/ / Life line in the palm of your hand: the longer the better

The line of life on the palm: the longer, the better

The life line in the palm is the front page,appearing on the arm of a man. This sign is formed in the human embryo on the eighth week. Then there is a line of the heart, the next is the line of the mind. An interesting fact is that all these signs appear on the hands of the baby long before he begins to move. Therefore, the lines on the palms can not be associated with the results of activities.

The life line is a kind of indicator.vitality and vitality of man. It reflects the quality and standard of living and the amount of vitality that an individual has. The life line in the palm shows how strong and energetic a person is.

Если знак ясный и длинный, то у человека здоровое physique and good resilience. With a volatile and short line, there is a lack of energy, and the owner of the arm is physically weak. The one who has a band around or close to the thumb is most likely weak, passive, slow and tired quickly. About this person we can say that he does not have the amount of energy and strength that he would like to have. Such people need constant rest. To become more energetic and resilient, they should exercise and pay more attention to their body.

In cases where the line of life in the palm crossesthe arm completely or forms a large semicircle, the person is distinguished by an active lifestyle, great enthusiasm, endurance and energy. If he does work that gives him joy, then he does not feel tired and does not need to rest. He likes any physical activity. During a sound sleep, such a person quickly recovers his strength, and in the morning he can again continue his work.

Sometimes the line of life on the arm forks oris interrupted. If a rupture occurs only on one hand, then a disease may begin, after which recovery will occur. If on both - then a person will face a serious illness with a problematic, long-term recovery.

Next to the life line on the side of the thumbmay be located her line-sister. Usually it originates from the line of life or appears in any part of it. For some (very lucky) people, such a line is outlined along the entire length, resulting in a drawing of the duality of the line of life. This sign is called the strip of the guardian angel. If such a fork appears closer to the end of the life line, then such a person will live actively until old age.

If the line of life in the palm has many smallbranches that are directed upwards, this sign speaks of prosperity and good health. Conversely, downward ramifications mean poor health and financial failure.

Many people can see thin stripes,traveling from the base of the thumb to the lifeline, which sometimes intersect it. Such fine small lines are called lines of concern. A person who has many such signs is constantly worried. Or before him in different periods there were serious problems.

The split line of life speaks volumes.If small branches extending from the beginning of the life line are directed to the head line, inheritance is possible. If the fork starts from the middle of the life line, then recognition and success await a person in middle age. If the branch goes to Saturn's Hill, then the path of life will take place in constant struggle, and man will have to build his life without outside help. If the fork in the road goes to the Sun Hill, the recognition of talent will come. The branch heading towards the Moon Hill means the changes taking place in a person’s life. This may be a move, a long trip or a sea cruise.