/ Zodiac signs: dates by months. When the signs of the zodiac begin and end

Zodiac signs: dates by months. When the signs of the zodiac begin and end

Astrology is an amazing science thatreveals the secrets of the planets, the Sun, the Moon and studies their influence on our life. Ascendants, or as we used to call them - signs of the zodiac, help to open the best and worst sides of each person, as well as their attitude to money and work. Each of them is very different from the others, and it is controlled by one of the elements. This article will learn how to determine your zodiac sign by date of birth.


This is the first sign of the zodiac (date from March 21 - 20April). His element - Fire. During this time, very energetic and active people are born. For the sake of achieving their goals, they are ready to go ahead. Aries is a sign of the zodiac, the date of which begins on March 21 and ends on April 20, and such people are very straightforward and energetic. They can be very aggressive towards outsiders, but for them this is just a way of protection. This is a sign that is not afraid of obstacles and resistance. In love, Aries are insane. They are ready to pursue their partner until he surrenders. Most Aries are attracted by the same energetic and active signs as he himself.

Purposeful Aries


The next zodiac sign, datewhich begins on April 21 and ends on May 21, is Taurus. These are very stubborn people. They are incredibly difficult to convince in any way. The element of this zodiac sign is Earth, therefore Tauruses are very permanent and purposeful. They often help friends and relatives, but they always get some benefit from it. Taurus never does anything for nothing. In his house everything is very nice and cozy. This is a material sign that can save money and save. Even if his partner is a spender, Taurus always and everything will have time to take control.

This sign is very devoted to its partner.Love and romance for him occupy an important place in life, but no more important than material wealth and comfort. If Taurus decides to move away from the second half, then not to the other, but to loneliness. There he will analyze the current situation for a long time and plan for the future.

Stubborn Taurus


This is the third sign of the zodiac whose date beginsMay 22 and ends on June 21. His element - Air. They are funny, witty, fast and flexible people. They are very changeable, but at the same time they are able to set goals and go towards them. The variability of this sign is manifested in their ability to adapt to any situation. They will never go upwind and will always choose a more comfortable road.

In love, Gemini behave in a special way.They are loyal and faithful, but they are interested in a variety of things. This is not a sign that will give you 100% attention. We'll have to accept the fact that he will always be in search of something new and incredibly interesting. Another quality of Gemini - distrust. Yes, they are very careful in dealing with people. May you smile, joke, but this does not mean that they trust you. To have a Gemini friend, you need to be as sincere as possible with him.


The most sensitive of all signs of the zodiac, datewhich begins June 22 and ends July 22 - this is Cancer. People born during this time period are very vulnerable. From all they seek warmth and understanding. One wrong word or thoughtless act immediately wounds Cancer, and he hides in his shell. This sign is very attached to people, he really knows how to love and care. Touchiness and true friendship are combined in Cancer in equal amounts. He always has many friends and acquaintances, with most of them he communicates throughout his life.

Injured Cancer

a lion

Zodiac sign, the date of which begins on July 23 andends on August 21, loves himself most of all. The fiery Leo dreams of basking in the rays of his glory. He likes praise and attention. He is stubborn enough, self-willed and selfish, but at the same time very proud, courageous and ambitious. The company most often occupies a leading position. They are drawn to this sign, take an example from it, very often even envy. It can be difficult for him to find his place in work. It can rush from one place to another. In financial terms, Lions are very generous, they can spend their last savings on a cool party or date. They rarely keep a strong money account. In love, the zodiac sign Leo (whose date is July 23 - August 21) is not particularly loyal. Like any cat, it will be where it will be fed, stroked and idolized.


Between August 22 and September 23very practical and responsible people. Zodiac sign Virgo is very fond of cleanliness and order in everything. She can re-read the same text many times and each time find more and more errors there. In appearance, they are very calm and balanced people, but inside they are full of real passion. They are constantly looking for something, improve, correct, teach others and help them. This is one of the most organized signs of the zodiac. In love, Virgo also strives for perfection. Her partner should be perfect in everything. Virgo is a wonderful housewife. She is able to surround the care of everyone and everyone. Sometimes such excessive attention annoys her family and friends. Virgo does not understand that she does not leave beloved people anything that they could do themselves.

