/ / Soy Cottage Cheese: cooking recipes, benefits and harm

Soy bean curd: cooking recipes, benefits and harm

Meet: cheese from soy beans.He is also a bean curd. It is also called tofu, and it is almost one of the most popular products, for example, in China, in the Japanese islands, in many countries of Asia. And also soybean cottage cheese is a real favorite of slimming, vegetarians, fans of oriental cuisine. Let's take a closer look at this product.

bean curd

"Meat without bones"

It is thanks to soy beans (of which, in fact,is tofu), it is considered one of the most nutritious foods containing vegetable protein. It is low-calorie, there is practically no fat with carbohydrates. And the legends about the exceptional useful characteristics of tofu are rooted in the depths of centuries. But even today, bean curd serves as one of the main sources of protein, without exaggeration, for tens of millions of people, therefore, probably, and is called "meat without bones" ...

A bit of history

An excellent reputation for tofu, so high-quality anda very useful product, appeared a couple of millennia ago. For example, in the figure in the tomb of the Han dynasty, dated long before the new era, archeologists discovered a kitchen scene that depicts the processes of making soy milk, as well as tofu. For many, soybean curd is associated with Japanese cooking, but the birthplace of cheese is China. And in the Land of the Rising Sun, tofu arrives about fifteen hundred years ago (for comparison, according to some sources, in the Middle Kingdom, soy products are actively consumed for 25 centuries).

cheese tofu benefit

Who invented it?

Most likely, the Chinese themselves probably do not know,who owns the discovery of tofu. There are several popular myths. Here, for example, one of them. The court cook decided to add to the mashed potatoes from the beans the original substance - nigar (perhaps because of the piquancy of the food). There was a reaction, as a result of which the puree curdled, turning into a resilient, shiny, but tender paste-cream of the color of melted milk. This mixture fell in the soul of the emperor himself and won the hearts of many Chinese. And they called it tofu. By the way, nigari is a concentrated solution of salts with a pleasant smell, which is obtained after heat treatment of sea water (in the language of modern chemists - magnesium chloride, or all the known food additive E511).

Another version

She narrates that a poor Chinese employeeopened the cheese from his despair. The man was honest, never took a "paw," he lacked the means for any food, except for soybean. The Chinese self-evaporated nigari from the sea water, using as a seasoning, and accidentally introduced it into soy sauce. A tofu came out. A man could not afford meat and successfully replaced his food with a new dish. Some time passed and he noticed that his well-being improved, there were forces to live. Since then, bean curd has become popular among people "meat without bone" and has gained immense popularity, turning into an indispensable national delicacy.

Continuation of a story

Later, already from this product, the Chinese learnedprepare a variety of dishes, learned how to store cheese from soy. China in history has experienced various periods, but the beans were cultivated everywhere. And they made tofu from them. Inhabitants of the Celestial Empire and now refer to the cottage cheese, not only as a food. They have since ancient times discovered the curative nature of the product and use it in the treatment and prevention of various ailments.

tofu cooking recipes

Cheese tofu. Benefit

Many know for sure:this cheese is useful, but what exactly are its advantages? Moreover, recently the people are frightened by so-called modified beans at the gene level. It should be noted that soy is a unique plant that is a full-fledged vegetable protein supplier adequate to fully protein of animal origin. Soy contains 9 amino acids, essential for excellent health. Accordingly, they include and tofu cheese. Its use is great: by the number of proteins it surpasses both fish, eggs, and even beef. Therefore, cottage cheese, as a protein concentrate, is considered an ideal product for vegetarians, for fasting, for adherents of a healthy lifestyle. And yet, tofu - a wonderful preventive maintenance against many heart diseases. It is 90% soluble in liquid, and therefore easily absorbed by the human body. Recipes with his participation - a genuine panacea for people with weak digestion. And the most pleasant thing is that in this delicacy there are few calories: in 100 grams only 73!

Tofu. Cooking recipes

In general, the production of a curd resembles the techniqueobtaining cheese from cow's milk. Probably, that's why it was called cheese. The substance is "extracted" by coagulating soy milk (fresh) made from beans. In it add a thickener - nigar, as a rule (sometimes vinegar, lemon juice), mix and heat, then press into dense squares of tofu. Recipes from ancient times have not changed much, the only difference is that today, in order to make soy milk, not the beans themselves, but the prepared soybean powder.

Three types

Как сделать творог из соевого молока?There are 3 types of soy cheese, they are classified according to their consistency level, which is directly related to the content of plant proteins: the drier the final product is, the higher the percentage of proteins. The European Union is accustomed to options more dense and firm. In terms of density, this tofu, rather, resembles "Mozzarella" than cottage cheese, perfectly applicable for cooking roasts, and for goulash, and for grilling. Asians prefer a more watery, soft, so-called cotton. It can be used for cooking 1-course dishes. The most gentle of all varieties is "silk". There are more fluids in it, but it looks like a custard in consistency. Often used in soups, mashed potatoes, sauce, 2 dishes and sweets.

how to make cottage cheese from soya milk

Where to buy?

At us recently too becomespopular cheese tofu. Where to buy a good product? Yes, in any major specialized store or supermarket. Do it not only in Asia, but also in other countries. There is also a Russian cheese. However, the Japanese, for example, are sure that the real curd of tofu is produced only on the corresponding islands - and nowhere else! How to distinguish bean curd from natural at home? After all, at first glance, they are similar. In addition, you could sell the mixture. It is enough to drop a lot of iodine on the mass. Natural cheese does not react, and soy will change the color of the droplet.

"Day of cheese"

And now - dishes with cheese tofu.Recipes for their preparation are quite simple: even an inexperienced mistress will cope. But how much good, and besides, it turns out deliciously and quickly. Perhaps, after trying at least once an oriental delicacy, you will make it appear in your kitchen regularly.

dishes with cheese tofu recipes

  1. Просто творог.We will need: a glass of cool water, a glass of soy flour, two glasses of steep boiling water, half a glass of juice from a lemon (or a pinch of nigari). In a small container, mix the flour + water in a thick paste, add boiling water, mix. Cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Then pour lemon juice (or enter nigari), stir again and remove the pan from the oven. When the cottage cheese mass settles, filter it through the gauze filter.
    how to distinguish bean curd from natural
  2. Soup with tofu and green peas.In slightly salted broth - meat or vegetable - add 1 grated carrot, 2 diced potatoes, herbs-spices and cook on low heat for 10 minutes. add 150 grams of tofu, cut with a cube, chopped leather feather, green peas - fresh or canned. Bring to a boil. Turn it off and let it brew. Served, sprinkled with herbs (you can fill with a spoonful of sour cream or curdled milk). For those who observe strict fasting, soup is brewed on broth from vegetables (sour cream also does not need to be refilled). This dish is good because it is cooked very quickly, but nourishing and healthy for the body.
    Tofu cheese where to buy
  3. Salad with soy cheese.For this food you need to take tofu more firmly, more densely, without unnecessary water. Actually, the salad with soy cheese reminds distantly "Greek", but instead of sour milk ingredient we use soy product. We take a few solid tomatoes fresh and cut them large. Then, the onion and sweet pepper are cleaned and cut into half rings. Tofu is cut into cubes. Olives without stones are cut in circles. Add basil leaves, salt-pepper, mix with all the accuracy and fill with olive oil and lemon juice. The salad turns out to be very similar to the classic and to taste, and in appearance. It is very nutritious and perfectly suited for any festive table. Enjoy your appetite!