/ / Why dream of trains and travel in them?

Why dream of trains and travel in them?

Those who love long-distance roads get the presentpleasure from traveling by train. This is a kind of romance, an adventure: new landscapes, interesting acquaintances, liberation from old problems or connections, the opportunity to remain alone with your thoughts, dream. A trip in a dream can tell you no less than if it happened in real life. To do this, it is worth turning to the dream book and recalling the nuances of night vision as much as possible. Let's see what the train and travel in them dream about.

what is the dream of a train

Significance of the train for unmarried and unmarried people

Стоит сказать, что каждый сонник может трактовать the meaning of the train is different. So, in some of them it is said that a dream with this mode of transport makes sense only for young people and girls who are unmarried and serious relationships. In this case, see the long train, the end of which is somewhere far away - to new romantic acquaintances. If the girl chooses in which car to sit, then she should decide with her fans in life, make a choice among the suitors. For a guy, the train means a love adventure. And if this is a place where there are a lot of old, faulty compounds, then the probability of separation or suffering due to unrequited love is great.

Trains come and go ...

And what dreams of trains leaving and arriving atstation? For a girl to catch up with the departing train - to fulfill some cherished desire, and for a guy - a reason to think about their levity with respect to women. If you fail to make it in time, then pay attention to your partner: perhaps he is using you or is deceiving you. Meeting an arriving train is also not a good sign, which portends a quarrel with friends.

dream of going by train

Traveling by train: good or not?

You ask: what if I dream that I'm on the train?How then to explain everything? Such a journey is the personification of real life. If you feel joy, admire the views from the window, feel comfortable and cozy, then at present your position can be called harmonious. You are confident in your partner, successful in your career and firmly on your feet. What else is dreaming? Riding on a train without a ticket is instability, a feeling that you are not doing your own thing, confusion. We urgently need to change something in life!

Various authors about trains in a dream

Let's look at the explanations of different dream books onabout what dreams of trains. Freud, for example, associates this with hidden fears and phobias. And if you watch the train whizzing past, then in the subconscious you regret unrealized sexual intercourse. According to Loff, a pleasant trip over long distances speaks of hopes for a quick love experience. In Miss Dream's dream book, this transport tells of a change in life. Commodity composition foreshadows success and profits in the affairs of trade, soon - quick results and execution of ideas. If he got off the rails, then wait for the failures.

dream of going to the train

How to perceive dreams about the train?

Подводя итог, можно сказать, что поезд – impersonation of your life, behavior, relationships. If events in a dream add up successfully (you have time to catch up with the outgoing team, you make a pleasant trip), then in reality you should wait for pleasant events. If you observe the accident, find yourself without a ticket in the car, then you should pay attention to your surroundings, become more responsible in business or change your behavior in a relationship. And remember: it’s not so important what dreams of trains, it matters what actions you take to make the situation in your favor.