/ / Nikita the Sacred in the Orthodox religion

Nikita the Sacred in the Orthodox religion

Nikita the Sacred is one of the most beloved andrevered saints of God in the Russian Orthodox Church. Even during his lifetime, he became famous as a healer of various ailments, including spiritual ones. According to his holy prayers, the people suffering from the disease received a sudden healing from the Lord. However, even after his death, the saint does not cease to intercede for people who resort to him with sincere requests. According to the zealous prayers of the Great Martyr Nikita, the Lord bestows recovery from serious illnesses, and also helps to resolve many everyday troubles.

nikita saint

The Baptism of the Holy

Великомученик Никита появился на свет на берегах formidable Danube. The saint was born during the reign of Constantine the Great, when the faith of Christ finally began to be openly preached in all countries. In the country is ready, where Nikita the Sacred grew, Christianity also quickly became the dominant religion. The future great martyr took holy baptism from the reigning bishop Theophilus, who became a participant in the first Nicaean cathedral.

The Great Battle

However, for a short time it was given to shine the light of Christ inGothic country. Soon the wicked prince Fanarich ascended the throne, who, driven by anger and envy towards the zealots of the Christian faith, ordered to kill all the heralds of the Savior's teaching. Goths divided into two opposing camps. The first was led by a certain Frittigern, who was a true preacher of Christ. The second camp took under its command a furious persecutor of Christians called Afanarich. In the country where the saint lived, a great bloody battle took place, as a result of which Christians won. Athanaric fled with great disgrace, and the faith of Christ was even more widespread among the Goths.

holy martyr Nikita

Nikita the Sacred also gave much energy so that Christ's teaching would enter every house of his fellow tribesmen. His pious life for many was ready to be an example of true Christian piety.

After the death of Bishop Theophilus, the place on the chairtook Urfil. Being a reasonable man, he invented letters for the inhabitants of his native country and translated many Christian books from Greek into Gothic.

Return of Afanariha

But soon the country of Nikita was supposed toto comprehend one more terrible test. Within its limits, the exiled Afanarikh once returned. Wishing to receive retribution for the incurred humiliation, the wicked man again erected an army against Christians. Many zealots of the Christian faith were killed by him in cruel torture. But most of all, Afanarik craved the death of the great martyr Nikita. The latter never hid from brutal punishment, but always openly preached the Savior's teaching. Being thrown into prison, he also strengthened the word of faith of Christians who were preparing to accept the torment for Christ.

The death of a saint

The preacher of Christ was prepared forAthanariha is the most terrible torture. The servants of the king laid the saint on a wooden couch and lighted a bonfire on it. But the saint of God, rising from his place, blew on the flames, and the fire immediately went out. In its place grew green grass. Seeing that the tortures he had devised did not bring a proper result, Athanarchus ordered the flesh of a saint to be tortured. Trying to persuade a pious husband to pagan belief, the wicked man ordered to starve him. For three years, the great martyr Nikita was in heavy chains, until one day the king again remembered him and ordered him to be brought to his home.

St. Nicholas Day

Afanarich gave the order to abandon the preacherChrist in the fire. The saint died a martyr's death. But his body was not moved by the flame. Opponents of Christianity, once again seeing the miracle of God with their own eyes, decided to leave the remains of the saint without burial. His body was cast with disgrace on earth, far from the people.

Mariana's feat

At the same time in the Gothic country lived onea pious husband named Marian. The last during his lifetime was a close friend of the saint. He always admired the staunch and fearless faith of the saint of God. But especially Marian fell in love with him when he saw how the holy GreatMartyr Nikita courageously undergoes all the torments prepared by Athanarich.

Having learned that the teacher's body with dishonor is thrown onstreet, a pious young man immediately decided to betray his burial. Afraid to be seen by Afanarich, Marian decided to fulfill his desire deep in the night. But he did not know where the torturers left Nikita's wounded body. Then the Lord himself sent Mariana a guide in the form of a star, which brought him to the teacher.

For some time he kept the holy remains of Nikita in his possession. Then, returning to his homeland, in Cilicia, Marian gave them burial in the walls of his house.

Soon, from the holy relics of the holyNumerous healings are performed. Every day hundreds of believers came to Marian's house, who received graceful help through the prayers of the Great Martyr Nikita. The glory of the relics of the saint spread far beyond Cilicia.

Later the remains of the Great Martyr were transferred to Constantinople. In the Serbian monastery of High Decani there is also a particle of relics of the great saint of God.

Miracles according to the prayers of the saint

The icon of St. Nikita was especially revered in Russia. In the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky in honor of the Great Martyr, a monastery was erected in the ninth century.

great martyr nikita
In the Nikitsky cathedral there is an image of a saint, fromwhom many times the miraculous help was sent to the believers. The preacher of Christ's faith often prayed for the health of children, for healing from the father. In addition, the saint of God helps in spiritual warfare against the enemy of the human race. Great-martyr Nikita often prayed to the generals on the eve of the great battles. The saint is considered the patron of the army.

Also, Nikita the Holy of old is the defender of all waterfowl. Therefore, villagers and owners of poultry farms also often turn to the saint of God for help.

icon of St. Nikita

The memory of the Great Martyr is performed by the Russian Orthodox Church on September 28. On the Day of St. Nikita, all those who were baptized by his name celebrate their name day.