/ / Petrov post: when it starts and ends, the rules and food

Petrov Post: when it starts and ends, rules and nutrition

According to the statute of the Orthodox Church, there isonly four posts lasting a long period of time. Of these, two are strict - Lent and Ouspensky. The other two are less strict (during their implementation it is allowed to eat fish), this is Rozhdestvensky and Petrov fasting. Today we will talk about the last of them.

Harmony of body and soul

There is a spiritual side to fasting.

Под церковным постом подразумевается попытка believers free themselves from their sins. In this case we are talking about two sides of this process. On the one hand, it is the purification of the soul, on the other - the body. The first side involves prayers, thoughts about God, thoughts about your life. And the second - restrictions in the use of individual products.

Fathers of the Church consider such actions inunity, because human nature is designed in such a way that moderation in food gives the body lightness, which helps to focus on high aspirations. The same goal is set before the holding of Petrova Lent, which is also called the Apostolic.

Where did the name come from

Petrovsky post is called apostolic

The Apostolic Lent was mentioned back inwritten sources relating to the III century. Both names are related to the disciples of Jesus Christ, who resorted to fasting (spiritual and physical) before setting off on a long journey to preach about the life and teachings of the Son of God.

Formerly it was called the Pentecost fast (50thDay after Easter - the Day of the Holy Trinity) and was intended for those people who for one reason or another could not indulge in Lent, for example, were sick or were on a long journey, or their state of health excluded this possibility in principle.

Today, this understanding remains relevant, butthe emphasis is shifted to the relationship with the apostles, namely with Peter and Paul — the beloved disciples of Christ. It emphasizes not only the importance of the restrictions for the organism, but primarily for the soul. After all, Peter and Paul are examples of true Christians, the connection with the feat of which is not interrupted in our days.

Beginning and the end

The number of meals is limited to 1 and 2

Какого числа начнется Петров пост?It begins one week after the Holy Trinity Day and follows the ninth Sunday day after Easter. In this regard, each year the terms of keeping the Apostolic fast vary. What number ends Petrov post? His last day is a strictly fixed day - the eve of the day of Saints Peter and Paul - July 12 (in common people - Petrov day).

Thus, if an early offensive occursEaster, the duration of Petrova fasting becomes much longer. The shortest was an eight-day fast, and the longest was a fast in 42 days. In 2018, it will be 38 days, its duration - from June 4 to July 11 inclusive.

However, the day itself honoring the apostles Peter and Paul is not included in this post. But keep in mind that if it falls on Wednesday, Friday, then it refers to fasting days.

Petrov fasting and nutrition

Vegetable dishes allowed

As mentioned above, this post does not apply tostrict, but it can not be taken literally. After all, it was originally intended for ministers of the church, whose life, in principle, is subjected to a host of restrictions. Therefore, what is not a strict fasting for them will not necessarily be such for the laity.

The "lightness" of the Apostolic fast is expressed inthat animal food can be consumed with fish, and even then not all the days. In connection with the summer period, emphasis is placed on vegetables and fruits, which should support the body during times of restraint. To assimilate the rules of holding Petrov post you need to pay attention to the following settings:

  1. Animal squirrels (except fish) are excluded.
  2. Dairy products and meals, which they include are not allowed.
  3. Light, health-giving food is welcome.
  4. Cooking is used only with the use of vegetable oils.
  5. On Wednesday and Friday it is forbidden to subject food to heat treatment.
  6. On Monday you can eat hot, but cooked purely on water, without oil.
  7. Vegetables, fruits, herbs can be consumed on any day. On all days, except Wednesday and Friday, you can eat fish, mushrooms, nuts, cereals.

Scheme for the laity

For the laity, the power scheme is as follows:

  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday practicexerophagy. By this is meant that food can be eaten raw, but not only. You can cook them, bake, stew on water. For example, it is allowed to boil porridge, but not add meat, milk, butter to it. Food is taken once at 3 pm.
  • On Tuesday and Thursday, you can eat the same food as on the above days, but twice a day.
  • Saturday and Sunday are allowedeat foods hot, for example, cook lean borscht, having prepared a grill for it in sunflower oil, add mushrooms. It is allowed to eat fish dishes. Food is taken twice a day.
baked fish


As you can see, the requirements for the Orthodox Petrovfasting is not so easy, and not everyone can withstand it. Therefore, there is a so-called indulgence (or complete refusal from fasting), which is allowed for lactating and pregnant women, the elderly, travelers, people with poor health - physical and mental.

In this regard, observing the post, do not needfocus on lifestyle in monasteries, and be aware of the need for a reasonable approach to the implementation of restrictions in products. Moreover, there is the spiritual side of the post, which is no less important. In any situation, it would not hurt to seek advice from the ministers of the church.

During the post, a number of otherrestrictions, such as avoiding intimacy, non-participation in all sorts of entertainment events. These include the wedding ban, which we will discuss in more detail.

Wedding and Wedding

Wedding in Petrov post is prohibited

Summer is a favorite time to spendweddings, so many are wondering whether weddings play Petrov post. Is it possible to plan a marriage for this time, and what to do if it is already appointed? To answer these questions, you need to figure out what the church means by marriage.

The fact is that, from the point of view of the churchcanons, marriage - this is not the official registration of relations in the registry office and not a wedding celebration per se. This is one of the sacraments, which involves the wedding in the temple, sanctifying the union of two hearts before the Lord God.

What to do right?

But there is one nuance:As a rule, a marriage certificate is required for a church wedding. That is, these two events are interrelated. At the same time, the time of any post, like Petrov, is not designed for a wedding. What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above - to play or not to play a wedding in the post? The answer will be as follows.

  • If we are talking about a wedding, which is considered only in the sense of registration at the registry office, the modest ceremony will not violate the restrictions imposed by the rules of the post.
  • As for the wedding celebration, when a person is deeply religious, he will not roll up a noisy fun during this period.
  • If the newlyweds and their relatives are notadhere to strict church canons, and yet the wedding is decided to play in the post, you should think about those people who are invited to it, but comply with restrictions on food. For them are served those dishes prescribed by the calendar for the laity, which is mentioned above.
  • If we are talking about marriage registration withIf both the “civil” ceremony and the wedding in the church are held at the same time, this will not work. To carry out the wedding in the temple, the bride and groom will be asked to set a wedding date on the day following July 12.