The human brain is designed so that it seeksa logical explanation for any event occurring around us. But when there is simply no such explanation, everyone begins to think about the "nonrandomness of chance". For example, many people, looking at the clock, see the values that are of interest to them. It can be the same numbers or their mirror image. On the one hand, in the coincidence of numbers there is nothing surprising, but for our subconscious it is something more than just a numerology of time. Since ancient times, people have attributed to the clock many mystical meanings, and it is still believed that the subconscious mind thus tries to draw our attention, to convey an important message, to warn about the danger.
At least once in a lifetime, every person, fleetinglylooking at his watch, he could see coincidences. Not everyone pay attention to this. Some believe that such signs bring good luck, while others immediately begin to look for the interpretation of what they saw. But if one and the same meaning starts to follow a person, then this says about one thing - the higher forces are trying to convey an important message, and it is more serious to treat it.
What does time mean
Each person can have similar associate with anything, he himself consciously fits them into the framework of his worldview. For some, the numerology of time is more connected with psychology, for others it is the intervention of mystical forces and magic. It all depends on the person himself, on his views on life. Such a study as numerology is actively studying this phenomenon. All his life a person is faced with numbers, they accompany him constantly. Many of the numbers are still widely known by people for many years, for example, the number of the devil or the damn dozen.
Считается, что некоторые совпадения чисел несут в Mystical sense, they are not accidental. Time numerology has long been engaged in the search for the value of numbers, and this also applies to combinations of time values. With the help of this science, we can determine what exactly time is trying to tell us.
The figure "one" is associated with energy, so itsconstant repetition may mean that a person will need to engage in self-development, to pay attention to his personality. But this is not the only meaning. If a person tries to achieve results in his business, the repetition of the unit may indicate the need to become less egocentric and improve his attitude towards people.
The number two means confidence and stability inrelationship and feelings. Therefore, when a person often encounters repetitive twos on his watch, this means that his temperament is rather contradictory. There is a chance that it is better to balance some character traits. If this is done, a person will be able to more rationally look at the world, stop making decisions based on fleeting emotions. So if a person has seen the time of 21:21, then this may apply to both the unit and the two, depending on what time he sees next or saw it before.
Что касается троек, то они являются связующим link between past, present and future. Therefore, the numerology of time indicates that the frequent occurrences of this number on the clock inform the person that it is time for him to seriously think about the future, perhaps now the prospects and opportunities that await him in the future are being determined.
Diligence and health are reflected in the number of "four".Fives are associated with excitement and adventure, so they can warn about the dangers. In principle, these are the main numbers that are worth paying attention to.
Mystical manifestation of numbers
Explain the phenomenon of constant repetition.time on the clock, from a practical point of view is almost impossible. According to many psychologists, this is simply human suspiciousness or an increased concentration in any business, because of which biological clocks work, provoking a person to distract from him. In any case, 11:11 is a time that attracts attention, like many other matching values. It has already been repeatedly confirmed in practice that one can intuitively pay attention to the images, including the time on the clock, in order to connect with the subconscious mind. After all, it tries to warn or protect us in this way.
The most common time values
Mostly people pay attention to repetitive, paired and mirror numbers. Numerology in time on the clock can tell a lot, the main thing - just pay attention to the messages.
00:00 - midnight has always been considered a hoax time. It is during this period that people celebrate the New Year, it is believed that the desire made at that time will come true. Also, according to beliefs, it is at this time that all evil spirits manifest. It is also believed that if a person at that particular time paid attention to the clock, then his old desire should soon be fulfilled.
01:11 - it is considered that if a person has noticed this particular time, then he needs to carefully consider all the incoming offers, and they will definitely be. Most likely, they will offer an intelligent case that will bring profit and something good to life.
eleven:11 - precautionary time, it speaks about the possibility of falling under the influence of another, stronger person, or about the possibility of becoming dependent on something. Therefore, you should take a closer look at later life and prevent this event, as it is unlikely to have a positive impact on you.
Time 21:21 says that a person is haunted by the ghosts of the past, perhaps, a meeting with an old acquaintance will take place soon.
12:12 - connected with success in love affairs.If a person looks at his watch at this particular time, then this means that positive changes in the relationship will occur in his life. If you do not have a pair, then soon you will meet her.
13:13 - time is also considered an important warning. The damn dozen says that a person should be alert - someone from his environment or enemies intends to make his cunning step, and the intrigue is already emerging.
Positive time numerology 18:18 - happiness and joy, a person will have a great mood in the near future.
22:22 - the combination of so many couples speaks about new acquaintance, in some interpretations it portends a holiday romance soon.
00:07 - can also become a significant symbol, the association with spy games will be the reason for your subconscious to inform about surveillance and observation.
01:23 - it means that now is a turning point in life, and it’s just time to lay the foundation for future happiness.
All these coincidences can carry secret meaning, butmay just be an accident. The main adviser in this matter is intuition, she can tell you whether to pay attention to this or that event. In any case, even the smallest hint of the subconscious will help to make the right choice, and this will have a positive impact on later life.