/ / Dream Interpretation: The Chase. Interpretation of sleep

Dream interpretation: the pursuit. Interpretation of sleep

Who ever did not look in the dream book?Chasing what dream? If you saw in a dream chasing yourself, you yourself ran after someone or saw someone chasing someone and you are curious to know what it's dreamed to, then you need to remember as much as possible all the details (running away from someone or chased, caught up or not, who else was in this dream). In general, the pursuit is a sign of a person's having any fears or fears, a feeling of regret about a missed opportunity or an unmet goal. Let's look into the dream book. To get away from the chase - this dream has different explanations, depending on the circumstances under which the action took place. Let's consider in more detail what it's dreaming about.

dream dream

We'll look into the dream book. Pursuit - the meaning of sleep

Depending on whether you participated in the race or just watched, chased after someone or ran away, there are many different interpretations.

First of all, if in pursuit you are running after something,it means your desire to achieve something, whether it is an improvement in your career or an unrealizable dream. If you run away, it means that you are haunted by fears, perhaps the burden of something unachievable, or unsolved grievances and disagreements. If the chase dreams you during a nightmare, it can display hidden fears, most likely in life with loved ones and close people.

Watching the chase from the side is a sign that you have sat around idly, it's time to take part, and not to be an ordinary observer.

Run across the bridge in a dream is a loss of love, but if you run away from someone during the chase, then it symbolizes a new stage of life.

dream dream drive

What will the dream book tell? Pursuit, to escape from someone - the meaning of sleep

To run away from someone is to run away from problems.

If you dream that the one who chased, lagged behind, then do not worry. The problems that hang, will not cause any harm. Soon you will be able to get rid of them.

Running away from a man in a dream means that in lifeyou will soon be deceived. You need to pay attention to the people around you. For young girls, a dream where she runs away from a man can be interpreted as subconscious unpreparedness for a serious relationship.

To see in a dream the chase that overtakes you andpromptly try to leave it - then, in the near future have a lot to do in a hurry, so you need to start to solve their problems. If in a dream you are pursued by a loved one, then soon he will want to make amends.

Running away from a murderer or a maniac - such a dream means that soon you will need all the strength and energy to solve urgent matters.

If you are caught up in a chase, then this is a sign that the accumulated problems can not be avoided. Perhaps it will be an unpleasant conversation, which will entail trouble or problems at work.

dream dream pursuit

The pursuit, the persecution

What will the dream book tell us? Pursuit, persecution - what does it dream? Long chasing someone or something means that soon you will receive a reward for your efforts and works.

Chasing a loved one in a dreamsymbolize your hidden desire to help him, to direct him in the right direction. Also, you should think about why this person runs away from you, maybe he does not need help, or you are too intrusive.

If you are chasing your favorite man or husband, then alas, but this means that your relationship is falling apart, and they can not be saved.

To chase someone at night is a sign of the impending disaster that you foresaw, but since it has not become a part of reality, it can still be avoided.

If during a chase in a dream you pursuebeloved girl, it means that you pay a lot of attention to her, which can lead to a breach of relations. Let yourself be a bit more selfish, because the more a girl we love, the less we like her.

dream dream car chase

Car chase

Let's look into the dream book.Pursuit by car - what does this dream mean? If you run away from someone in the car, while avoiding, it means that you are trying to hide something, get away from problems. You should seriously think about your secret or design and decide - maybe you should not shirk?

To go by car with a fellow traveler means that your relationship with this person will improve.

Pursuit, animals

What does the dream book say?Pursuit, the animals that follow the trail - why this dream? Running away from animals - such a dream means that gossips and intrigues will soon appear. You should take a closer look, did you say something superfluous. But if a girl dreams that she runs away from a bear, then it is possible that soon she will marry. Entrepreneurs bear in a dream promises problems in business and quick troubles.

Running away in a dream from a snake is an imminent health problem. You should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

To see in a dream a dog that runs away means deterioration of the financial situation. But do not worry, because the lost money can be returned soon.

Running away in a dream from a cat is a very bad sign, which means that soon there will be troubles that will not only cover you but also your loved ones.

dream book

Chasing by the days of the week

The meaning of sleep often depends on what day of the week he dreamed. Let's see in the dream book - the chase on different days of the week has such significance.

  • If the chase had a dream on Monday, it means that something in life you will not be able to change. But as they say, what can be, can not be avoided, well, you can prepare for the blow of fate.
  • Harvesting on Tuesday? This indicates health, running away, you can seriously get sick. And if you run after a close person, then you want to help him and he needs it.
  • If you fall during the last chase on Wednesday, it probably means death. If you stumble - an accident or a deadly danger.
  • Dreams on Thursday speak of a financial situation. If you catch up with someone in a dream - it promises profit, and if they catch up with you - expect monetary instability.
  • Friday - dreams speak about the internal state, therefore, running away from someone, you run away from yourself and your problems.
  • A Saturday dream about chasing means that you follow the wrong beliefs. Perhaps it's time to grow up or find a soul mate, eventually get a family.
  • Sunday - everything bad is behind, soon there will be joyous news.