/ / Dream Interpretation: jealousy as a forerunner of events

Dream Interpretation: jealousy as a forerunner of events

A lot of interesting information about our nightVisions can tell such a book as a dream book. Jealousy is a phenomenon that often accompanies us not only in life, but also in dreams. And this vision has a lot of interpretations - therefore it is worth telling in brief about each.

dream book jealousy

Miller's Book of Interpretations

Одним из самых правдивых считается именно этот dream book. Jealousy, as the book says, is a symbol of influence. If a man in a dream experiences this feeling in relation to his beloved - this is a bad sign. He usually says that dreamers have an influence on the dreamer.

When a girl dreams that jealousy for hershows her young man - this is good. It means that in a short time she will get the best of her principal rival. And this is not always about relationships. Maybe the dreamer is actively competing at work with her colleague. In this case, you should gather your strength and make a breakthrough, and then victory will be just around the corner.

Если женщину в её сне сильно ревнует муж – это к quarrels. And they can destroy the well-being that has lined up over the years. But when she herself feels this feeling in relation to her lover, one should expect unpleasant surprises in real life. It may turn out that the person she truly loves has lost interest in her and has long been carried away by another.

dream book jealousy in a dream

Modern dream book

Jealousy, a dream for a man, according to this book of interpretations means that in his real life he communicates with superficial people who are not worthy of his attention.

In general, they say that this feeling isa reflection of various problems that tend to relate to the dreamer's relationship. But do not think that they are treason, for example, or lies. This may be the usual insult, lost somewhere in the depths of the soul, for example.

А вот чувствовать во сне ревность, но не to show it - to the stormy exploring of the relationship in reality. But overall, the meaning of the vision is good. So says the dream book. Jealousy in a dream in this context means that in reality, after the resolution of long-standing issues, peace will come.

 dream book jealousy in a dream to her husband

Details of the vision that must be considered

Безусловно, немало интересного может рассказать dream book. Jealousy, however, is a generalized concept, and to fully understand what this vision foreshadows, it is necessary to take into account the details. So, for example, if a woman saw her husband expressing claims to her and not being shy, as they say, unreasonably “dripping on the brain” is to petty troubles in real life. And they will not only concern the family.

But when a girl is jealous of her chosen oneNeighbor - to quarrels and disassembly. If a man saw in a dream how his beloved communicates with another, and he felt a strong attack of jealousy, then it is time to become more self-confident. This advice gives a dream book.

Ревность во сне к мужу обычно не беспочвенна – experts say so. And even if the chosen one of the dreamer really attracts the attention of potential rivals, she should not worry. He is not going to change. And it’s better for a girl to stop being jealous - this may in the end offend her chosen one. Men often perceive this feeling as distrust.

dream book jealousy in a dream to a guy

Other interpretations

It should also be noted thattells the English dream book. Jealousy in a dream to the guy usually reflects the mental state of the girl. Perhaps she feels that she has been left aside. It is possible that in real life it is accompanied by a sense of uselessness or inferiority.

If jealousy in a dreamer does not manifest itself andhe experiences it within himself - then it is to the fulfillment of desires. But to show it in relation to someone (not necessarily to the other half) - to trouble and great anxiety. By the way, if a dreamer is engaged in business in real life, then such visions can be prompted by unforeseen circumstances related to work. There is a risk to get bogged down in debts or incur losses.

By the way, the wanderer’s dream book says that ifthe girl sees how the one with whom she currently has a relationship shows jealousy towards her, this is a very good sign. So, the feelings in the pair will only get stronger. And the relationship is likely to come to a new level. But the main thing is that the one who is jealous should not have tears in his eyes or hysteria. This is not good. Such a vision usually means that the dreamer unwittingly offended a loved one and did not even suspect it.