/ / Milada: the meaning of the name and its characteristics

Milada: the meaning of the name and its characteristics

Increasingly modern people are turning their attentionon rare and beautiful names. This is not surprising, because for their beloved child, parents want to choose a name that could fully emphasize his individuality. The important point in the selection process, however, is not only beauty, but also the meaning of the name, since all these factors influence the life and character of a person.

Milada: Name Meaning

The name of Milad: meaning, origin, name

This ancient Slavic name is stillpopular in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Serbia. In the Russian lands it was common in the pre-Christian period, since all the names with the presence of the Slavic goddess of love Lada in them were highly esteemed. Despite the fact that, at first glance, this name consists of two - Mila and Lada, it is quite independent. “Sweet and beautiful” has the name Milada meaning. The origin is also sometimes associated with the Islamic male name Milad, his female form Milada means “birthday”. The names of Milad are not celebrated, since this name does not appear in Orthodox and Catholic conventions.

The meaning of the name Milad, for girls and women

Characteristics of the name

That Milade is patronized by the goddess of love,defines the main character traits of the name. Milada strives to be a leader in everything, from an early age she is aware of her beauty, while possessing a strong, purposeful and decisive character. Therefore, as a rule, it achieves its goals, using all means to achieve them. Despite some traits inherent to the male character, Milada, the meaning of the name of which in the first place is “sweet,” deservedly enjoys the love of other people, since it has a truly feminine charm and coquetry. Mila appreciates friendship, for those close to her, she is capable of much and expects a similar attitude in return. Being an aspiring person for self-improvement, she is equal to strong people with a high status, so she quickly moves up the career ladder and achieves high results in the profession.

Milada: Meaning of Name, Character and Destiny

The meaning of a name for a girl

Sweetheart grows as a universal favorite, kind andsociable girl pleases parents with obedience. The artistic nature of Mladka is already manifested in kindergarten, she loves to be in the center of attention, therefore she speaks with pleasure at matinees and concerts. The girl is open and not in conflict, she is friendly with other children and finds a common language, so the caregivers have no problems with her. At school, Mila studies well, although humanitarian subjects are easier for her. Getting older, more often begins to use its natural charm Milada. The value of the name helps her in this, in the company of her friends she is always the undisputed leader, who is equal to and imitated. Mila takes an active part in school life, especially when it comes to organizing school concerts, plays and evenings. Despite her popularity with peers and the love of teachers, she is not arrogant, so her friends are real.

The name of Milad: Meaning, origin

The value of the name for a woman

Повзрослев, Милада становится настоящей beautiful, and, knowing the price of envy, she is less open in communication. Her persevering nature gains firmness, which helps in overcoming obstacles to the goal of life. Adult Milada is responsible and hardworking, besides, she strives to be the best in everything that she undertakes, therefore she is a professional in her field. Attractive and charming Milada, the meaning of whose name confirms this, has no shortage of fans, but takes her second half very seriously. Chosen Mila will be endowed with all the qualities that she wants to see in her man, because, possessing the natural talent of the manipulator, she will help the beloved to achieve the ideal. Mila is very devoted both in friendship and in love, she gives herself without reserve to her beloved person, but woe to the one who betrays her trust. For forgiveness, this person can not count.


It's hard to say in which sphere is your favorite skyMilada, whose name has given her many talents, can achieve better results. Everything will depend on her wishes. If Milada strives for something, she achieves this and becomes the best. As a creative and artistic persona, Milada can become a great actress, singer, dancer or artist. However, her sociability and natural ability to understand people can do a good job if Mila decides to become a doctor, a psychologist, a teacher, or a public figure.

The name of Milad: Meaning, origin, name

Family relationships

Milada will become a loving and caring wife, in the houseshe, as in everything, order. She is smart enough not to bring everyday disagreements to serious conflicts and skillfully smooths out sharp corners. As a true woman, Mila unobtrusively manipulates her husband without affecting the male ego, so he is absolutely sure that he is the main one. Milada is a real keeper of the family hearth and for the happiness of loved ones is ready to move mountains. But if the husband loses her trust, a proud and self-aware woman will permanently wipe him out of her life.

Milada: the meaning of the name, character and fate

Fate is very kind to Milada, because,Possessing such excellent qualities as perseverance, diligence and foresight, she is perfectly arranged in life. Her sometimes hard-manly character helps the winner out of difficult situations and, in case of failures, does not allow her to give up. The charm of women and the wisdom of Milada provide her family happiness. Envious people can say that everything comes to her easily, without thinking about what serious work this woman does every day in order to achieve perfection in everything she undertakes. And Fortune, as you know, loves persevering and hardworking.

Name of melad

From the above we can conclude thatmainly positive qualities gives its owner the value of the name Milad. For a girl and a woman whom she will become over time, this name, which carries the power of the goddess of love, is an excellent choice.