Recently, more and more wizards andpsychics appear in the life of our country. They boldly talk about their existence, show their strength and help people solve their problems and improve their lives. The 24 year old witch Dmitry Volkhov was no exception.
Dmitry is capable of almost everything.He is a priest of the pagan worship of Veles. He is a sorcerer who has devoted himself to the knowledge of the secret knowledge and the world of the ancient Russian gods. Now Dmitry Volkhov, a psychic, does not part with his special magical attributes, including a candle, a knife and an artysh (a branch of a mountain juniper, intended for corruption). The sorcerer's interest in paganism awoke seven years ago, when his comrade invited him to attend a pagan celebration, which left its mark on the soul of the young youth. And the people who were on that holiday were very interested in the young man, he felt in them an amazing incomparable power. It was then that the guy realized that he wanted to join these people, to become part of their society.
Dmitri's interests
Among the interests of the young talentpsychic, healing, occultism and gray magic. There are a lot of controversies around the latter now, and not only the tangent of what it is, but also whether it really is. The only thing that is undeniable at the moment is the fact that gray is much lighter than black magic, but different from white.
Dmitry Volkhov was born and lived his young yearsnear Moscow in the city of Zhukovsky. It was there that he was educated at the Municipal Institute, which he graduated in 2011. Ever since childhood, the future sorcerer was awakened by abilities that did not go unnoticed by his relatives. From the age of five, the boy clearly distinguished smells, and no matter what, his sensitive sense of smell could distinguish between people and objects.
The boy guessed with accuracy who was lying where eitherhe could call the owner of a particular subject. Relatives at that time did not know which way their son would take, but were sure that he would connect his fate with perfumery. At the moment, Dmitry is perfectly able to find the missing things. In addition to lost flash drives and phones, it can also determine the location of people.
A family
Father sorcerer lost even at an early age.When the boy was only 10 years old, his father passed away from cancer. Before his death, when medicine made a terrible diagnosis, oncology of the last 4 degrees, his father decided to seek help from the healer Nadezhda Antonenko known at that time. Now this woman is serving a sentence in prison for her charlatan acts. According to Dmitry's mother, they performed terrible and senseless rituals for a long time, burning strange things and gold. For Dima, this topic is very painful. Since then, he has always remained negative to charlatans, and he argues that many of the damage and the evil eyes are simply invented, so do not trust people on this matter. But it was precisely those events that influenced the future interest of Volkhov in the esoteric.
Personal life
Dmitry Volokhov is single, but veryinterested in girls, even though they stand with him and not in the first place. Sometimes, while working in the mystical field, they confuse him with serious thoughts, and he is distracted, often he just wants to admire the female gender. Since his youth, Dmitry has not complained about the lack of female attention and he had girls. Although, when he participated in the Battle of Psychics, he was free. Dmitry Volkhov and his girlfriend broke up just before the battle. At that time, the guy was going to go to the army, and naturally asked her lover if she would wait for him from the military service. In response, the guy heard that most likely not, she would not wait for him. The guy regarded it as a real betrayal.
Speak directly about their love affairs Dima notwants. It is known that because of the girl he had a lot of emotional experiences. At the moment, the amorous guy is very disappointed in women, but believes that this experience is not negative, but rather useful. The most beloved woman of the young sorcerer is his grandmother Tatyana Ivanovna, who is now 85 years old. Naturally, the grandmother reciprocates her grandson, but the main thing that she cares about is his health, which suffered during the Battle of Psychics. But at the same time you should not despair, the guy not only lets the female gender to him, but also likes to give autographs. Although along with the signature, he can draw special characters.
The fight of extrasensories. Volkhov - accidents are not random
Spring 2012 was for Dmitry Volkhov ratherpreparatory period for the army service than the threshold of celebrity and victory. He seriously intended to go to defend his homeland, so he worked on the rungs and studied hand-to-hand combat. A week before the shooting of the Battle, he received a summons where it was stated that he should begin his official duties on April 15. But the fate of the young man turned out differently, the day before he had an accident, in which he was not guilty. The guy broke his head with the windshield of the car and accordingly entered treatment at the clinic with a concussion.
During the casting, at first, Dima was perceived asvery quiet and humble young man. Therefore, many of its competitors were extremely unhappy and surprised that the quiet boy took out a knife and showed real fighting spirit. The guy received the most skepticism from Sergey Safronov, but in the end they even became friends.
As tools on tests, Dmitryuses hand sensations, faith, insight and feelings. He sought help from local spirits, used natural forces through rituals, turned to the help of the devils. In addition, the guy is able to see ghosts that most people do not see. Many were skeptical about this, but the guy is sure that this is not a hallucination. According to him, people differ in the frequencies of perception, and he perfectly sees creatures with a low frequency. According to the sorcerer, they take on different forms, both human and reptile, and they can also take on the appearance of giants.
Events during filming
Totally unexpected for viewers and the veryDmitry was that he predicted his own death. This happened in the 9th edition of the Battle of Psychics. Just then the guy was in the Yusupov Palace. Surprisingly, the guy believes that he will die at age 26 from firearms. It was at this age, by the way, that Prince Yusupov was shot dead.
As an energy feed forthe implementation of all actions during the Battle of the guy uses places of power. During the filming, he went to the forest every weekend to collect energy. On the ground of power, Dima kindled a fire, set a statue of his god alongside and offered sacrifices as milk and bread. To the gods received gifts, he burned them at the stake.
Victory on the set
The guy had no small chance to winSeason 13 of the Battle of Psychics. Many did not doubt his victory when he reached the final. Thanks to his youth and attractiveness, he deserved the attention of many fans who supported him and helped him to reach the end of this path. At the beginning of the battle, the guy led the first rank of 13 mystics and psychics. He was able to pass all the tests perfectly, not only giving an accurate description of the items that were behind the screen, but also found a man in the trunk. It is worth noting that Dmitry Volkhov received a record number of votes from the audience, no one else in all seasons has gained such a number.