/ / Compatibility of zodiac signs by year of birth

Compatibility of zodiac signs by birth year

Many are trying to learn from their new partners.zodiac signs by months and years. Compatibility is especially interesting for girls. At first glance, a loved one always seems ideal, but it is better to know in advance how your future relationship can develop. In this article we will look at the eastern horoscope, which has become very popular in our country too.

In the eastern horoscope, the signs are not considered for months. The compatibility of the signs of the zodiac by date (year of birth) will be discussed below.

In the eastern horoscope is replaced annuallypatron, the cyclical process is 12 years. Each year is ruled by an animal that was chosen by the Buddha himself. If this year is yours, then next time the sign will dominate exactly in 12 years. In a wise oriental horoscope, not only the character of a person born under the auspices of the sign is accurately revealed, but also the compatibility of people in business, friendly and love relationships.

Compatibility of the eastern signs of the zodiac by year

There are among the eastern signs such thatliterally attracted to each other, there are complete opposites. It does not matter what appearance a person has. The fact is that each sign has its own unique energy, and it depends only on it what kind of relationship will arise with another element. Each person is born at a certain moment, when celestial bodies in the Cosmos line up in one way or another. Any literate astrologer will be able to see the zodiac energy and determine the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac by date and year.

All our life is subject to the energy of the Cosmos, it is important to learn how to correctly recognize what the ancient teachings give us.

The eastern version metaphorically conveys the essenceeach sign and helps determine your fate. Consider briefly the horoscopes and the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac by year of birth. Below we use the scale on which the relationship of signs will be evaluated. So...

Compatibility assessment

0 - comfortable relationship between two adultsby people. Nice to be in such a union. Between the signs there is no betrayal, unpleasant quarrels, any friction and rifts. Life flows pretty smoothly. The type of such relations can be called neutral. Good compatibility.

1 - Alliance problems.There are very few quiet days in a marriage. Often there are some friction and quarrels. Before you come together with such a partner, it is worth thinking many times. It is unlikely that it will be possible to build a lasting, lasting alliance.

2 - balance. In such alliances, everything is simple.Opposite signs of the Eastern Energy Calendar are often evaluated by a “deuce”. This means that there is a balance in their union. An active and active sign can be balanced by the peace and wisdom of another sign. Such unions often develop easily and last a lifetime.

3 - harmonious relationship.Everyone is looking for harmony in this life. Some find it difficult to achieve it because of its intended character (obstinacy, unwillingness to see the ideals of others). If you and your couple are rated a “troika”, be sure that a happy, harmonious union awaits you. What more could you want if there are no criticism, discontent and scandals in the couple?

4 - confrontation reigns in pair.Such signs are hard to find a common language. Most often, people become enemies. They can not understand each other, they have no common interests. The partnership is usually forced and difficult. It is better to avoid such a union altogether.

5 - conflict situation. Impossible union.If such signs and have to exist together, they feel unhappy. They are uncomfortable nearby. This combination of signs is better only to greet each other from afar. Building a family is a huge mistake of each of them. In any case, their marriage is doomed.

6 - there are irregularities in the union.There can be marriage only for great love. In life, there will often be black streaks that change to white. Only love helps a couple to exist. It is better when partners are about the same age.

Year of the Rat

the rat is resting

People born this year are strong and at the same timeelegant, outwardly calm. Only close people know what is happening inside them. Sometimes stress and anxiety can escalate into aggression. Often lead a successful business. Differ ambition and accuracy in everything. Compatibility of relations with other signs on the above scale:

  • Rat - 0.
  • Bull - 2.
  • Tiger - 0.
  • Rabbit - 1.
  • Dragon - 3.
  • Snake - 0.
  • Horse - 4.
  • Sheep - 5.
  • Monkey - 3.
  • Rooster - 6.
  • Dog - 0.
  • Pig - 0.

