/ / How to plunge into the ice hole at Baptism: rules, advice. Bathing in the hole in the baptism

How to plunge into the hole at Epiphany: rules, advice. Bathing in the ice hole at Epiphany

Orthodox people celebrate Baptism on January 19,or Epiphany, and on the eve, the 18th, celebrate the Epiphany Christmas Eve. Among the believers there is a popular tradition - to swim on this day. How to plunge into the hole in the baptism, so as not to harm their health? With this question we will try to figure it out.

Baptism - an important event in the Orthodox religion

On this day, believers celebrate two events at once.the history of religion - the baptism of the Son of God by John the Forerunner in the waters of the river, which was called Jordan, and the appearance of the Trinity of God, that is, the Epiphany. It is said that from the moment of baptism Jesus Christ’s exit to people began.

how to dip into the hole for baptism

Epiphany completes the cycle of Christmasholidays and requires special preparation. Just as a strict fasting is observed before Christmas, so on the eve of the Epiphany it is necessary to adhere to the same strict Epiphany Eve.

Bathing in Jordan - Healing the Soul and Body

For the holiday make a hole in the shape of a cross andcalled "Jordan", was the name of the river in which Jesus was baptized. On the night of January 19, absolutely all the water becomes holy, even from the tap. But on this day, believers still go to church in order to sanctify it and light a candle. Epiphany water is used to cure diseases, strengthen morale and physical strength, remove the evil eye and damage. Holy liquid can wash or drink in small sips. She sanctified housing with all possessions, as well as a stable, which contains livestock. But dipping a hole in baptism is an optional procedure, especially if a person is not ready for it morally or physically. This step should be approached consciously and with faith in the heart.

bathing in the hole for baptism

Diving in the hole in the baptism - an act thatnot everyone can commit. First, it is very difficult to withstand frost and icy water, even from a psychological point of view, and secondly, some believers are forbidden to do this for health reasons.

How to plunge into the hole in the baptism?By this procedure is meant a threefold ablution, not necessarily with a head. Before that, you must cross and say a prayer, traditionally this is “Our Father”.

What happens to a person's body during dipping into ice water

Bathing in the hole in the baptism is possible even withoutspecial tempering procedure. The human body is accustomed to occasional cold weather, which allows it to endure a low temperature. It is very important to prepare yourself morally before swimming in the baptism in the hole, and also to comply with all safety regulations. Next, consider what the main processes occur in the human body during immersion in cold water.

plunge into the hole in baptism

  • As soon as the human body comes into contact with icy water, the central part of the brain instantly awakens, its work is enhanced.
  • Ultra low temperature perceived by the bodylike a lot of stress. Basically, this situation has a positive effect - anesthesia occurs, a spasm occurs, inflammation is relieved, and swelling is reduced.
  • When immersed in water, the body temperaturereaches forty degrees. At first glance, this is very bad, but in fact there is no harm from it. Such a temperature lasts just a few seconds, and during this short time various microbes, harmful bacteria, viruses have time to die in the body.

For whom is such a mystery a taboo?

How to plunge into the hole in baptism, so as not todo yourself any harm? Before you go swimming, you need to consult with your doctor. After all, there are many people for whom such events are taboo. There are various diseases in which bathing in the hole in the baptism is strictly prohibited, as this can be fatal.

swim for baptism in the hole

These include the following pathologies:

  • hypertension, angina pectoris - high pressure is fraught with a sudden sharp narrowing of blood vessels, which can lead to such serious consequences as myocardial infarction or stroke;
  • hypotension (low pressure) - a sudden change in temperature is fraught with fainting, after which a person’s life is completely dependent on rescuers and physicians;
  • inflammatory diseases of upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, ears);
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • epileptic seizures, head injuries, atherosclerosis;
  • neuritis, polyneuritis;
  • high blood sugar levels, thyrotoxicosis;
  • eye diseases;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system (tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma);
  • inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • digestive diseases (ulcer, enterocolitis, hepatitis);
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • allergic reaction to cold.

