/ / Holy Trinity Cathedral (Dnepropetrovsk, Troitskaya Square, 7): history, rector, shrines

Holy Trinity Cathedral (Dnepropetrovsk, Trinity Square, 7): history, rector, shrines

The main shrine and sightDnepropetrovsk is the Holy Trinity Cathedral. The construction refers to the monuments of architecture of the XIX century. Having survived the difficult times in its history, Holy Trinity Cathedral (Dnepropetrovsk) still acts to the delight of all truly Orthodox Christians. Every day there are required, held worship.

Holy Trinity Cathedral Dnepropetrovsk


Holy Trinity Cathedral is not called by chance.In the XIX century the church was called Trinity, and at some time - the Descent of the Holy Spirit. The cathedral was erected on the site of the old city church, which revered the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It was small in size, consecrated in the distant 1791. After forty years of service, the church has deteriorated significantly, and the merchants of the city decided to contact the famous architects Visconti and Bode to create the design of a new church. At the same time, the Assumption Church and the new merchant church were designed. The place for the future temple was consecrated in 1837. The city was unable to build two great buildings at the same time, so the whole emphasis was placed on the Assumption Church.

Eight years passed after the bookmark, and in 1845Fyodor Duplenko (timber merchant) donated three thousand rubles, which were enough only for the construction of the foundation. As far as possible, Duplenko allocated several years for the funds for which the church was built. In general, he contributed one hundred thousand rubles to the construction (huge money for that time). The merchant died in 1848 from a serious illness.

In 1855, the construction of the church was completed, Leonid Zaretsky was the bishop at that time. Sanctified in the name of the Holy Trinity. Since then, the temple day - the feast of the Holy Trinity.

The cathedral has three chapels.Right - Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, left - Andrew the First-Called, central - Life-Giving Trinity. Three city streets received these names: Kazanskaya (K. Libknecht St.), Pervozvanovskaya (Korolenko St.), Troitskaya (Krasnaya St.) and Troitskaya Square (Krasnaya Square).

Troitskaya square

Description. The construction of the bell tower

Один из местных архитекторов разработал проект, on which the stone high bell tower was erected in the 1860s. At that time it was the tallest building in Yekaterinoslavl (Dnepropetrovsk). Later, a chapel was built between the church and the bell tower, which united the buildings into one whole, the church area almost doubled. Patrons of this construction were Andrei Kirpichnikov and his family, who altogether allocated fifteen thousand rubles.

Holy Trinity Cathedral(Dnepropetrovsk), whose address is Red Square, 7, at the end of the XIX century, had the functions of the urban parish church. A candle shop was built, as well as twelve church benches, a parochial school and a parable at the Trinity Bazaar. Warden at that time was Ivan Alekseenko.

 January 7th

The beginning of the XX century. List of Izhakevich

В начале XX века в Свято-Троицкой церкви начали large-scale repair work. To perform works on the painting (frescoes, icons) invited the outstanding painter of Ukraine Ivan Izhakevich (1864-1962), he was a great expert in the field of Ukrainian folklore, folk art. Until the revolution, its main activity was precisely the temple painting, the handwriting of which no one could repeat. The most famous of his paintings - Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (Refectory), in the same place the main gate of the monastery, the Church of All Saints in the monastery. All these masterpiece paintings by the author date back to the beginning of the 20th century.

Troitskaya Square, where the temple is located, takeshundreds of believers daily. Everyone can go to the Holy Trinity Church and see the beauty, the uniqueness of the painting. For Yekaterynoslavl, the invitation at that time of such a significant master was a great achievement. The master's hand includes images of saints on pylons of the cathedral, made to their full height (Cyril and Methodius, Paul, Peter), as well as evangelists on sails in the central nave.

Red Square 7

The arrival of Soviet power

In 1910, the elder Ivan Alekseenko died, andreconstruction of the cathedral was delayed. It was possible to complete the work only in 1917. But with the arrival of the Soviets, new troubles began for the clergy. Holy Trinity Cathedral (Dnepropetrovsk) took the chair of the diocesan bishop, since the Transfiguration Cathedral was closed.

In 1934, during the time of atheistic trends,the temple was closed, explaining this by the “lack of worshipers.” The crosses were dropped, the bells were torn off by the vandals from the belltowers and broken. On the territory of the temple were placed numerous shops, warehouses, workshops. The church building was divided into two floors, adapted for storage space. And the angels, hovering over the portal, still praised God and watched from above for unloading bags of provisions, as they had once looked at worshiping worshipers. Dirt, dampness, temperature fluctuations caused great damage to the interior paintings, the decoration of the temple. The faces of the saints were even simply painted over with white and paint.