Born in the year of the Bull

Бык считается сгустком сил и энергии.He necessarily goes to his goal, not noticing the obstacles in his path. No other sign possesses such power. These people seek to ensure their old age and always make stocks. The bull is always ready to work, by the nature he is a hard worker. It should be borne in mind that his temper is rather stubborn, he always considers himself right. It can easily stand up for the offended. What is the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in love with the year of the Bull?

  • Rat - 2.
  • Bull - 0.
  • Tiger - 0.
  • Rabbit - 0.
  • Dragon - 6.
  • Snake - 3.
  • Horse - 5.
  • Sheep - 4.
  • Monkey - 0.
  • Rooster - 3.
  • Dog - 1.
  • Pig - 0.

Year of the Tiger

tiger year

People born in the year of the Tiger always go ahead andconsider themselves the best. Their trait is perseverance and initiative. They easily create a team of like-minded people and achieve high goals in their work. Tigers are not inclined to correct their old mistakes and look back. In any case, they are easily ready to change the scope of their activities. Considering in this case the horoscope of compatibility according to the signs of the zodiac (years of birth), the result can be found out as follows:

  • Rat - 0.
  • Bull - 0.
  • Tiger - 0.
  • Rabbit - 0.
  • Dragon - 0.
  • Snake - 5.
  • Horse - 3.
  • Sheep - 0.
  • Monkey - 4.
  • Rooster - 0.
  • Dog - 3.
  • Pig - 2.

Born in the Year of the Rabbit (or Kota)

This is a lucky sign.People born in this year have moderate ambition and deep intelligence. It’s easy to be in one society with them, they don’t have complexes, but the representatives of the sign are rather modest. In certain situations, they can display strong courage, which the Bull or the Tiger will not always show. Differ in refinement of manners and refinement. Compatibility of zodiac signs by year of birth is as follows:

  • Rat - 1.
  • Bull - 0.
  • Tiger - 0.
  • Rabbit - 0.
  • Dragon - 5.
  • Snake - 0.
  • Horse - 6.
  • Sheep - 3.
  • Monkey - 0.
  • Rooster - 4.
  • Dog - 2.
  • Pig - 3.

Year of the Dragon

Year of the Dragon

People born under this sign can be calledgreat, they often get the reins of power, and deserved. Good luck accompanies in many deeds and accomplishments. Compatibility of zodiac signs in years in this case is as follows:

  • Rat - 3.
  • Bull - 6.
  • Tiger - 0.
  • Rabbit - 5.
  • Dragon - 1.
  • Snake - 0.
  • Horse - 0.
  • Sheep - 0.
  • Monkey - 3.
  • Rooster - 2.
  • Dog - 4.
  • Pig - 0.

Year of the Snake

year of the snake

Рожденным в год Змеи всегда сопутствует удача в financial matters. They do not care about the availability of money, people live on this sign without any problems. The snake can easily realize their own dreams. As for the character, it is quite complicated. Representatives of the sign manifest themselves in various spheres of activity, including philosophers, intellectuals, and creative personalities. The snake has a very subtle intuition, which often saves her on the path of life. Compatibility of zodiac signs by year with a snake:

  • Rat - 0.
  • Bull - 3.
  • Tiger - 5.
  • Rabbit - 0.
  • Dragon - 0.
  • Snake - 0.
  • Horse - 0.
  • Sheep - 0.
  • Monkey - 2.
  • Rooster - 3.
  • Dog - 0.
  • Pig - 4.

Year of the Horse

Year of the Horse

These people know how to properly present themselves.They love social events, parties, parties, entertainment. The horse is always talkative and cheerful. In anger, representatives of the sign are terrible, because their blood is very hot. At such moments it is better not to fall into their hands. The sign is inherent in selfishness and ambition. Will always do as they see fit, regardless of the opinions of others. Compatibility of zodiac signs by year with the Horse:

  • Rat - 4.
  • Bull - 5.
  • Tiger - 3.
  • Rabbit - 6.
  • Dragon - 0.
  • Snake - 0.
  • Horse - 1.
  • Sheep - 2.
  • Monkey - 0.
  • Rooster - 0.
  • Dog - 3.
  • Pig - 0.

