/ / Is the Jehovah's Witness sect banned in Russia today?

Is the "Jehovah Witnesses" sect in Russia today banned?

Помните, как раньше по городу ходили люди, who approached each person and asked some strange questions. As a result, the whole conversation was reduced to God ... They insistently asked us to listen to their brief retelling. This, friends, was the Jehovah's Witnesses sect. Why am I talking about them in the past tense? Because everything - their "power" over us is over! Today, if I may say so, a religious organization is under a state ban in our country. But first things first.

And here we are, the colors are not necessary!

Imagine this picture:you are at home doing your own business. Suddenly you hear a doorbell. You open it, and on the threshold are two unfamiliar women (or two men) and with pronounced courtesy suggest that you talk to them about God. Who are these people? This, friends, followers of the most popular and dangerous American sect.

Jehovah's Witnesses

Jehovah's Witnesses Sect

This organization was founded in the United States of America in 1872. It is distributed almost throughout the world. Its other and more complete name is "Society of the Watchtower, Bible and Brochures".

Who is Jehovah?

Is sect witnesses forbidden?

The Jehovah's Witnesses sect includeshighly active members engaged in open propaganda of their own beliefs. The fact is that the followers of this dubious society are convinced that their main task is the testimony (conversation) of God, who, in their words, is Jehovah.

The trivial essence of the teachings

The most interesting thing about all this is her illiteracy.representatives! Their theology to the obscene is primitive and contradictory. They focus on those who do not know the Bible and the elementary foundations of philosophy and physics. It is curious that the lion’s share of the whole semantic load of their theology is based on their personal views, interspersed with errors and delusions, accompanied by biblical quotes taken out of the general context of Holy Scripture, and, of course, their false interpretation.

Is the Jehovah's Witnesses sect banned in Russia?

Да, друзья.The Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District has imposed a ban on the distribution of such literary sources as the Watchtower and Awake! Journals within the territory of our country.

In 2010, Roskomnadzor was canceledpermission to distribute religious magazines belonging to this organization called Jehovah's Witnesses sect in our country. These printed sources of dubious anti-religious orientation were banned on the basis that a huge amount of material from this literature has a clearly pronounced extremist approach, which was recognized by Russian forensic scientists.

sect witnesses jehovah banned

In Russia, it is recognized that the Jehovah's Witnesses sectpursuing a totalitarian anti-Christian orientation. It is proved that her teachings and teachings are detrimental to the health and personality of an unprepared citizen and his family. In addition, this anti-religious organization strikes at traditional national spirituality and illegally interferes with the state’s interest in the country (for example, sectarians sharply oppose the service of their “Jehovah’s envoys” in the RF armed forces).