/ / Character, fate and meaning of the name Simon

The nature, fate and meaning of the name Simon

People wonder what this or that means.name, when choosing it for a child, when they connect their lives with another person, or simply to understand people around them better. And this is certainly true, because the name has a special magic, it encodes not only the character and talents of a person, but also his fate. Therefore, making a serious step, it is better to ascertain what the name means and with what qualities it gives the carrier. Now names for girls have become very popular and rare and beautiful. This category includes the euphonic name of Simon. So what qualities will it bestow on its owner?

Meaning of the name Simon

Simone: name and origin

According to historians and linguists, Simon isthe female form of the male name Simon, known from biblical times. In free translation from Hebrew, Simon means "heard by God." The name is very popular all over the world, especially in Italy, Spain and France. But answering the question: "Simon - whose name?" - it is safe to say that it has Jewish roots.

Names for girls are rare and beautiful

Name character

Simone is endowed with such a beautiful set.human qualities like kindness, compassion and honesty. She is responsive and always ready to help those in need, unfortunately, people often abuse them with these qualities. Simone needs to learn to say no. She has excellent intelligence and insight. Despite her many-sided interests and the desire to embrace the boundless, she still manages to be punctual. The value of the name of Simon and the qualities characteristic of him help his possessor to achieve the desired. Simone has a cheerful disposition and is able to endear others. She is resourceful and quick-witted, if necessary, she can even cheat, but not for her own benefit, but for the principles she is sure of.

Simon's name for a girl

Since childhood, Simon is growing universal darling.She is energetic, cheerful and affable. Adults with this child will not be bored, because the girl is extremely curious, everything is interesting to her. Simon’s openness and gullibility cause affection in adults, and parents add trouble, because these children's qualities are beautiful, but dangerous to a child in the modern world. The meaning of the name Simon gives the girl the love and sympathy of her peers, because she is light and easy to communicate. At school age, Simona’s irrepressible energy prevents her from studying diligently. Fidgetty, it is difficult to focus on the lessons; an excellent memory, a sharp mind and ingenuity save from bad grades. Simon visits all sorts of circles, quickly lights up with an idea and just as quickly loses interest in it. This happens until the hobby or school discipline, which she will be really interesting.

Simone's name

The fate and significance of the name Simon

Grown up Simone becomes attractive andelegant. She sees her strengths, skillfully uses them and knows her value. The adult Simona already knows how to control her indefatigable energy, so she uses it to achieve her main goals. Since she is well versed in people, she can become a good psychologist, teacher, doctor, writer or public figure. Having drawn conclusions from the mistakes of youth, she no longer allows random people into her social circle and, since she gives much herself, demands it from the rest.

The value of the name Simon helps the girl to makethe right choice on the path of life, she is not in a hurry to marry and evaluates the candidacy of her future husband according to many criteria. Therefore, as a rule, has a loving and wealthy spouse. An adult Simone is a beautiful wife and a caring mother, even an overly caring, she should not take on all the responsibilities of raising children, otherwise there is a risk that they will be spoiled. Being an excellent hostess, Simone loves and is able to meet guests who admire her cozy and well-kept home. She is an interesting interviewee, since she was interested in many things from childhood, therefore she is always in the center of attention. Sometimes the life energy of Simone breaks free from her control, and then her family should prepare for moving, unplanned repairs, rearranging furniture, or the whole family going to dance lessons. In a word, it will not be boring for sure.

Therefore, picking up names for girls are rare and beautiful, you can stay on the name of Simon.

Simone whose name


Симона — имя, которому в нумерологии corresponds to the number "3" (creativity). "Troika" - gifted personality with a fine mental organization. At first glance, they seem to be carefree people who care nothing for them, but in fact they are very vulnerable people who react painfully to criticism. In life, the "three" must learn to soberly assess their capabilities, to defend themselves and their interests. A mentor can help them in this. He will teach how to manage his energy and direct it in the right direction. "Troika" can achieve great heights in the creative field, if they are able to focus their efforts on achieving the result and will not be scattered over trifles.