During the war

Services resumed in the temple in 1941,in times of war. Since then, they have not stopped. When the city was liberated in 1943, the rector Vladimir Kapustinsky, who was prior to the revolution, was rector of the Vedeno church, died in the confusion of the war years. The protodeacon of the Holy Trinity Cathedral Hilarion was also shot right in the courtyard of the temple. It rests in the courtyard of the cathedral, as well as the bodies of many victims of the 1941 German bombings.

Despite the hard times designed by VladimirSelf-racing in 1942 Holy Trinity Cathedral (Dnepropetrovsk) was partially restored. There was little money, so the most necessary work was done - plastered walls, hung bells, painted domes in green and erected crosses on them. Inside, the paintings were partially cleared, and unnecessary overlaps were dismantled.
In 1944, the restoration of the church continued.At the same time, there was a reorganization in the Dnepropetrovsk diocese. So the cathedral officially became the residence of the bishop, respectively, the funds for restoration work were allocated much more.

icon of the crying savior

Restoration of the temple. Who is the mysterious author of the painting?

Great restoration of the temple at RedSquare, 7 began in the 1950s. The surviving unique author paintings were restored: icons of the apostles, ornaments, cherubs in the vaults of domes, “The Flight of Joseph into Egypt”. The murals that were not subject to restoration, replaced with new ones. A new iconostasis was created, a porch was built, a balcony for the choir and much more.

In those days, and it turned out the name of the author of paintings.The sad paradox - the author Izhakevich himself was still alive in those years, but he had to keep silent about his sympathies for Orthodoxy. No one knew that all these paintings belong to him.

The first assumption about authorship IzhakevichArchbishop Gury, who was an excellent connoisseur and connoisseur of church painting, expressed. Writing out Moscow restorers from Moscow, the archbishop was convinced of his conjectures. One of the masters was Kutlinsky - a student of Izhakevich. According to the handwriting of the drawing, he immediately determined the authorship of the murals. The authorship was finally confirmed by the regional society for the protection of monuments. Aged artist F. Z. Konovalyuk helped with the painting of the cathedral back in 1909, he told many more interesting details about the work carried out.

 temple day feast of the Holy Trinity

Cathedral in the XXI century

Great contribution to the restoration of the temple madeMetropolitan Dnepropetrovsk Iriney and rector of Archpriest Vladimir Aksyutin. With the capital reconstruction of the cathedral, the facade was completely renovated, the roof was closed, the domes were renewed, new windows were installed, as well as granite window sills. In 2009, in the fall, one of the first green domes (central) shone with gold. Already at Christmas, January 7, during the passage of the Divine service under the rays of the sun, it shone as if the flame of faith of all those gathered in the temple ascended into the sky.

In 2010, the entire facade was completely restored.for the arrival of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, they gilded the domes of the bell tower, renewed the crosses, painted the rest of the domes, restored the moldings, and the facade icons.

Visit of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill

Holy Trinity Cathedral Dnepropetrovsk address

In the summer of 2010, Holy Trinity CathedralCathedral (Dnepropetrovsk) hosted a distinguished guest. Archpriest Vladimir Aksyutin, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Cyril, met at the entrance to the temple. In the temple itself, and hundreds of believers gathered around it. Inside the cathedral were all the shepherds of the city and important government officials. Vladyka Iriney bestowed on the Patriarch a list of the image of the Samara Most Holy Mother of God, who is especially revered in the church. With the response in memory of his visit, Cyril conveyed to the abbot of the temple the Image of the Savior. Every year on January 7, during the celebration of Christmas, the Patriarch of Moscow sends his congratulations to his brethren in Dnepropetrovsk.

Relics of the temple. Shrines

Buried at the walls of the cathedraldiocesan hierarchs Barlaam (Ilyuschenko), Andrei (Komarov), Kronid (Mishchenko), the founders, priors of the church. To the right of the central gate during the war in 1941, the victims of the first bombings were buried here.

The shrines of the cathedral are carefully guarded:the icon of the “Weeping Savior”, the icon of the “Holy Trinity” with a particle of Mamvri oak, the icon of the Mother of God “Kazan”, “Iverskaya”, “Samara”, “Worthy is the baptist of the Lord John). Located in the cathedral cross reliant with particles of relics Optina elders.

The most ancient relics are preserved in the cathedral: the tomb from St. Nicholas Cathedral, the iconostasis of the Kazan Church.