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What to do to not make a bad dream come true?

Anyone to restore strength and energyrequires a full long sleep (at least 8 hours). As you know, being in the arms of Morpheus, people have the opportunity to see dreams. Dreams can be good and bad, in addition, they tend to come true. Having a bad dream is a little fun, and its realization is worth avoiding. What to do to not make a dream come true? Let us consider this issue in more detail.

Dream interpretation

Belief in dreams has come into modern society sinceancient times. Studying dreams began in ancient Greece and India. The accumulated knowledge and observations were poured on paper, so already in the II century, a Greek researcher named Artemidus compiled the first dream book.

what to do to prevent the dream from coming true
Modern dream books are in many ways different fromfriend, this discrepancy is easily explained: the fact is that all dream books are nothing more than a collection of descriptions of certain consequences of what happened in a dream, brought to life. Anyway, each person goes his own life path, in his path there are various factors and events. Therefore, there is no specific pattern of repetition of the situation.

Varieties of dreams

A dream can occur at various stages of sleep: during a nap or deep sleep. Also dreams are good and bad, color and black and white. The special categories include prophetic.

Bright and colorful dreams are more often remembered,as a rule, they are associated with positive life expectancy expected in the future. Black and white - dull and gray, do not bode well; dark colors, on the contrary, are an indicator of a negative.

what you need to do to a bad dream did not come true
Many people prefer to consider all dreams prophetic,each event that occurred is considered to be a certain signal. Naturally, everyone prefers that only a good dream come true. In turn, questions arise about what to do to prevent the dream from coming true. The debate about this topic is not closed to this day, so there is no single opinion.

Are prophetic bad dreams

Horror and nightmares have a negative effect on the overallpsychological state of man. Nervousness, lack of proper rest, depletes the body, so bad dreams are not only a signal, but also a harbinger of negative events in life.

what to do to make a bad dream come true
Sometimes there is a feeling of deja vu, when what happened has already happened in a dream, this means that fate presents some signs that you should look at.

Bad dreams are considered harbingers of disease,deaths and other negative life losses. Specialists in parapsychology agree in one opinion that thoughts are material, therefore, when thinking and thinking about the events of sleep, the person himself unconsciously models their realization.

The first and main recommendation on the question of what to do so that a bad dream does not come true is to avoid the appearance of bad sleep, namely, to ensure a good rest for the body.

Fighting bad dreams scientifically

From a scientific point of view, the occurrence of bad dreams can have a number of reasons:

  • Psychological condition - factors such as depression and nervous breakdowns contribute to sleep disturbance.

  • The awkward position during sleep - in variousposes can squeeze various organs (respiration, blood circulation, etc.), the organ that causes pain and discomfort sends impulses to the cerebral cortex, which in turn gives a reaction in the form of a nightmare in a dream.

  • Physiological problems of the body, which are caused by improper diet and disease, are also able to create discomfort during sleep.

What you need to do to sleep did not come true
The main guideline of traditional scientificmethods about what you need to do to sleep did not come true, is a psychological attitude. If it already happened that an unpleasant dream had a dream, then you should not focus on it and think about its interpretation. If such dreams are repeated, then it is in the power of each person to add a positive to your own dream, for example, to dispel darkness with the sun, and prevent quarrels with dear people by presenting an unexpected gift.

The well-known scientist Sigmund Freud dealt with the question of the psychological interpretation of dreams, he is one of the few who paid attention to the special manifestation of phobias and fears during sleep.

What should be done to sleep did not come true?We need to soberly analyze it. Sometimes the accumulated nervous tension and the most frequent thoughts are poured out in a dream, and sometimes there is even inspiration, which is the answer to the question.

Popular methods: how to avoid the embodiment of bad dreams

what should be done to make the dream not come true
Innovative methods of what to do, so that the dream did not come true, appeared quite recently. But the popular practice of the councils gathered over the centuries is also very effective.

There are such ways that you need to do to a bad dream does not come true:

  • Dreamcatcher - before such attributes were made by hand, now this accessory can be purchased in many stores.

  • Do not tell anyone about this dream.

  • Water is considered one of the cleansing agentswhich is able to clear and carry away troubles. On the night before the bed, a vessel with clean water is put (every day the liquid changes), it is necessary to wash in the morning, start talking, wash off all the negatives that have had a dream.

  • Believers always pray before bedtime, very often an icon is placed in the bedroom and a church candle is lit.

There are many other ways that, according to tradition, relieve a person from bad dreams.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday

It is believed that the dreams of every dayweeks have a certain meaning. Dreams seen at night from Thursday to Friday are considered to be prophetic, they can be fulfilled for 3–4 months, the probability of incarnation is more than 50%.

From a scientific point of view, this phenomenon is explained by the fact that at the end of the working week, emotional stress spills out in the possible ways of playing events in a dream.

Another interesting hypothesis:Friday is the patroness of Venus, so feelings and situations that have arisen in a dream tend to come true. It is worth noting that, according to beliefs, it is on Friday night that young people may dream of being condemned. Venus is the patroness of feelings, therefore only those relating to love and personal relationships are considered prophetic dreams, all other events are not taken into account.

what to do to make the dream come true on friday
Tips on what to do to prevent dreams from coming true on Friday are no different from those listed above, so we will not re-pay them attention.

A dream that I don’t remember

Случается так, что именно произошедшее во сне flew out of my head, but there was an unpleasant aftertaste. Should we expect trouble after such dreams? Such dreams only indicate that the person has some problems with the choice, so he should seriously think about this issue and dwell on one version.

In order to eliminate the possibility of poor sleep,first of all you need to work on yourself morally, happy people are strong in spirit. Dreams become prophetic only when a person wants them to come true, everybody is able to change his destiny and set the right direction, regardless of what was previously designated. There are quite a few people in the world who are concerned with what needs to be done to prevent a bad dream from coming true, but there is no consensus. In addition, there are no guarantees that this or that method will eliminate problems. All dreams are prophetic, as in a dream thoughts can be expressed and hidden wishes come true, the consequences of which can manifest themselves in real life.