/ / How to pickle fat and eat it with a crispy cucumber

How to properly salt and eat it with a crispy cucumber

During the working break it is very convenient to have a hearty and hearty bite so that you do not feel hunger until the evening. But before you eat it, you need to salt it. How to pickle fat?

Why salted lard got thisspread as a snack or as a standalone dish? In terms of the composition of mineral substances and beneficial ingredients, it is not inferior to many products and contains almost the entire composition of minerals, magnesium, potassium, zinc, phosphorus. Animal fats in it belong to the group of saturated fats.

Если сало есть не в момент физических нагрузок or in cold winters, when it is consumed by the body as fuel, then fats settle on cell membranes, and cell sensitivity decreases. There are changes in the production of insulin and leptin. One indicator rises (insulin), and the other decreases (leptin), which leads to an increase in weight and fat deposition in the body. Therefore, before wondering how to properly salt the fat, keep in mind that they do not need to abuse.

Useful properties of fat

First, everything is good in moderation, and secondly, scientificIt is proved that fat is not only useful, it has a good effect on the body. Fatty acids, which are many in fat, are involved in the construction of cells, as well as participate in the formation of hormones and cholesterol metabolism. Fat has a choleretic effect, it is used in toxicology.

Lard binds radionuclides and eliminates themfrom the metabolic process, removing from the body. Doctors do not welcome excessive passion for lard, but it is not necessary to abandon it, if you know how to properly salt the fat and eat it in moderation.

One of the easily digestible unsaturated acids -arachidonic acid is found only in fat and is considered to be fat that is irreplaceable in its value. In fat there is a large amount of selenium. The content of beneficial amino acids in fat (more than 10%) exceeds their number in butter, which increases its biological activity. It becomes 5 times higher than in butter and beef tallow.

При анемии врачи рекомендуют есть сало, кроме In addition, it helps against senile dementia, and is also indicated for epilepsy. If it treats it as a drug and does not overeat, then this is a very useful product, so you need to know how to salt the fat.

The recipe is simple and accessible to everyone.

Fat is important to choose the right.You can not take fat from the peritoneum and back, it is thick. Fat from the ribs, from the sternum is the best, no thicker than 5-4 centimeters, with streaks of meat. It should be soft in the area of ​​the skin, not loose and without lumps, the skin is not thick, easily pierced with a fingernail.

How to salt the fat in Ukrainian?The same as in Russian. Looking for garlic, pepper and salt. Spices to taste. Add bay leaf, cumin or curry. The basic rule of salting salo is to spare no salt and cut it at a thickness of more than 3 centimeters. There is an opinion that fat itself “knows” how much salt it needs and will not take too much. So do not be afraid to oversalt. Improvise, maybe you will have the most original recipe for salting fat, which no one else has.

How to pickle fat:cut pieces of bacon on top almost to the skin. Generously sprinkled with salt, put the sliced ​​slices of garlic (right in the cuts, on top, side, garlic, too, should not be sorry), black pepper (peas or ground), bay leaf and put the pieces in a saucepan, covered with a plate. Put the oppression (jar of water). Cover with a clean towel and leave it for four days. On the fifth, you can clean the knife of excess salt and take a sample. The remainder of the sample is stored in the freezer.

How to pickle fat in the bank?

All the same, only salt is dissolved inchilled boiled water. Salt do not regret, 1-1.5 of water is not less than 6-7 tablespoons of salt. Garlic and pepper peas we press - and in the water, spices to taste. There are chunks of bacon. We put in the refrigerator and gobble up both cheeks in four days.