Pluses of winter bathing

After hardening the body with cold, it is worth noting such positive points:

  • a surge of energy;
  • increased working capacity;
  • the disappearance of various types of allergic reactions;
  • blood circulation improvement;
  • elimination of back and joint pains;
  • the disappearance of depression;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • reduction of symptoms of bronchial asthma.
    how to swim for baptism in the hole

Cons of winter swimming

It should be remembered that at the same time with pluses there are often disadvantages:

  • breathing becomes frequent and deep;
  • there is a very fast heartbeat, there is a greater likelihood of developing arrhythmias, hypertension;
  • significantly increases blood sugar levels, which can trigger the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • blood cholesterol increases, which is fraught with atherosclerosis;
  • immunity against oncology is suppressed;
  • violated the protective functions of the body, aimed at combating seasonal influenza viruses and ARVI.

General principles of hardening

If you decide to temper your body, you need to remember that in this case a huge role is played by three factors: air, water and sunlight.

There are a few common simple rules:

  • hardening procedures should be carried out daily, about twice a day;
  • reduce the temperature of air and water should be gradually, you can not make sudden transitions;
  • each time it is recommended to increase the duration of the procedure;
  • in the case of a mild form of the disease, it is not necessary to stop the procedures, simply increase the water temperature and decrease the duration of the event;
  • if you are seriously ill, you must temporarily cancel the procedure, but not more than a week. If the break was longer, then you need to start all over again.
    diving into the hole in baptism

Key recommendations

Как окунуться в прорубь на Крещение?Now we will try to deal with this issue. If you decide to plunge for the first time, then decide why you need it. It is good if this is true faith, but many commit the sacrament for company with friends or because they have lost the argument. It is necessary to enter the hole only with true faith and a short but sincere prayer. Words that are addressed to God must come from a pure heart, and charge water with enormous power (at least, the Orthodox believe in this).

  • Идеальным местом для купания станет прорубь, the depth of which is not more than 1.8 meters. The place for the baptism of the sacrament must meet all safety standards, because human lives depend on it. You can swim only in the presence of lifeguards. The hole should be fenced in order to avoid accidental falling into the water.
  • It is forbidden to plunge unheated.Before you step into the water, be sure to warm up thoroughly. Having undressed, wave our hands, we do squats, bends and other simple exercises. The body should be hot, but not sweaty.
  • To the hole must be approached in a comfortable shoe that is easily removed. Ideally, it may be warm fur boots or wool socks. It is important that the sole is non-slip.
  • Before you start immersion in water, you should check the ladder for strength and stability.
  • For reinsurance the hole should be lowered.strong thick rope, one end of which is fixed on the shore. If a person finds it difficult to climb the stairs, the rope will serve as a safety net.
  • It is best not to dive with your head to avoid the reflex constriction of cerebral vessels.
  • You can not jump into the hole in the front head. Immersion should start with the feet.
  • It is not recommended to swim in the hole. Entering the water, you need to dip around the neck three times and immediately get out.
  • It is not recommended to be in the water for longer than one minute. This is fraught with general hypothermia of the body.
  • After bathing, immediately wipe yourself dry.a terry towel and put on warm clothes. It should be the minimum number of rivets, buttons, hooks, laces, various fasteners - you need to get dressed quickly, until the body is overcooled.
  • It is recommended to drink a cup of hot tea or coffee.But the use of alcohol in the cold is strictly prohibited, and both before and after dipping into the water. Alcohol has the ability to expand vessels, but it also increases heat consumption. To put it simply, this means that the first half hour after drinking the intoxicating drinks may actually become warmer, but then the opposite effect occurs, and a person has many chances to catch a cold seriously. And it is not recommended to smoke. Nicotine interferes with blood circulation, which increases heat consumption.
    dipping in the hole in baptism

What to take with you?

  • Terry towel and warm bathrobe.
  • Comfortable non-slip shoes.
  • Dry warm clothes.
  • Swimsuit or swimming trunks.
  • Thermos with tea.
  • Willpower and desire.

Ten rules that can not be neglected

On the basis of the above information, it is possible to distinguish the rules of bathing in the hole for baptism, which in no case can be neglected:

  • consultation with a doctor;
  • the right choice of the hole;
  • availability of all necessary things;
  • warming up before dipping;
  • refusal to dive with the head;
  • adherence to time in water;
  • the use of warm warming drinks;
  • abstaining from alcohol.

If the very thought of bathing causes horror - then you should not do this. Do not forget to pray. Let this bathing bring you only the desired cleansing and benefits.