooks a few more minutes.
  4. In a separate bowl, 500 g of minced meat (lamb with beef) is mixed with finely chopped parsley, dried basil, mint, salt and pepper.
  5. The meat portion of the filling connects with the rice.
  6. Now you can proceed to the formation of "cabbage".

Technology cooking dolma at home

Features cooking dolma at home

As mentioned above, for this dish should use young grape leaves collected in the spring. They are preserved for the year ahead and, if necessary, used to make dolma.

Grape leaves should be removed hardstalk part. It will only interfere with the formation of "cabbage". If the leaves are damaged, do not rush to throw them. They will be needed for the substrate in the cauldron.

Now you can proceed to the formation of "cabbage":

  1. Spread leaves smooth side down and streaked up.
  2. Putting the stuffing closer to the middle.
  3. Bend inside the bottom of the sheet, and then the sides.
  4. Roll the sheet with a straw.
  5. Similarly prepare the rest of the dolma. From the above amount of minced meat should be 50-60 pieces of products.

On the bottom of the cauldron grape leaves are distributed,and on top the dolma is laid out with the seam down. From above, the “stuffed cabbage” is covered with the remaining leaves and poured with water or broth. As a load, it is recommended to use a flat plate that will not allow products to unfold.

Dolma is cooked on a low heat for about 1.5 hours. 20 minutes after the end of cooking, the dish can be served.

Dolma sauce

Dolma sauce

Unlike traditional cabbage rolls, suchThe oriental dish is stewed not in sauce, but in meat broth or water. And this is quite enough to make the dolma juicy and tasty. But the finished dish is served with sauce, and ideally it should be sour cream. Garlic and greens are added as desired.

The sauce for dolma is very simple:

  1. In a bowl laid out 200 ml of sour cream.
  2. Dill finely chopped.
  3. Garlic is squeezed through a press.
  4. All ingredients are added to sour cream.
  5. The sauce is thoroughly mixed and laid out on top of the dolma. Add salt and black pepper if desired.

Dolma in tomato sauce (from fresh leaves)

Dolma in Tomato Sauce

The next option is cooking a popular Caucasian dish is to perform this procedure:

  1. Fresh grape leaves (60-70 pcs.) Pour boiling water for 10 minutes. After that, they need to pull out of the water and cool.
  2. Rice (100 g) is thoroughly washed several times and boiled until half cooked. You can also pour boiling water on it for 20 minutes, then drain the water, and add swollen grass to the minced meat (600 g).
  3. Finely chopped 1 onion, a bunch of parsley and cilantro.
  4. Minced rice is combined with chopped onions and greens. Salt and black pepper are added to taste.
  5. A spoon of filling is laid out on a wide part of a grape leaf, after which it is wrapped, like a traditional stuffed cabbage.
  6. Formed products are laid out in a pot andpoured sauce. For its preparation, 2 onions are fried in vegetable oil, 6-7 sliced ​​tomatoes, salt and pepper are added. As soon as the tomatoes make juice, pour in 200 ml of broth. Immediately you need to add hops-suneli (2 tbsp. L.) And a few cloves of garlic.
  7. Dolma in grape leaves is cooked for about 45 minutes under a lid on low heat. Served with tomato sauce, in which it was stewed.

Dolma recipe in a slow cooker

Dolma in the multicooker

Kitchen assistant greatly facilitates the life of housewives in the kitchen. It is quite easy to cook dolma in it, as in a thick-walled pot on the stove:

  1. First you need to make the filling. To do this, mix the minced meat (400 g) with the browned onion, washed with raw rice (3 tbsp. L.), Salt, finely chopped greens and a piece of butter (40 g).
  2. Put the stuffing on fresh or salted leaves.Wrap items like traditional cabbage rolls and send them to the multicooker bowl. Distribute dolma in a slow cooker should be layers, and between each of them do not forget to put the pieces of lemon.
  3. Pour the dish with water so that it barely covers the product.
  4. Set the mode of cooking "Quenching" for 90 minutes. After a specified time, the dish will be ready.

Dolma in the oven

Dolma in the oven

Below we offer a recipe for cooking an oriental dish not on the stove, but in the oven:

  1. For dolma taken 5 tablespoons of boiled steamed rice and 300 g of ground beef.
  2. Onions for the filling are pre-pasted in vegetable oil until golden brown. As soon as the vegetable fry cools, it is combined with a rice-meat mass.
  3. To taste, salt, pepper, greens, hops-suneli are added to the filling.
  4. In the middle of blanched boiling water or a salted leaf, prepared minced meat is laid out and wrapped in a roll. Similarly, all products are formed.
  5. Dolma is laid out in a baking dish and filled with water. On top of the dishes covered with a lid or tightened with foil.
  6. In an oven at a temperature of 170 degrees, dolma should be cooked, as on the stove, followed by 1 hour. The finished dish is served with sauce.

Lean dolma

The following dish will help diversify the diet in the post. Homemade recipes for dolma include only rice, herbs and spices. But from this dish it turns out not less nourishing and tasty.

For the preparation of the filling in the panPass onion (2 pieces) into ¼ cup of olive oil. After a couple of minutes, the rice washed in clear water (2 ½ cups) is added to it. Once the oil is absorbed into the grits, you can add water (2 tbsp.) And add salt. Next, the rice will be cooked in a pan under the lid until all the liquid is absorbed. In the cooled mass add green onions, dill, a few mint leaves and parsley. The finished filling wrapped in leaves.

Dolma is laid out in a pot with a thick bottom. Squeeze the juice of two lemons on top and add a cup of olive oil. Dolma is filled with water and sent to the stove for 1 hour.