/ / Iconography in the faces: Saint Panteleimon

Iconography in the faces: St. Panteleimon

Когда наше тело скручивает недуг, когда дух и the will turns out to be broken, and the hope for doctors melts, like the spring ice, we turn to other forces, higher and more powerful. In us, faith awakens - in God, in the saints and their help, in healing.

Saint Panteleimon

The Origins of Wonderworking

St. Panteleimon, the icon with the image of whichthere is almost every family that professes Christianity seriously, and in every temple, for a long time has a second name, which has become its own - the Healer. The glorious history of a young man who dedicated himself to the Lord and endowed with the mighty gift of healing is one of the most interesting and revealing in the hagiographic literature. He was a resident of the Asia Minor city of Nicodemia. He was born into a wealthy family, whose head was an ardent pagan, and his mother worshiped Christ from her youth. True, she did it in secret - the new religion was then under strict prohibition, and her followers were subjected to severe persecution and severe persecution. However, the future St. Panteleimon mother remembered a little - she soon went to another world. But the beneficial influence that she exerted on the personality of the son, the grain of faith of the true, planted on the fertile soil of his soul, did not hesitate to prove himself. Father wanted his son to become a doctor - a profession revered and very profitable in Asia Minor. Especially since he himself, not yet St. Panteleimon, but simply a young man Pantoleon (pagan version of the name) showed considerable ability for this profession. But his teacher, the most famous at that time physician Euphrosyn, shared not only scientific knowledge with the pupil, but also spiritual.

Healer of God

Saint Great Martyr Panteleimon
The fact that the Lord marked the youth with his graceand endowed with wonderful abilities, opened quite quickly. Saint Panteleimon saw a child dying from the bite of echidna. With warm prayers, with an open heart, he turned to the Heavenly Father - to give him the arts to save the life of the boy. The words were heard - Panteleimon snatched the boy out of the clutches of death, and then the name Healer was assigned to him. Soon Pantoleon was baptized. He continued to work miracles for the glory of the Lord, and the glory of him, his amazing gift and opportunities, has reached Rome. St. Panteleimon followed the commandments of God. He distributed his wealth to the disadvantaged, he did not take money from the poor, but what the wealthy patients gave him, he also distributed for beggars and hungry. The Healer's father at first denied it. But one day I saw how the son healed the power of prayer of the blind boy. The shaken old pagan repented of his sins and believed in the one whose name creates such unprecedented things.

Spiritual field

Saint Panteleimon icon
Needless to say that he treated Panteleimon notonly the body and physical ailments. He used every opportunity to tell people about Christ, to testify about his love, power and holiness. Naturally, the people deeply respected and respected their doctor. But other pagan doctors lost clients, earned money, and therefore hated a talented young man. In Rome, one after the other, there were denunciations. By order of Maximilian, the Emperor of Rome, a Christian doctor was seized, sent to prison and cruelly tortured. But the holy Great Martyr Panteleimon did not die from the tortured tortures. To finish once and for all with a formidable opponent, the emperor ordered to deprive the Healer of the head, and send the body to the fire. The command was executed.
Panteleimon the Healer
However, even after death, miracles continued:The fire did not burn a millimeter of the saint's body. It was secretly buried by Christians, and Panteleimon himself remained alive - in the memory of the people as a great passion-bearer, the hope of all sick and feeble. The day of his remembrance is celebrated by all believers on 9 August.

Turn to him with prayer - and the saint will hear you. Hear and help!