Initially, Muslim holidays were the mostmodest, few and unremarkable against the background of those pompous celebrations that the Christian religion was famous for. Perhaps, in those days, it happened because Islam was and remains the youngest of the world religions. The Prophet Mohammed argued that by celebrating a celebration, a person joins the religion from which it originates. That is why all Muslims were strictly forbidden to hold such events.
However, soon people began to mourn, and Mohammedidentified the holidays of Muslims, which were entrenched in Islamic dogma, and are valid to this day. It should be noted that such events were not bright ceremonies that are so familiar to our world. Rather, they can be compared with moments of worship to Allah, with prayers and requests to the Muslim God.
So, back in history, we see thatThe most ancient and significant holiday of Muslims is Bayram. Translated into Russian, this word means “celebration”, therefore it is a component of many ceremonies held in the Islamic world. The first of these is considered Ramadan Bayram - the time of breaking the fast after strict fasting, and after him Kurban Bayram - the celebration in which sacrifices in the name of Allah are performed.
Modern holidays Muslims slightly expandedtheir list, but they didn’t completely leave religion. The main modern triumph of the Islamic world is Ashura. It is celebrated on the 10th of Muharram, in honor of the commemoration of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, at a time when any wars, revolts and quarrels between people are prohibited. This is also due to the fact that Muharram is the first month of the year (according to the lunar calendar). By the way, the lunar New Year often coincides with the holiday of Ashura.
But at the end of the year Muslim holidays aredownright bloodthirsty character. In the 12th month of the zoo-l-hija, everyone must sacrifice one animal from their livestock (sheep, camel). Such an event was already mentioned in the article - we are talking about Kurban Bayram. It is believed that all the sins and misfortunes that accompanied a person for a year also disappear with the spirit of a dead animal.
Одним из самых загадочных праздников исламского The people is Miraj. It is celebrated in honor of the anniversary of the journey of the Prophet Mohammed to Jerusalem. There, according to legend, he went astride Burak (a magical beast consisting of a horse's body and a woman's head). Once on the top of the Holy Land, he met Allah, who bestowed upon him all the knowledge necessary for the life and prosperity of Muslims. This significant date falls on the 27th of the 7th month of the lunar calendar.
Ramadan Bayram, previously celebrated in the East, is nowbecame known in some sources as the holiday of Muslims - Uraz. According to the lunar calendar, it falls on the 1st Shavval (10th month) and is considered one of the brightest. On this day, people depart from strict fasting and can enjoy a variety of foods. Most often, such foods occur on the squares of cities and are accompanied by bright processions.