/ / Did you know, 1995 is the year of what animal?

Did you know, 1995 - the year of which animal?

And how important is it to have such information today? Let's try to talk about this in more detail.

Section 1. 1995 - the year of the animal according to the horoscope? Relevance of the issue

1995 what animal
Do we need to know about it?What does it do and how can it come in handy? In general, according to a recently received social survey, not every person follows the eastern calendar. Therefore, 1995 is the year of which animal, you can only find out from those who were lucky enough to be born in this time period or have relatives of Dragons, Tigers, Rabbits or any other representatives of this mysterious ancient theory. Why?

Yes, because it is in such a year that a person, as a rule, receives or gives a lot of symbolic gifts, supposedly guaranteeing future success and powerful energy potential.

Section 2. General description of the year

In general, purely theoretically, according to the Chinese calendar, the solar year is divided into twelve terrestrial branches, which correspond to twelve star signs.

In search of an answer to the question “1995 is what year according to the eastern calendar,” we learn that the patronizing creature of this time period was considered a pig.

The pig belongs to the twelfth earthly branch of Hai(Asylum). It is associated with water characterized by strong yin properties - calm and reflection, and personifies peacefulness, kindness, generosity, honesty, patience and at the same time hot temper, laziness, apathy, pessimism and snobbery.

Section 3. Major events of 1995. So is there a pattern?

1995 what animal's horoscope
1 марта был убит Влад Листьев (знаменитый TV reporter, Russian television icon). This murder shocked the entire Russian society. To date, this case has not been disclosed. According to the most convincing version, it is assumed that the murder of Listyev is connected with his television activity, or rather, with the multi-million profit for the advertising time on the air.

April 1, began broadcasting Public Russiantelevision (ORT), organized on January 25th. Initially, Ostankino was broadcast on Channel One, but by the end of 1994 it could not withstand competition from NTV, and it was replaced by ORT TV channel. The main shareholder of the channel was B. Berezovsky, who in September 2000 sold his 49% stake in the ORT television channel. In 2002, ORT was reorganized into Channel One.

On May 28 an earthquake occurred on Sakhalin Island in the village of Neftegorsk with a magnitude of more than 7 points. As a result of the earthquake, the village was completely destroyed, 2 thousand people died.

On December 14, in Paris, Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia signed the Dayton Agreement to End the Civil War, which has lasted since 1992 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

December 17 in the State Duma heldsecond election. They were conducted according to a mixed system: one half of the deputies was distributed among the parties, which received more than 5% of the votes on federal lists, and the second half was elected by majority districts. 43 parties and electoral associations took part in the elections. Only the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party, Our Home is Russia, Yabloko passed.

We understand that the year was intense and difficult. There is nothing to argue about this.

Section 4. 1995 - whose year: the effect of the date of birth on a person’s personality traits

1995 whose year
People born in the Year of the Pig are excellent business partners, as they are obligatory and responsible. However, for such dedication they demand the same from their colleagues and business partners.

We have already found the answer to the question posed “1995, what animal” and know that the symbol was a pig.

Попробуйте вспомнить, кто же из близких родился в Year of the Pig. According to astrologers, pigs are loyal friends, ready to support you in any situation. They do not tolerate criticism and advice related to their business, so if you want to remain friends with them, you should not impose your opinion on them.

Representatives of the Year of the Pig prefer a bird inCrane's hand in the sky. They will not once again risk, but will systematically and methodically go to the goal. These people are very hardworking and diligent in their work. They try not to engage in intrigue, trying to dislodge their colleagues in order to occupy a higher position.

In the love plan, they are not so smooth because of theirgullibility and naivety. In relation to their chosen one, they are open, caring and romantic. If they are lucky, they will meet their love from the first, otherwise they will inevitably experience love disappointment. From this situation, they are able to draw conclusions and start searching for a new partner. They give their chosen one complete freedom, but in response they demand the same. With them you can build a strong and durable alliance.

Section 5. What will bring the coming 2014

1995 what year is the eastern calendar
Year of the Green Horse will be for representatives of the yearPigs are quite successful, as traits such as prudence and caution will help to achieve success and stay on top of it. In order not to be left behind the train, the Pigs will need to show commitment and the ability to achieve their goals.

Этот год будет успешным не только для businessmen, but also for people of creative professions. If you suddenly decide to change your place of work, then, most likely, it will be more interesting and profitable for you. Do not be afraid of seeming difficulties and possible failures, more stringent requirements are always placed on beginners, and you will need to earn credibility in a new place of work.

In family life there will be peace and tranquility.For many Pigs, this year is marked by such events as a wedding or the birth of a child. In the struggle for the material well-being of their loved ones, Pigs can begin to show scrupulousness in counting money and even greed. Do not forget that you live once, and the money is needed in order to spend it.

In the year of the Green Horse, Lonely Pigs will find theirhalves. Remember that the Horse loves active and motivated people. If you sit at home and look at the opposite sex from the window, the dream of finding family happiness will remain a dream. Resolute and courageous Pigs will surely meet the person to whom they will present their care and tenderness.

Section 6. Famous People Born in the Year of the Pig

1995 - год какого животного, мы уже выяснили, However, it is probably too early to speak about the outstanding achievements of people born in this year, and therefore we will try to trace the patterns of abilities of representatives of this symbol.

Fedor Tyutchev, Oliver were born in the year of PigCromwell, Woody Allen, Emma Thompson, Elton John, Samuel Marshak, Alfred Hitchcock, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Spielberg, Wolfgang Mozart, Henry Kissinger, Marc Bernes, Anatoly Lunacharsky, Konstantin Chernenko, Glenn Close, in, the computer, the Genry the Gene, the Gene the Builder Ronald Reagan, Michael Parkinson. All of them are outstanding and talented personalities, so the potential of geniuses was also born in those born in 1995.