Practical Virgo


The most harmonious of all the zodiac signs is Libra.Their date of birth is from September 24 to October 23. People born this month always strive for balance and balance. It is not surprising that Libra begins to be born on the day of the autumnal equinox - September 22. It is for this reason that they are so connected with equilibrium and always strive for it. These are very charming people who usually have a lot of friends. The element of this sign is Air. They are actually very energetic and agile. In love, Libra is a little frivolous. They love to flirt and be in the spotlight. Because of this, their second halves are often jealous. However, there really are no special reasons for this. Libra for a long time can not decide on the choice of the second half, but if they have made a decision, they remain loyal to her.


Знак зодиака, дата которого 24 октября по 22 November, refers to the elements of Water. Scorpions are very warlike and never give up. They often discuss a wide variety of questions, seek answers and truth. This is a very brave sign that goes ahead and achieves its goals. Among the Scorpions there are a lot of manipulators. They like to command other people. Their motto can be called "Water sharpens the stone." And in fact, they always hit the same spot until they achieve what they want. Scorpio is a zodiac sign, the date of which is 24.10-22.11, rarely opens its heart to other people. Of course, most representatives of the sign have a full-fledged family, but nobody knows what is going on in their head. This is one of the most secretive signs. Scorpios rarely forgive insults and betrayals, they can not only be upset because of this, but they will most likely come up with a revenge plan.

Warlike scorpion


His enthusiasm can be contagious forsurrounding. Sagittarius is a zodiac sign, the date of which from November 23 to December 22, differs from others, with a special zeal for the search for the fundamental truth of life. Sagittarius is very changeable and multifaceted. He can constantly surprise other people with his new ideas and ventures. Sagittarius strive for independence and freedom. They are carefree and very funny. It is this zodiac sign that very often falls under the influence of bad companies, various sects and pyramids. It’s easy for him to suggest something. Sagittarius is a zodiac sign (date November 23 to December 22), which does not always see the line between wastefulness and generosity. Near Sagittarius, many people feel a strong surge of strength and good mood. In the realm of love, Sagittarius is very passionate and attractive. They are not against short affairs. This is one of the few characters that know how to have fun and postpones the choice of life partner for later.


Со стороны Козерог выглядит очень холодным, impregnable, prudent and suspicious, but it will be so until he begins to trust you. Capricorn is a zodiac sign, the date of which from December 23 to January 20 is one of the most material and practical, because its element is Earth. These are responsible and collected people who know exactly what they want. Slowly, but very confidently, they are moving towards their goals and are sure to achieve them. Capricorn has good endurance and endurance. This is not the sign that will leave the case without completing it to the end. One of the most patient is Capricorn. The zodiac sign, whose date begins on December 23 and ends on January 20, is organized and very responsible. If you entrust him with any business, then be sure that he will certainly cope with it. In love, as in other areas of his life, this sign strives for stability.

Practical Capricorn


Many people care about why Aquarius -the zodiac sign, whose date begins on January 21 and ends on February 18, refers to the elements Air, not Water. The whole thing lies in its symbolic designation and character. So, in the figure you can see not just water at rest, but a wave. In character, this also plays a role. Aquarius is in constant motion and in search of new knowledge and discoveries. This is one of the most creative characters, a true enthusiast. One of its most characteristic features is its unwillingness to obey the established laws, the so-called intellectual independence.

Aquarius, zodiac sign (date 21.01 - 18.02), who constantly invents and invents something. In children born during this period of time, one can often see a tendency to fantasize and distort events. Aquarius seems to see everything in its own special light. In love, this zodiac sign is monogamous. Family and relationships are in the first place for him. It is very important that the second half support Aquarius in all his fantasies and not too often lower him to the ground.


The last in the horoscope is the zodiac sign Pisces.The date of birth of such people is the period from February 19 to March 20. Their element is Water. These are very vulnerable and inconsistent individuals. On the schematic image of this sign, you can see 2 fish that swim in different directions. Indeed, they are very unbalanced. But there is also their plus. They adapt well to various situations in life. This is a sign that loves to dream, but rarely translates its desires into reality. It is extremely difficult to achieve anything for Pisces. They are constantly disturbed by various people, events.

Romantic Fish

Все в корне может измениться, если рядом с Рыбами there will be a strong and strong-willed sign. They are romantics, they can talk for a long time about love, about beauty, about everything eternal and beautiful. Representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces (date from 19.02 to 20.03) are very compassionate and are good friends. They are always ready to help those who ask for it. Often in this zodiac sign you can see shyness, shyness, the ability to remain silent at the right time. Pisces is a very spiritual sign, their intuition is well developed, and they always look not at the appearance of a person, but at his soul. For their second half are ready for many sacrifices. In love, Pisces is very gentle and caring.