/ / White church. The church that gave the name of the city

White church. The church that gave the name to the city

In Ukraine, in the southwestern part of KievThe area, along the banks of the Ros River, is a splendidly clean and cozy old town - Belaya Tserkov. About how old this place, you can judge by such details. The first mention of it is found in one of the oldest historical documents of Russia - the Ipatiev Chronicle (1115). The city has many beautiful places, memorable sights. The main one is connected with its name.

Gray old

White Church
Imagine Kievan Rus XI century.The young state is growing and gaining strength, gaining friendly relations with neighbors and respect from enemies. Among the latter, the steppe-nomads especially pester the Rus. In order to protect the patronal city and the nearby lands from their raids, in 1032 Yaroslav the Wise laid down the fortress city Yuriev (the name Yuri received himself at baptism). On the hill, called the Castle Hill, the castle-fortress was built of light stone, and inside it was a white church - the church, on which the city was later renamed. People began to settle around, and gradually the roadblock became a city. Many battles survived the fortress, before in 1240 it was completely destroyed by the Tatar-Mongols. Only remnants of the temple walls survived. With them began the revival of the village, the rebuilding of new buildings. Then they began to call this place Belaya Tserkov. The church itself, alas, has sunk into oblivion.

Winds of history

White Church Church
In general, the city turned out to be unexpectedly quitestormy and rich biography. In the 14th century, it was ruled by the Principality of Lithuania, then by the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. In the XVI-XVII centuries, popular uprisings broke out on the territory of the region. Under Bogdan Khmelnitsky, the city became the center of the national liberation struggle. Then he made his personal residence Hetman Mazepa. In 1706 they founded the church in the city of Belaya Tserkov in the style of Ukrainian Baroque. This luxurious stone building was not completed until the end due to the transfer of the city to Polish rule. Rebuilt was only a part of it, called the Nikolskaya church. She has survived to this day.

Catholic church

Mr. White Church
The city and the surrounding area at the beginningXIX century were the property of the family of Polish nobility Branicki. Thanks to them, she received the White Church, which became the pride and wonderful decoration of these places. Because the Branicki were Catholics, they built a church in honor of John the Baptist on Zamkova Hill. The location was not chosen by chance: it was here that the ancient Christian shrine once stood - the first church. And now the city of Bila Tserkva is proud of this wonderful monument of architecture and architecture. Built on the strict laws of Catholicism, the church strikes with its pomp, grandeur, and harmonious proportionality of all the details and elements. Particularly admires the interior of the building: stucco, painting, rich decoration. Wonderful acoustics in the church. Therefore, often there are evenings of organ and chamber music.

churches of the city

Orthodox churches

And yet more Orthodox this city - WhiteChurch. The churches functioning in it are not inferior to the church neither by external beauty, nor by interior decoration. These are the Nikolaevskaya (built in the 18th-19th centuries), the church of Mary Magdalene (18th century), the Transfiguration Cathedral, one of the largest in the city (the 19th century). The buildings are not just decorated with Bila Tserkva. Churches are urban landmarks and are protected by the state as objects of cultural and historical past. The city and its residents have something to be proud of: its glorious history and high culture.