/ / Dream Interpretation: is the coat the sign of serfdom or, after all, prosperity?

Dream Interpretation: Is a fur coat a sign of serfdom or, after all, prosperity?

dream coat
There were times when almost every womandreamed of getting this piece of clothing as a present. Perhaps, you just today thought of him on the eve of sleep? In that case, perhaps you do not need a dream book. The fur coat could have a dream as a result of the hassle. In this case, of course, we will not ignore the books that help in interpreting the symbols of dreams. Then it's closer to the point. If you dreamed of a fur coat, the dream book of Freud tells you about the squeeze. Especially if you put it on yourself. Probably, we are talking about complexes that prevent you from feeling free.

How comfortable is your sex

It is noteworthy that in the comments somedreamers write that they do not consider themselves to be notorious. The best possible interpretation of the symbol is offered with reference to the dream book: the fur coat of the mink tells the dreamer about the advent of a successful period in her life. We are nearing wealth and prosperity, success in business. This is Miss Hasse's book. However, we have not all told the previous dream book. The fur coat that a woman buys in a dream, says that in real life it is a question of shyness (according to Freud). You feel uneasy in the company of strangers. Here it is written about complexes that do not allow you to freely engage in sex. If literally, then you need to be sure that no one will disturb your privacy with your partner.

dream coat of fur coat
Your time has come

The fact that happy changes are coming, broadcastsGeneral dream book. Shuba, in the opinion of its authors, is a clear sign of the advancing prosperity. In fact, you will get everything for a happy life. In doing so, try to appreciate the upcoming changes. In this case, the feeling of the holiday of the soul will last a long enough time.

Here everything is treated in reverse

Interesting interpretations of the symbol in questiondreams are offered to us by the dream book mentioned above. The fur coat is new and expensive, dreaming of some unpleasant news, unexpected events. But if you dressed in this garment, and it is dirty, worn and tattered, then such a dream for good. You will not only correct your financial situation, but also any troubles and problems will disappear like smoke. And, says the General Dream Book, a fur coat is a good sign for a young dreaming girl. There will be love and not only: "You buy a fur coat - you get a rich groom!" It was a source of interpretation of dreams, called "Common", and we have others on the line.

fur coat dream book
Success, wealth and prosperity

Various benefits of dreamers and Ukrainiandream book. A fur coat in a dream brings blessings in real life. In fact, the Esoteric dream book broadcasts the same. It says that even if your fur coat (from real life) is dreaming, then this is a magnificent sign. Especially good if the thing is warm and sound. The symbol indicates stability in various spheres of life. But only if it looks unimportant, then the dream is not good either. At least, this is what the Esoteric Dream Book says. Fur coat old, worn can warn about financial problems.

Financial blessing

Most esoteric sources of interpretationdreams favor the considered symbol. Here, the dream book of Maya promises dreamers financial prosperity in reality, if in a dream they bought or were looking to buy a fur coat. It remains to wish everyone health and all the best!