/ / What is the dream of gold earrings or How to manage your life?

Why gold earrings or how to manage your life?

The fact that diamonds are the best girlish friends, the whole world knows. Women say it proudly and almost arrogantly, and men - gritting their teeth and turning their wallets inside out.

what dreams of golden earrings
Especially greedy ladies see diamonds even indream, and usually attached to them a beautiful prince on a black “Ferrari”. Such a dream hardly foretells any bad events and, most likely, shows the character of the dreamer more than the future predicts. But what to expect from tomorrow if you dream about gold? Is such a dream good? Gold earrings to see - what?

It all depends on the context.

Treat this dream exclusively positively.it is impossible, and its meaning depends largely on the context. It is considered that gold as a whole dreams of great success, but a man who dreamed the above-mentioned jewelery should not expect anything good from the future. This dream suggests that soon he will have to face an extremely important matter. Perhaps it will be something like buying a diamond necklace for your passion.

Gold is that equally pleasant both in life and in sleep

Many women think about what dreams of gold earrings, especially if they saw such a dream on the night from Thursday to Friday.

dream gold earrings
You might think that the dream is prophetic, and soon youthe happiness comes in the form of two cute little earrings, but the value can be much deeper. Such a dream may mean that your boss is planning to raise you or increase your salary. Also, gold earrings, seen in a dream, can be an omen of a pleasant acquaintance with a successful and handsome young man. But why dream of gold earrings young and busy girl? This may mean a quick marriage. But you need to be careful - marriage can be for mercenary purposes. If a woman dreams that she preens in front of a mirror and puts on earrings, it can mean the closeness of a beautiful novel. In any case, you should also try to remember exactly how much gold was on the earrings. The greater part of them was cast from precious metal, the more luck means this dream. That's what dreams of gold earrings!

Does wealth always bring good luck?

However, not always a dream like this will meansomething good. Here you can draw an analogy with real life. If at least superficially acquainted with world history, it is impossible not to notice that the majority of human ills occurred precisely because of the infinite wealth. The same is observed in a dream.

find in a dream gold earrings
For example, if earrings in a dream were presented - this is togood luck, but if you lost - then wait for trouble. But why dream of gold earrings that you sell to someone? Perhaps this promises the loss of a close friend or loved one, and in general does not mean anything good. There is another very interesting interpretation of what such a dream can mean. The golden earrings that a woman’s rival asks for a woman may mean that there is a potential danger that a man will leave her mistress. Just to keep the decoration in a dream - to a valuable acquisition, but to drop the earrings is undesirable. This is considered a sign of losing a valuable item or important contact.

Nothing predicts the future better than the diary.

A valuable find in life, as in dreams, is alwaysto a good mood. Finding golden earrings in a dream means finding a good friend in the near future. They say that this is exactly the symbol of favor of fortune. Perhaps, the person who saw such a dream will get rich very soon or get one of the leading positions in his company. But to find and lose in a dream gold earrings is a rather neutral symbol. Maybe something good will come to you as easily as it leaves. However, you should not get upset in advance - we still believe our own fate. You can pay attention to the dream, but you can not allow him to manage his intentions and decisions. Always be guided by common sense, and then happiness will come to you.