/ / What does the icon of blessed Xenia of Petersburg help with?

What helps the icon of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg?

Many believers know firsthandthat by the number of people turning and perfect miracles St. Xenia of Petersburg cannot be compared with anyone, except perhaps the blessed Matrona of Moscow. For the cultural capital of our country - St. Petersburg - Xenia has become a real talisman from unhappiness and a protector from all adversity. The icon of Ksenia the Blessed in St. Petersburg helped more than one thousand people.

In total, St. Petersburg has threeintercessors, including Alexander Nevsky, who was canonized, as well as John of Kronstadt. The unusual interest of many historical figures is a little strange that the saints listed above have huge temples named for them, and Ksenia of Petersburg is buried in a small and very modest grave, next to which a miniature chapel is built. Nevertheless, the burial of the saint, as well as the icon of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, the photo and description of the life of which will be presented in this article, is still officially recognized as the most popular pilgrimage site in St. Petersburg.

icon of blissful xenia

The phenomenon and the unusual life of the holy

According to approximate data, Holy XeniaPetersburg was born in the years 1720-1730, exact information about this was not found. Death dates from around 1790-1810. Married then still an ordinary woman Xenia was the singer who served in the retinue of Elizabeth Petrovna, whose name was Andrei Petrov. It is known that Xenia's husband wore the military rank of colonel. Ksenia of Petersburg’s family life ended abruptly when Andrei Fedorovich went into another world because of an infection with an incurable disease at the time.

The death of a spouse left a huge mark on the hearta young woman, she became discouraged, led a recluse lifestyle and reacted to the name of the deceased husband, as if to her own. The situation was aggravated by the fact that Ksenia felt immensely guilty in the fact that her beloved man had died without repenting to the Lord. Since then, Xenia did not have children, she did not enter into new relationships and in general began to live as modestly as possible. Xenia sometimes even had thoughts of saying goodbye to life.

Icon of St. Petersburg Xenia

Stronger than death love

Even the neighbors of Ksenia Grigorievna began to noticethe fact that she is not all right. The woman, without any doubt and hesitation, put her own house at the disposal of the poor, while she herself went to live in a modest hut with minimal amenities. Such an act looked truly strange, even in the distant 18th century. What was required to prove, the public began to sharply condemn the widow for the fact that she renounced worldly life to the full. People decided to organize a meeting between Ksenia and her husband’s former entourage in order to sensitize her and, perhaps, to put her in a shelter for the blessed or similar shelter. Nevertheless, contrary to expectations, Ksenia Grigorievna showed herself as a very prudent woman, after which it was decided to cancel the hospitalization of the future Saint. After that incident, the humble citizens ceased to look miserable, which was the start of her service to the Lord. Why is the icon of St. Xenia the Blessed so revered?

Icon of Saint Xenia the Blessed

Prophecies of Ksenia of Petersburg

How exactly did the discovery miracle happenAn ordinary woman of holy power is very, very difficult to say. It is only known that once Xenia predicted a fire, giving the passerby a coin with the words: "Take this coin, here the king will soon go out." Oddly enough, the very unusual visions of Xenia came true, including this. The house of the stranger actually caught fire, but was extinguished at the speed of lightning by the people. Another miracle tells that Xenia saved a woman from whom she bought a house. By the way, that woman had long dreamed of having a child, and Ksenia foresaw that this child would come from heaven and be presented as a gift to a desperate sufferer. So it happened. It was the fault of the driver, who had the fatal imprudence to bring down a woman who was pregnant on the carriage. She gave birth immediately after she passed away and presented a healthy child to Paraskeva. The father of the newborn boy was never found, and Paraskeva raised him as her own son.

St. Blessed Saint Petersburg icon


Ksenia Peterburgskaya died at the age of 70, 40of which were held by her on the street. According to the conjectures of historians, a woman died no later than in 1806. Ksenia almost never slept, but spent the night building the temple and praying for sinners. When the day arrived, the Holy One spoke to the passers-by in her incomprehensible language, prayed for the passers-by and instilled good with her actions.
The cemetery where Saint Xenia is buried is not at allsimilar to the ones people are used to. Here, young moms with children, couples in love, cooing about theirs and even elderly people can walk quite calmly. This place was once a memorable place for Xenia, since all her youth passed here.

What is the power of Ksenia of Petersburg?

Каждый человек имеет свое собственное мнение по about Saint Xenia. Someone considers her strange and even crazy, someone is afraid, and someone shows immense respect. Undoubtedly, the icon of Xenia the Blessed is of great importance in the life of every Christian. In any case, indifferent to this holy fool never remain.

icon of Xenia blissful photo
Xenia prayed during her life mostly at night,for at that time the appeals to Jesus are more pure and pure. Saw it and passers-by onlookers, which were immensely surprised. The grave of Xenia's husband, unfortunately, has been lost, but supposedly she is at the Smolenskoye cemetery, from where Xenia moved from Vasilievsky Island exclusively on foot.

