/ / Esoterics for beginners. The most interesting.

Esoterics for beginners. The most interesting.

If you are interested in the secrets of what is happening around us, then you need in this case esoterics for beginners. Why for beginners?

Дело в том, что данное направление включает в a multitude of possible currents, it is almost impossible to know everything at once. Those who decided to devote themselves seriously to esotericism, should prepare for a very long period of its study. Perhaps it will take years to learn all her secrets.

Esoterics, the definition of which was given yetmany centuries ago, is a philosophical worldview of subjective cognition of the surrounding world. And this is not available to everyone. It is very important not only a great desire to study esotericism, but also the presence of a person of a certain selectivity and involvement in the mystery of the phenomena that are occurring, which it is not yet possible to explain with scientific language.

Esoterics for beginners is reduced, as a rule, toknowledge of its essence as a whole. Do not think that having mastered some sort of fortune-telling from all the existing ones, you could know all its depth. Divination is not in itself the main reason. In this context, it is precisely the processes taking place in the information field that surrounds any person. Esoterics for beginners comes down to learning how to read this information. And fortune telling is a practical help in this process. And here all the tools that are used for fortune-telling will be good.

But, again, do not try to learn everything at once.Give your preference to one direction. Let it be, for example, maps. Because, having learned one thing and becoming a professional in this field, you can easily master other ways of guessing. After all, the main thing here is the ability to read information, and not masterly possession of improvised means. This is important to remember.

Unexplained phenomena have always provoked genuineinterest in humanity. People tried to find a certain relationship between the events in their lives and the dreams they saw the day before. Some had the ability to see what had not happened, or what had happened to other people. Until now, such a phenomenon as clairvoyance remains unexplored until the end. However, the fact of its existence is difficult to deny.

Undoubtedly, esotericism for beginners in the presence of a man's paranormal abilities will help him to understand the essence of what is happening not only with him, but also to help those around him.

Interestingly, many religions welcomeesoterics, which can not be said of Christianity. Esoterics and Orthodoxy are those two directions that can not exist together. The fact is that in itself the Christian current initially urges a person to recognize all the wrongness of his life.

Esotericism also explains a number of events that are incomprehensible to the human mind. As you can see, there is a contradiction. Hence the negative attitude of the Orthodox Church towards all occult sciences.

However, how not to twist, esoteric practice is alreadyhas long confirmed itself in practice. Someone rejects it, but no matter how a person tries to drive himself into the framework of the usual, it is simply impossible to explain a large number of phenomena from the point of view of physical processes. And then esotericism comes to the rescue.

Do not think that to study this science - notI'm afraid of this word - it's so simple. You will be faced with something new every day. And these processes need to find not only an explanation, but as much as possible to know the essence of their origin. And only after that you can gradually move on to the next stage. If you feel this mysterious power in yourself and want to devote yourself to esotericism, prepare for a long journey that can go on forever!