/ / Iran: religion and religious minorities

Iran: Religion and Religious Minorities

Iran has given the world a lot of archaeologicalmonuments, and its cultural heritage is still thoroughly studied by scientists from all over the world. This country has managed not only to preserve, but also to increase its wealth, being a state with a clear separation on religious and sexual grounds.

Iran religion

Iran: briefly about the most important

Iran can safely be called a state where it is difficultbe different from others. The majority of the population are Persians, and they have a direct impact on the domestic policy of the country. Despite the fact that in many issues it is difficult to find such an advanced country like Iran, religion plays the most serious role here. From religious prohibitions and rules, all residents of the state, starting from the head of the country and ending with simple artisans, repulse in their usual life.

The state language of Iran is Farsi,The majority of the population speaks it. It is taught in schools and higher educational institutions of Tehran. Women in the country do not need to study, this is due to religious traditions, which clearly define gender inequality. Also female representatives are forbidden to occupy important state posts and become clergymen. In other issues, women's rights are not too infringed. Many Western analysts even recognize Iran as a modern state, far from medieval Muslim prejudices and doctrines.

Religion of Ancient Iran

The population of Ancient Iran was representedscattered nomadic tribes, therefore the religions of the first civilizations of Iran are contradictory and have different roots. The strongest tribes of the Iranian highlands were the Aryans, who managed to spread their beliefs among the other tribes living in this territory.

In the pantheon of the Aryan gods, you can count more than a thousand different spirits and deities. All of them are conditionally divided into two categories:

  • the gods of order;
  • gods of nature.

Each deity had its own priests and specialceremonies of service. Gradually, these rituals became more complicated, and settled life made its corrections to the religion of the ancient Iranians. By the second millennium BC, they highlighted the god of wisdom, which belonged to the brightest deities from the whole pantheon. Scientists believe that his prototype was the worship of fire, which was sacrificed in the form of animals and gifts of nature. During the fire sacrifice, the Aryans took a stupefying drink. He is known as haoma, and was already used separately from religious rituals for several millennia.

Religions of the First Civilizations of Iran

By the end of the seventh century BC in the territoryAncient Iran formed a new religious movement of Zoroastrianism, which quickly spread among the population and became the most influential in the country.

Zoroastrianism - the birth of a new religious cult

On the origin of Zoroastrianism in the Iranian HighlandsThere are many legends, but in fact the founder of the cult was a real historical figure. Historians were able to find evidence that Zoroaster was an influential priest of the Aryans. All his life he preached good and at the age of forty two years received a revelation, which served as the basis for the emergence of a new religion. The priest began actively carrying the light of faith in the masses, traveling throughout the country, and after a while the preaching of Zoroaster was collected in one sacred book - Avesta. He himself was endowed with unusual abilities and over the course of several centuries turned into a mythical personality, in the existence of which almost all Western scholars doubted.

Fundamentals of Zoroastrianism

Долгие годы зороастризм завоевывал Иран.Religion surprisingly overlapped the ancient rites of the Aryans, we can say that Zoroaster combined all the famous cults into one. The most important deity in Zoroastrianism is Ormuzd, he personifies all the brightest and most kind. He must constantly struggle with his dark brother, Anra-Manya, who is ready to destroy humanity if he can gain power over him.

According to the basics of zoroastrianism, every deityrules on Earth for three thousand years, another three thousand years they are fighting among themselves. Each time such a struggle is accompanied by disasters and natural disasters. But the change of rulers is inevitable and humanity must be prepared for this.

What was the state religion of Iran

Avesta: the holy book of the ancient Iranians

All the rules and fundamentals of Zoroastrianism originallypassed from mouth to mouth, but ultimately they were embodied in the Avesta. It consists of three parts. The first contains hymns to deities, the second prayer to Ormudze, and the third contains all the rituals and main principles of a religious cult.

Zoroastrianism: rituals and ministry

The most important attribute of serving the cultZoroastrianism was the fire. He was always supported by the priests of the temple and was the first witness of the rite of initiation of young Aryans. By the age of ten, each boy received a dedication to the deity, it was always held near the fire, which on the eve of the ceremony it was necessary to “feed up” five times a day. Each time, putting fuel, the priest had to read a prayer.

Special ceremonies corresponded to all events in the life of the community, the most complex manipulations were carried out when the bodies of the dead Iranians were buried.

The conquest of Iran by the Arabs: a change of religions

In the seventh century, the Arab conquerors infiltratedIran. Religion of the Arabs, Islam, began to actively replace the usual Zoroastrianism. For several centuries it was almost imperceptible, all religious movements peacefully coexisted in the country. But by the tenth century, the situation had changed dramatically, Islam began to spread everywhere. Those who disagree with the new religious regime were persecuted. In many parts of Iran, Zoroastrians were killed, and they did it with great cruelty. During this period, a huge part of the adherents of the old faith moved to India, where Zoroastrianism came to be called Parsism and is still quite influential religious movement in the country.

Religion of Ancient Iran

Islam: the formation of the state religion of Iran

Historians have no doubt what wasIran's state religion after the expulsion of Zoroastrians - Islam for many decades firmly occupied its place in the minds and souls of Iranians. From the tenth century, he only strengthened his position and actively influenced the secular life of the country.

From the sixteenth century, the Iranian people becamea participant in the struggle of two currents in Islam - Sunnis and Shiites. Most often, these opposing sides clashed in armed battles that divided the country into two camps. All of this had a devastating effect on Iran. Religion became decisive in foreign policy, which practically excluded the possibility of an intelligible dialogue between Iran and the Western world.

What religion in Iran

Early twentieth century Iranian philosophersattempted to revive the traditions of Zoroastrianism in the country, but already in the eighties of the last century, the Islamic revolution put an end to some liberties in religion and finally established the power of Shiite Muslims.

What is the most influential religion in Iran today?

It is worth noting that, despite the rigidityIranian rulers, various religious movements periodically appeared on the territory of the country. They did not receive mass distribution, but one of the branches of Islam still managed to gain a foothold in the country. This trend is Baha'ism, which is often called the religion of unity. At the moment, this religious minority has the most followers in Iran.

Yet Iran’s state religion is one,for more than ninety percent of the total population are Shiite Muslims. They hold public office and become the most influential clergy. Eight percent of the population identify themselves as Sunni Muslims, and only the remaining two percent of Iranians profess Bahaism, Christianity, and Judaism.

Iran's state religion

Many Western politicians are ambiguousspeak out about Iran and its polity. They believe that the religious trend with rigid postulates, such as Shiism, significantly limits the development of the state. But no one can really predict how the lives of ordinary Iranians will be built if religion plays a smaller role in the country's domestic and foreign policy.