Burial place of St. Xenia

Захоронение самой Ксении, начиная с 1902 года, Convincing Christians regularly visited, who bore the miraculous land in order to experience the miracle of healing. This happens to this day, for which reason the burial site is regularly updated. In 1830, a chapel was erected over Xenia’s tombstone, which was consecrated as early as 1902. The burial place with the relics of the saint, as well as the icon of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, were made of the best materials. The walls of the chapel were hung with a variety of different icons, among which the main was the face of the "mistress" of the temple. In times of repression and prosperous atheism, political figures signed an agreement giving the right to rent the chapel building. As it became known later, among the landlords was a priest named Alexei Zapadalov, who died a few years later, like a martyr. This event occurred in a place called Svirlag.

Icon of Xenia the Blessed in St. Petersburg

Even the war will not stop the saint

Перед началом военных действий, а конкретно в In 1940, the chapel of Ksenia of Petersburg was closed, but the stream of pilgrims, going for help to the Holy One, was not able to reduce a single war. Worshipers crowded to the gates of the temple, taking a huge turn.

Во времена нещадной войны надгробный монумент Ksenia was crushed, and the chapel building and icons were barbarously destroyed by fire. In 1946, a year after the end of the war, the chapel was restored and filled with new images, the exterior was restored. The chapel did not stand for long, since it was closed in 1960, and in its place a workshop of sculptural compositions arose. The names of St. Xenia are celebrated on June 6th. This day was recognized as the celebration of the Christian faith in 1988. The icon of Xenia the Blessed possesses special power. Photos and prayers will be presented below.

The miraculous power of Xenia of Petersburg

As for the miracles that Xenia did,one of them occurred in the city of Novorossiysk in 1911. Then a woman named Ksenia was found to have breast cancer, which at that time was not treated in any way. The doctors, in despair, did not begin to take measures to treat the woman, declaring the situation hopeless. Then the sick woman was weak to such an extent that, apart from ice, she could not swallow anything. The patient was not able to even move his hand.

В то самое время родными женщины было получено a letter stating that a memorial service is being held in the church of Saint Xenia. It happened on July 21, at the same time a package arrived in the city, containing 2 bottles of consecrated oil from the relics of Xenia. The familiar sick woman immediately sent one of the vials with the healing oil to the patient, and kept the second bottle for herself to cure her sore leg. The neighbor’s sand was put under the pillow from the grave, and she rubbed her breasts with healing oil. The relief came very soon, which once again proves that Blessed Xenia is truly strong.

icon of Xenia blessed meaning

What helps St. Blessed Xenia of Petersburg

The icon of the saint has a truly miraculousproperties. Like the Matrona of Moscow, Blessed Xenia is petitioned to find happiness in family life, health and well-being. Among other things, the icon provides invisible assistance in finding love and prosperity. Also, unmarried girls ask Holy Xenia to help find a groom. Many wonder what else is famous for the icon of Xenia the Blessed, what helps?

Prayers in front of the icon of St. Xenia

Before the icon of St. Xenia you can orderForty minutes for the health of loved ones, as well as expectant mothers to ask for health for babies. In particular, the icon strongly affects those beauties who have not found their happiness and ask for it. During prayer, the obligatory ritual is the lighting of a church candle. On top of that, prayers addressed to the icon of Ksenia of Petersburg, help to overcome such a serious illness of women's health, like infertility.

Also the icon of Blessed Xenia helps to savea loved one from addictions to alcohol and tobacco smoking. Another problem subject to solution through prayer before this icon is drug addiction. Even drug addicts with the experience are cured after a visit to the church named after Saint Xenia of Petersburg. Like any icon, the icon of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg receives only sincere requests, therefore be honest and may the Lord be with you!

Prayer to Blessed Xenia of Petersburg on family well-being

Oh, All-Good Mother, Blessed Xenia!I am sending my sincere prayer to You, contemplating Your holy image. Hear me, servant of the Lord (name), full of sin. Do not leave me without your intercession, without blessing, support in the hour of battle, do not open your face in difficulties.

Help, oh Ksenia, to establish peace in the family so thathusband to live in harmony, in complete harmony, understanding and love. May our family be filled with happiness and bathe in prosperity, and let every quarrel always end with peace. Let the senses be strong and complete understanding reigns.

Одари нас маленькими детками, чтобы мы смогли их to serve the Lord in order that our kind may continue a worthy generation. I ask for submission to her husband and his attentiveness. May there be peace in our family, love, grace and mutual understanding.

Oh, holy Xenia, I pray Thee for these benefits. Spill your favor! Only I hope in Thee and praise You forever I will bear! Amen.