/ / Chinese Restaurant, St. Petersburg. Restaurant "Harbin", SPb: reviews and photos

Chinese restaurant, St. Petersburg. Restaurant "Harbin", SPb: reviews and photos

Crispy pork ears, tender duck, coveredcrispy crust, noodles in a box and, of course, dim-samy with a thin dough - these are the main preferences of those who fell in love with Chinese cuisine and are well versed in it.

the best Chinese restaurant spb

For lovers of this oriental exoticabe sure to go to the Middle Kingdom. It is very easy to find Chinese restaurants that meet all requirements in St. Petersburg. If you want, you can easily find the addresses. It is enough only to read the numerous suggestions and feedback of people who visited these establishments in order to make the right choice.

Why are Chinese restaurants attractive?

Incredible popularity of such establishmentsuse for good reason. Attracts the majority of visitors colorful (if you evaluate it by the standards of Europeans) design. Restaurants of Chinese cuisine (St. Petersburg) are famous for their coziness. The interior in them is thought through to the smallest detail. Both the furniture and the decorations must be kept in a magnificent oriental style.

По всему залу в них расставлены двухметровые Chinese vases, and the walls are painted with hieroglyphics. In front of the entrance to one of the best Chinese restaurants in this city, the "Habrin" is a reservoir with splashing large fish in it. To get into the hall and plunge into the charm of the Celestial Empire is possible only by crossing the bridge through it. Such decision of designers has appeared very attractive to visitors.

chinese restaurant spb

But the main advantage of these institutions is still inoffered by their kitchen. It is full of amazing exotic dishes, designed for different taste preferences of visitors. The secret of this cuisine, attracting many visitors to the Chinese restaurant (St. Petersburg), is simple enough. Everything is served live and fresh, without even hitting it in the fridge. The second secret is the abundance of spices, spices, sauces and seasonings.

Chinese cuisine - what did she deserve the recognition of Europeans?

Any Chinese restaurant in St. Petersburg is famous for itskitchen and a wide variety in it of various on gustatory qualities of garnishes. Among them the main place is occupied by vegetable. So, to fish it is accepted to serve a very plentiful garnish, put on 2 sides of a plate. With one is with a sweet taste, and on the other - sharp.

restaurants of Chinese cuisine

The number of dishes offered to the visitor, toovery big. Here you will be offered at least 10-12 lunch dishes, which will bring in large bowls. The visitor can only choose the right one and put a small portion on his plate.

To visit such restaurants is and because ofan excellent menu of seafood. All the dishes offered are not only useful and satisfying, but they also have a unique piquancy. Only once ordering soup from shark fins or sea turtle, any person will want to try them again and again.

Great value in the restaurants of the Middle Kingdomdesserts are also given. A pleasant surprise for any European is roasted fruit (pineapples, bananas, apples) in caramel, as well as sugar yarn with egg. And for fans of vegetarian cuisine in the menu of institutions must have both white and black mushrooms.

The popularity of the restaurant "Chinese Literacy" in the city on the Neva

Among the entertainment institutions of St. Petersburgthere is such as the "Chinese Charter". This restaurant is open at Rimsky-Korsakov Avenue, 91. The main emphasis is on the unusual traditions that exist in Chinese cuisine.

Visitors are attracted by the fact that allthe technologies used to prepare dishes in this eastern country are strictly observed by the cook, and that only imported products are used for them. This makes their taste unique and unforgettable, any gourmet will be delighted.

Chinese diploma restaurant

Where, how not in a Chinese restaurant, try swallowing nests, frogs, snakes, dried jellyfish, lotus seeds, sea turtles, sharks fins and much more?

The chain of restaurants "Harbin" - a great place to relax

Restaurant "Harbin" (St. Petersburg) is also rightfully consideredone of the favorite places of Petersburgers. It attracts visitors an original interior, which is made without any frills, but, despite this, immediately creates an atmosphere of relaxation and relaxation.

All restaurants of this network are located nearsubway stations, which is very convenient for customers. In these restaurants everything is done for the convenience of visitors. The halls with magnificent design are perfect not only for a wonderful holiday for all those who wish to plunge into exotics, but also for presentations and corporate events, family celebrations, weddings. Pleases guests of these institutions and excellent pricing policy.

Additional services of the restaurant

Almost the best Chinese restaurant in St. Petersburg -"Harbin" - offers and a number of additional services that have long fallen to all visitors to taste. One of them is organized complex dinners for employees of various companies, which are very close by, thanks to the convenient location of the institution, is very much.

restaurant harbin spb

Also in demand is the service of thisrestaurant, like delivery of meals at home. Anyone who wants to taste Chinese delicacies without leaving home can order not only sushi, noodles or sashimi, but also hot rolls, pork under sweet and sour sauce, salad made from bamboo, and, of course, sake.

Guest Reviews

Everyone who has ever visited this wonderfulinstitution becomes his regular customer. A lot of positive reviews deserved this restaurant, and this, as you know, is the most objective assessment. About the Chinese restaurant of St. Petersburg "Habrin" you can often hear that the best chefs work there, who not only use all the best culinary traditions of the East and West, but they also cook superbly. Many people like the interior and live music. And the overall comfort is underscored not only by the wooden decoration, but also by the calm, muffled light.

Positive opinions of visitors arean excellent visiting card of this institution. No client left the restaurant indifferent. Even those who came here just for the sake of curiosity and broadening their horizons, in most cases become regular customers.

What are the advantages of dining in restaurants in the Middle Kingdom?

Any Chinese restaurant SPb knowingly found its recognition among the residents of the city. In Chinese restaurants to spend evenings with friends, celebrate anniversaries, and just eat very profitably.

Chinese restaurants in spb addresses

The portions of the offered dishes are so large that they can easily be divided into two without any loss of appetite. In addition, the choice is very broad and is designed for any financial opportunities.

Chinese restaurants of the Northern capital are very interesting because they allow you to enjoy the ancient ceremony of tea drinking before eating and approach the culture of the East.