/ / Spoiled, obstinate and eternally dissatisfied: the ambiguous meaning of the name Marianne

Spoiled, obstinate and eternally dissatisfied: the ambiguous meaning of the name Marianne

Marianna is a very beautiful female name.It is found in several countries of the globe. It is interesting that in our country it is considered to be quite familiar, but not popular among girls. The meaning of the name Marianne is quite extensive. To begin with, it has Hebrew roots. The fact is that the Slavs decided to remake it in their own way. The result was Mariana, but that's another story ...

The origin of the name Marianne

meaning of marianna

Generally, he has an ambiguous origin.The name Marianna, according to one version, was formed by the merger of the other two - Maria and Anna. The second theory says that the "progenitor" was the male name Marian. Be that as it may, it certainly leaves a noticeable imprint on its owner. Let's quickly find out what the name Marianne means in our time!

The mystery of the name

Character of a woman

The girl has an obstinate character.She is emotional, unbalanced, often unpredictable. Marianna can “throw out” anything, since she is directly dependent on her mood. This is a rather ambiguous meaning of the name. In her childhood, Marianna is a capricious, envious, restless and spoiled child. On the other hand, she is fun and agile. Little Marianna wants to be the center of attention. Having matured, she will be able to control herself and independently analyze her behavior and actions in relation to other people. If the owner of the given name learns to keep her excessive emotionality under control, then she will be able to protect herself from many problems in the future.

The main problem of Marianna

Unfortunately, this girl is very difficultmeaning of the name. Marianna has a bad habit of exaggerating all the troubles that happen to her. This capricious girl is always unhappy with the world around her and, by the way, with herself! This quality is the main problem of the given name.


what does marianna mean

If a girl can independently controlone’s emotions and one’s behavior, one may consider that the first step on the path to one’s success has been taken. Further, she must learn to ironic herself, as well as to adhere to a specific goal, not “bothering” at various failures. By the way, it is scientifically proven that good self-irony has not prevented anyone yet!


She is Marianna developed since birth.The main thing is to send it in the right direction. For example, the owners of this name can become good doctors, trade workers, pharmacists, accountants, social workers, administrators. But do not forget about the basic meaning of the name!

origin name marianna
Marianne can easily dampen her reputation and harm her professionalism through frequent scandals and conflicts with colleagues.


It is pretty for the representative of this name.strong and good. A woman is physically very enduring and active. Marianna loves sports. If we talk about problems with her health, then they should be looked for in the stomach or intestines.

A family

In marriage, she is a beautiful and docile mistress.Her house is always kept clean, and she takes care of both the children and her husband. From the outside, it would seem that Marianna assumes too many responsibilities. But this is just a mirage.