Year of the Goat (Sheep)

goat chewing grass

Goat has excellent intuition, it can easilysacrifice themselves and very caring. The pessimistic attitude in life, constant anxiety and annoyance repels such people from other representatives. There is too much laziness in Kose, but there is no practicality at all. The sign is not considered independent, the goat is very frivolous. The compatibility of the signs of the zodiac over the years is as follows:

  • Rat - 5.
  • Bull - 4.
  • Tiger - 0.
  • Rabbit - 3.
  • Dragon - 0.
  • Snake - 0.
  • Horse - 2.
  • Sheep - 0.
  • Monkey - 0.
  • Rooster - 0.
  • Dog - 1.
  • Pig - 3.

Year of the Monkey

Обезьяна очень изобретательна и хитра.She can easily assign herself something forgotten by someone. He likes to live at the expense of others. Has a stormy temperament, insidious, logical mind allows you to have a great grip. His not miss. Conservative character. Sometimes it is aggressive and envious. It is better not to enter into conflict situations with her, she remembers the offense for a long time and can sometime take revenge. Who better to make an alliance with a monkey? With other signs, the combination of the following:

  • Rat - 3.
  • Bull - 0.
  • Tiger - 4.
  • Rabbit - 0.
  • Dragon - 3.
  • Snake - 2.
  • Horse - 0.
  • Sheep - 0.
  • Monkey - 0.
  • Rooster - 0.
  • Dog - 0.
  • Pig - 5.

Born in the year of the rooster

beautiful cock

Представителей данного знака можно отнести к complex natures. The rooster itself is very straightforward, loves communication, noisy companies. At the same time, the people of this sign are rather enterprising. Often achieve high goals due to their vigorous activity, the desire for power. The presence of internal tension always translates into a desire for persuasion. They defend their position to the end and consider themselves right in everything. In all spheres of their activity, subtle intuition, which is endowed with representatives of this sign, comes to the rescue. With the rest, compatibility will look like this:

  • Rat - 6.
  • Bull - 3.
  • Tiger - 0.
  • Rabbit - 4.
  • Dragon - 2.
  • Snake - 3.
  • Horse - 0.
  • Sheep - 0.
  • Monkey - 0.
  • Rooster - 1.
  • Dog - 5.
  • Pig - 0.

Year of the Dog

dog in the grass

If a person was born in the year of the Dog, then ratherof all, he has many talents. These are deep and whole natures. Can be excellent speakers and philosophers. The dog always finds work, loves to work, but his career most often does not interest him. People of this sign are content with the golden mean. Talents Dogs have nothing to do with business. She can be an artist, politician, director or fashion designer. The started business is always brought to the final. Dogs are considered the most important family and children, as well as the opinion of those around them. Compatibility with other signs is as follows:

  • Rat - 0.
  • Bull - 1.
  • Tiger - 3.
  • Rabbit - 2.
  • Dragon - 4.
  • Snake - 0.
  • Horse - 3.
  • Sheep - 1.
  • Monkey - 0.
  • Rooster - 5.
  • Dog - 0.
  • Pig - 0.

Year of the Pig (Cabana)

young pig

For representatives of this sign is characteristichonesty and decency. Pig has tolerance for others, generosity and condescension. He has a great charge of optimism, believes in a bright future, clean and kind. These people are not at all vengeful. Protect your reputation. Always caring for others and friends, sensitive and attentive to those in need. With which signs will they be more comfortable? Consider the compatibility by year:

  • Rat - 0.
  • Bull - 0.
  • Tiger - 2.
  • Rabbit - 3.
  • Dragon - 0.
  • Snake - 4.
  • Horse - 0.
  • Sheep - 3.
  • Monkey - 5.
  • Rooster - 0.
  • Dog - 0.
  • Pig - 1.

If you take into account the date of birth of your partner, you can predict the relationship in advance and understand whether it is worth linking your fate with this person.