/ / As according to national signs to find out the sex of the child: reviews

As according to national signs to find out the sex of the child: reviews

The birth of a baby is a sacred mystery forany women. Bearing a crumb for 9 months, she is trying to find out who she will be born as soon as possible. It is clear that the only correct answer can be given only by ultrasound diagnostics, although it sometimes makes mistakes. What can I say, if the peanut turned sideways or back. In this case, the parents remain in ignorance right up to the day when the baby is born. Then curious mom and dad begin to find out how, according to national signs, to find out the sex of the child. Reviews of these methods are different, but the majority of women who have already given birth say that beliefs introduced by our ancestors even work with a bang.

Belly shape

Suppose you shoveled the whole library,being interested in how according to national signs to find out the sex of the child. In any case, the first thing that the written archival assumptions found indicate is the form of the abdomen. According to her, the village midwives were still in ancient times, when there was no high-quality equipment, without errors they determined who would be born. They argued: the mother, who is waiting for the girl, is round, the woman who bears the boy is sharp or looks like a cone.

how do you know the sex of a child

If the top of the pregnant belly is looking to the left,You can stock up on dolls and lace dresses, to the right - cars and soccer balls. It is interesting, but the boy and the girl even move differently in the womb: the first strives to touch the bladder with the stem, the second constantly knocks on the liver. The belly itself is often slightly mutated. The appearance of age spots on the skin indicates that you will have a girl. If you have found a lot of excess hair on your stomach, expect a boy.


How do you know the gender of a child according to national signs?What should be done if the shape of the abdomen does not tell you anything? In this case, pay attention to the well-being. Severe toxicosis often indicates a boy. Reviews claim that this sign is one of the most reliable, because it is much physiologically harder to bear the creature of the opposite sex, which has a completely different hormonal background. If the woman in labor often feels chills, this indicates the birth of a girl, attacks of suffocation and heat - the boy.

find out the sex of the child folk signs

Many people pay attention to the food of the futuremommies. Reviews show that this method is very accurate. It's no secret that pregnant women have their own strange vagaries concerning products. So, the sons are forced to eat salty and sour, they are like real men constantly "require" meat. The girls are already in the womb are sweet teeth, pushing us to ice cream, buns and sweets. In this case, the parent of the boy, despite the terrible toxicosis, eats much more than the mother of the baby.


"The girl takes away the beauty of the mother," - they sayour grandmothers and mothers. Therefore, if a pregnant woman has become sick, they foreshadow the birth of a little princess. They say that a woman shares hormones with the baby, so their lack of and affects the appearance of the woman: she has wrinkles, the skin becomes flabby, sagging, her hair grow dull, her nails break. Acne or pigmentation may appear on the face. The happy mother of the boy at the same time remains beautiful, the pregnancy is beneficial, the appearance does not practically change. Here are just a nose can lose some form. If he broke up, became fat and big, like a potato, the birth of an heir to you is guaranteed.

how, according to national signs, to find out the sex of the child

As according to national signs, find out the sex of the child, ifhave any doubts? Pay attention to the legs. The parent of the boy they are richly covered with hair. The same can be argued if the limbs are constantly cold. Areola nipples on the chest can also tell who to expect to light. In the girl's mother they are dark, and in the pregnant woman carrying the boy they are light.


According to testimonials, girls' mothers arethemselves more capriciously: they may cry for no reason or demand rare exotic fruits at two o'clock in the morning, driving their husband to the nearest convenience store. At the same time, women who are expecting a boy are calmer, they courageously bear all the hardships of a difficult pregnant life, they have almost no bad mood.

Every parent is very interested in finding out the gender.child Folk omens pay attention to the behavior of the woman in labor: if she proudly demonstrates the stomach, there will be a boy, hides - a girl. A woman who loves to sleep on her left side will become a mom of a kid, on her right a little princess.

how according to national signs to find out the sex of the child what to do

Give the girl and her habits.Ask a pregnant woman, for example, to show you her hands. If she shows them with her palms up, you should wait for the girl, when the opposite happens - a boy. There is also one instructive experiment with the keys. Tell the future mommy to take them off the table. Having grabbed them by the round part, is awaiting the heir. The one that took the key for the rod will be the baby's mom.

Work with numbers

Determine what color to buy undershirts easy. For this you need to remember the school course of mathematics. Just as according to national signs, it is possible to find out the sex of a child with the help of ordinary numbers:

  • Male symbol: Y = 4 x (number of months lived): 16 - (integer number of months).
  • Female: X = 3 x (number of months lived): 9 - (whole number of months).

If the male number exceeds the female, a boy will be born, otherwise a girl. According to reviews, this is a very truthful method.

as according to national signs to find out the sex of the child reviews

Be sure to determine the date of conception.If it happened during the period of ovulation, wait for your son, a few days before or after him - your daughter. The thing is that spermatozoa that have a male set of chromosomes are more active: they penetrate the egg cell faster. But live not for long, therefore cannot wait for an ovulation.

Определить пол ребёнка можно и на основе calculations regarding the change of blood in the body. In men, it is updated every four years, in women - three. Whose blood is younger, such a baby will be born. Consider the need from the birthday of the spouses. If one of them had a blood transfusion, the method is not suitable.

By dad

Fathers of babies also carry certain information.How do you know the gender of a child according to national signs? Who will be born, will tell daddy a hairdress. They say that if the husband of a pregnant girl is bald, then, most likely, you need to wait for her son. According to statistics, it is men who can not boast of abundant hair, boys are born one and a half times more often. Perhaps this case is yours. Therefore, forward to the store, for the caps and shorts.

how, according to national signs, to know the sex of the child who

Интересно, но, опираясь на другие исследования experts, we can draw the following conclusion: sexually active men often conceive babies, but those who reluctantly or rarely perform marital duty are boys. If the husband wears tight underwear, most likely a boy will be born, while a free one will be born a girl. The last omen has scientific confirmation. Proved: narrow underwear harms potency: a man has less sex, which significantly increases his chances of having a son.

other methods

If you are interested in how according to national signsfind out the sex of the child, you can hold a ritual called "Pendulum" For this you need to thread a ring on a thread, it is better to be an engagement one, and hold the plumb line over the pregnant woman’s belly. If the decoration will swing smoothly, a boy will be born, to describe the circles - a girl. Despite the fact that the occupation seems childish, the method very often gives the correct answer.

Определяют пол малыша и по первому его шевелению in the womb: if the movement is on the left, wait for the daughter, on the right - the son. If at the time of eating a woman prefers a crumb of bread, buy a red stroller, and a blue top crust. Wait for the boy, if during pregnancy you have frequent headaches and the breast does not change shape, the girl - when the waist has spread and the fetus is located high.

how do you know the sex of a child

That's all simple ways.Now you are aware of how, according to national signs, to find out the sex of the child, what needs to be done for this. But these signs are reliable or not, time will tell. After all, the baby must be born: it does not matter whether the son or the daughter, the main thing is that the baby be healthy and grow up to the joy of loved ones.