/ / The meaning of the name Matilda, the nature and fate of its owner

The meaning of the name Matilda, the nature and fate of its possessor

The meaning of the name Matilda will help in makingdecisions to parents who are thinking of giving it to their daughter. This information will be interesting to the girls who wear it. So, what secret does this beautiful name hide? Does it affect the fate and character of its owners?

The origin and meaning of the name Matilda

Linguists do not doubt his Germanorigin. It consists of two parts, each of which puts its meaning in it. The word “maht” from Old German translates as “power”, the translation of the word “hild” sounds like “battle”. Consequently, the meaning of the name Matilda is “power in battle”.

meaning of name matilda

Offer linguists and more romantic version -"Dangerous beauty." This value gives the name tenderness, softens it. On the territory of the Russian Federation, it is currently not particularly popular, but it has become widespread in many European countries.

Matilda's character

The meaning of the name Matilda suggeststhat the girl wearing it has a fighting character. From early childhood she gets used to keeping everything around her under her own control. Matilda is demanding of herself, does not agree to forgive weaknesses and her loved ones. She pays a lot of time to expanding her own horizons, never ceases to engage in self-improvement.

matilda name meaning

The perseverance with which she is endowed almost frombirth, helps her to always reach her goals. Matilda has pronounced leadership qualities, she likes to command other people. Another's opinion is of no interest to her, she never questions her own actions and desires. "The general in a skirt" also differs in discipline, surprises with refined manners.

Communication, friendship

Knowing the meaning of the name Matilda, you might thinkthat it is very difficult for others to contact such a girl. Indeed, she has a quick temper, is ready to defend her opinion to the last, tries to emerge victorious from any dispute. However, the owner of the name with pleasure communicates with people, prefers to surround herself with fair, positive-minded individuals, to whom she relates very favorably.

meaning of the name Matilda for a girl

People gladly accept Matilda in theircompanies are eager to communicate with her. The secret lies in the fact that she has an amazing erudition, infects others with energy, impresses with strength of mind. However, she has more friends and acquaintances than friends, because it is still difficult to be friends with a girl because of her habit of control and suppression. Being a leader from birth, Matilda prefers to establish friendly relations with those who are close to the role of the slave.

Hobbies, profession

How does Matilda spend her free time?The value of the name indicates that the girl was created for the sport. She likes to do it, as it is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, she likes music, and preference can be given to both the classics and rock. Finally, Matilda travels with pleasure, as it allows her to expand her horizons.

matilda meaning character name

Any woman who is perfectleadership position - such is Matilda. The value of the name suggests that its owner will easily succeed as a private entrepreneur. She can also try to find herself in the areas of trade, promotion, tourism, real estate.

There are professions from which she desiresstay away. For example, the meaning of the name Matilda for a girl and an adult woman shows that creativity is not created for her. Dissolve in the work of the owner of the name will prevent fighting character, the desire to lead and command. But she can successfully run a business related to the sale of art objects.

Love, marriage

What is Matilda in love?The value of the name, character - do these factors influence her relations with the opposite sex? Owners of the name in most pulls to intelligent men who have a pleasant temper. In relationships, such girls tend to play a dominant role, they demand admiration and readiness to catch every word from a partner.

A man intending to make Matildethe proposal, should be aware that the role of the leader in the family will get it to her. It is worth remembering that the owner of the name without any pleasure doing household work, preferring to shift it to the household or use the services of housekeepers.


Значение имени Матильда говорит о том, что в роли mother, she is good and bad at the same time. The girls, who are so called, love their children very much, take care of them with pleasure. As a rule, their offspring receive a brilliant education, are provided with all necessary and do not suffer from a lack of maternal attention. However, the constant care of Matilda does not give her children the opportunity to grow up. Having become a mother, until the end of her life she will strive to control her heirs, to invade their personal lives.