/ How to summon the spirits of the deceased? And is it even possible?

How to summon the spirits of the dead? And is it even possible?

How to summon the spirits of the dead?Probably, many such question will seem more than strange. People who belong to this category will smile skeptically and will notice that they do not believe in any mysticism in principle, and they consider the spiritual sessions to be nothing but fiction, which has replaced children's tales.

However, we would not be so categorical in ourbecause even science sometimes encounters inexplicable phenomena. And the experts are increasingly turning to those who at first simply wanted to inquire and learn how to summon spirits at home, and now does not know how to get rid of the consequences of what was done.

how to call the spirits of the dead

Section 1. General concept

According to mythology, the spirit is itselfthe essence of the other world, possessing supernatural powers, endowed with the will and the ability to perceive, while always remaining beyond human understanding.

It is believed that spirits are able to suddenly appearand disappear, move around in space, contact people. They can also harm the health of a person and cause him to have visions, to cause various natural phenomena. That is why, before inquiring how to summon the spirits of the dead, it is recommended to answer two key questions:

  1. Is it worth it to do?
  2. Will I be able to resist what I will face if the goal is achieved.

Section 2. Spirit from a religious point of view

This article will tell you how to evoke the spirit of a person, but first let's try to figure out what is meant by the very concept of the spirit.

First of all, it is believed that it can be endowedhuman characteristics, will and ability to perceive the world around him, is able to take images of a person or other living being, an object and a phenomenon. From this it follows that all living and nonliving has their spirits: there are spirits of animals and plants, fire and water, winds, etc. And what are the features of their behavior?

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Дух оказывает влияние на жизнь того, к чему applies. For example, it controls the animal and plant, the outcome of hunting and the power of nature. The behavior of a person can offend him or, on the contrary, indulge. As a result, this entity can take revenge or become a patron. By the way, this factor must be taken into account before summoning the spirit of the deceased person or animal.

Along with human knowledge of the real worldthere was a belief that some of his actions could most mysteriously affect the implementation of the desired. Although the scientific worldview is inherent in the belief that belief in the spirits prevents to fully understand the manifestations of nature, which because of this are perceived as either a favor or a revenge of unexplored forces.

The natural spiritualization of the world creates the idea that human life is inextricably linked with the world of spirits: a man communicates with them, conflicts, addresses requests, thanks ...

how to evoke the spirit of a deceased person

Section 3. The Spirits of Men

Many religions and superstitions describe the existence ofsoul after the death of a person. It is believed that the soul of the deceased may rest in another world or move to another body only if the ritual of burial is observed, and if it is not concerned about anything.

Otherwise, the spirit may remain among theLive until he finds peace or is buried. According to the Orthodox canons, the soul of the deceased person is 40 days among the living and only then passes to another world. In Shinto, the soul of the deceased by violent death will dwell in the living world as long as his abuser lives. It is also believed that the home is guarded by the spirits of the deceased parents.

There are practices that allow a substance called the soul to temporarily leave its body, soar in space and observe what is happening from the outside. However, many scientists deny this.

how to evoke a person's spirit

Section 4. What is important to remember when calling spirits?

The question of how to summon the spirits of the deceased remainsopen. Although, according to experts, in principle, communication with them is within the power of almost any person. But before the session, you should learn more about these entities. It is worth remembering that spirits are very changeable. They can be deceptive and dangerous.

Calling the spirit of the deceased relative, it is not necessaryto wait that he will reveal all the secrets of the future. He can quite hide negative information about failures, illnesses or death. Only the right communication with him will provide the necessary information, assistance or protection. So say mediums.

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Section 5. How to summon the spirits of the dead without leaving home?

Rite with scissors. For the ritual, 2 people are required.You will also need scissors, a red ribbon and any spiritual book. Scissors are placed between the pages of the book, leaving the rings outside. Then the book is bandaged with tape and starts the session. Taking the little fingers for the rings of scissors, they summon the right spirit. You can ask questions after the book starts moving. Moving to the right is a positive answer, to the left - a negative answer.

Ritual with a needle. In this case, the magic board is needed andneedle with black thread, used as a pendulum. Taking a needle with a thread in your right hand, you should say the words three times: "Spirit (such and such), come to my call." When a strange sensation of the presence of an outsider appears, the question should be asked: “Spirit (such and such), are you here?” If the spirit is near, then the answer will follow. Now you can ask any questions. The rotating needle will point to the letters on the board that you want to write. The received word will be the answer to the asked question.