/ / Variscite: the properties of the stone are magical and curative. Stones by the horoscope

Variscite: the properties of the stone are magical and curative. Stones by the horoscope

The mineral was discovered relatively recently, in 1837year. He received his name "variscite" in honor of a place in Saxony called Varisma. Scientists engaged in mineralogy, call this stone Californian turquoise (for its some similarity to turquoise), anatrix, spherite, chlorluorite. What is variscite? The properties of the stone (magical and curative) we will consider in the article.

Main colors and places of extraction

Variscite is a rare stone thatrefers to aqueous varieties of ammonium phosphate. As a rule, a mineral is formed in caves under the influence of water. It can be found in the form of streaks or stalactites.

The main mineral deposits are located in Brazil, the United States, Australia and Germany.

There are two varieties of variscite, whichdiffer in their chemical composition and color. The first is the green-colored atrix and California turquoise with a greenish-turquoise color. The second variety has many variations of shades, located in a color range from sky-blue to greenish-yellow.

variscite stone properties

California turquoise

In ancient times, the mineral was taken for turquoise and was not distinguished as an independent stone. The very first gem crafts were made in the Neolithic Age and territorially found near Barcelona.

Only after the discovery, in 1837, the mineral was recoveredname and got his deserved place in the jewelry business. When processing, he reveals all his beauty and richness of colors. And the similarity of some varieties of mineral with turquoise gave him another name - "Californian turquoise". Sometimes it is used as a substitute for turquoise itself, which is caused by the rarity of this mineral.

There are several other minerals that are easy toto confuse turquoise variscite. Such a stone is malachite. Sometimes untreated or polished variscite on the color scale, on transitions of shades, on a pattern repeats all features of malachite. One can distinguish minerals from each other only by an experienced gemmologist.

stones on a horoscope

Use in jewelry

The richness of a variety of shades and the possibilityA qualitative treatment made variscite a popular ornamental stone. It looks great and is used to make women's jewelry or various gizmos.

Mineral processing is quite complicated.In nature, almost no large stones. In the jewelry business, variscite is used to make beads, polished plates with an interesting pattern, earrings. Larger specimens of the stone go for small crafts, trinkets or souvenirs.

Since the mineral is a hydrate, that isformed with the participation of water, it is quite soft and pliable. It is easily formed all sorts of scratches, it comes into contact with chemical compounds and deteriorates. Therefore, the storage of jewelry with insets of mineral requires special attention. These products are not recommended to be kept in caskets along with other ornaments, to protect them from chemistry and cosmetics.

If you comply with all these conditions, then jewelry will for a long time please the beauty and rare color overflows.

value of the stone variscite

Variscite as a healing mineral

Later discovery of the mineral for science led toinsufficient knowledge of its properties. But medical research has shown that the mineral has some healing effect. With his help, a person can save himself not only from problems of a high spiritual level, but also from physical ailments.

What can be useful for variscite?The properties of the stone have been studied since its discovery. Experts argue that it will help against prolonged depressions, from nightmares at night and from insomnia. The stone will get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as bed wetting.

Specialists in the treatment of minerals-lithotherapistsuse variscite for the treatment of various diseases associated with nervous disorders. Mineral helps to remove irritability, depressed mood and overall fatigue. The stone also affects the character. His constant wearing makes a person more positive, gives him peace and good disposition towards others.

turquoise variscite

The Magic of the Stone

What else can varicyte help?The properties of the stone are not only curative, but also magical. It is noticed that variscite has a magic influence on spiritual development and creativity. Connoisseurs widely use it for meditation. It is believed that the stone bears a calming effect and allows you to find a balance of the soul, open up new opportunities and talents.

Some mediums with the help of a stone have the opportunity to look into their past lives, rethink their actions, draw appropriate conclusions and influence their future destiny.

It is believed that variscite, magical propertieswhich we consider, brings its owner material and moral benefits, will help to find happiness, luck in business and comfort in the house. The mineral will help get rid of the vices of envy and pride, teach you to be more attentive to the grief of other people, allow you to gain the joy of life and appreciate the most minor, but important for the spiritual development of the little things.

By improving the spirit and aura of a person, the mineral will help to find oneself and make life more interesting and spiritually richer.

variscite magical properties

The value of the mineral in astrology

What is the value of the stone variscite in astrology?Despite the fact that the main types of stone have cold shades and are very similar in color to the sea, the mineral is suitable for people born under the element of Fire. These people are prone to some selfishness and indifference, and the stone is able to soften the character and look at mercy and spirituality.

People have long since seriously approached the issue of choice.talisman, they picked up the stones according to the horoscope. Each sign of the zodiac corresponds to its own stone. For example, for Virgo, this is agate, amethyst. For Taurus - aventurine, quartz. For Cancer - aquamarine, emerald, etc. You can transfer for a long time. Each sign of the zodiac has its own characteristics. And it does not mean at all that if agate is ideally suited to Virgo, then it is absolutely impossible to wear it to the Lions. It is just necessary for everyone to individually approach the question, which stones according to his horoscope to choose. And what are the signs of the zodiac suitable varists?

People with astrological signs Aries, Leo orSagittarius mineral will help get rid of their desire to redo everything for themselves and benefit from everything to their advantage. It will bring good mineral and people with other signs of the zodiac, especially if they feel some connection with the stone, and it feeds them with spiritual energy.

But now the Pisces will not acquire and wear a variskit.follows. Being naturally sympathetic, kind and compassionate people, they do not need to strengthen these qualities. Otherwise, the good may take an obsessive form.

varistsit who suits

Varistsit: who is suitable?

All people whose profession is related to spiritualby mentoring or helping others and animals, they will find support and strength in amulets and talismans made of variscite. Products made of mineral can be advised to priests, teachers and educators, medical workers and lawyers, anyone who is involved in working with people, on whom their destinies, well-being and health depend.

All the properties of the variscite mineral have not yet been studied.But thanks to its properties to give good, warmth and discover new opportunities, the mineral is gaining its popularity. The variety of shades of color and beauty of the pattern made this stone noticeable for jewelers, and it is becoming increasingly recognized among lovers of rare and original jewelry.

Now you know what a variste is. The properties of the stone (healing and magical) we discussed in the article. We hope that this information will be useful to you. Be healthy!