/ Church of the Nativity in Mytishchi. Service in the Church of the Nativity

Church of the Nativity of Christ in Mytishchi. Service in the Church of the Nativity of Christ

In the Moscow region, many religious andreligious buildings. The temples of the Moscow region are known not only in the region, but also in other cities of Russia. Among them are those that have a rich century-long history, and those that were built in recent years. The Church of the Nativity of Christ in Mytishchi is recognized as one of the most majestic and significant.


The first mention of the village Mytischi dates back to 1460year The name of the village is derived from the word "myt", denoting a fee, a fee for transporting goods. In those places, there was a trade route along the Klyazma and Yauza rivers. It was one of the most important water trade routes that merchants and merchants of that time traveled. There was a distance of about 8 km between the rivers; vessels were dragged along this section. In the place where the city of Mytishchi is now located, there was a collection point for all kinds of duties and fees, which were designated by one common word “myt”. Hence the name of the village - Big Mytischi. Gradually, the village developed, the number of inhabitants increased. Over time, a railway junction appeared, industry flourished. The village of Big Mytishchi received city status in 1925.

temples of the Moscow region
At first, after the construction of the city was not untilchurches, then around it in the villages appeared three churches - in the village of Tyninsky temple in honor of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, in the village of Ostashkovo the Church of the Nativity of Christ and the Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. In the center of Mytishchi, before the construction of the Church of the Nativity of Christ, there was neither a church nor a chapel - not a single holy place where believers could pray.

Church of the Nativity. Building

Church of the Nativity

In 2000, residents of Mytishchi receivedThe blessing of Metropolitan Juvenal on the construction of a new church. The place for it was chosen by the inhabitants of the city with the consent of the authorities. Church of the Nativity in Mytishchi built in the heart of the city, the first stone was laid in July 2000. The first temple was built of wood, its construction was completed in December 2000. But the very first divine services showed that the room was too small and could not accommodate all those who wished - the believers stood outside and on the porch. Then the townspeople set about building a much larger temple - a stone one. All the organizations of the city took part in the construction. The project of the building was ordered by Project LLC, and N.F. Rakhmanov. Many citizens participated in the work on the temple - residents bought bricks at their own expense, signed them and gave them to the construction site. These nominal bricks were embedded in the general masonry walls.

Church of the Nativity in Mytishchi


Built Church of the Nativity in MytishchiIt has three chapels - central, in honor of the Nativity of the Son of God, and two more chapels - in honor of the Matrona of Moscow and the Cathedral of the Holy Russian confessors and martyrs. There are special mezzanines for belfry and choirs, a floor with a basement. The cathedral has five domes. The area of ​​the temple is approximately 1500 square meters. The walls of the temple from the inside are decorated with paintings by icon-painters. All subsequent years, the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Mytishchi was decorated and transformed. Inside it is painted with paintings depicting evangelical events, the artists decorated the walls of the cathedral with images of saints and magnificent ornaments.


Настоятель храма Рождества Христова в Мытищах – Oleg Yurevich Shlenov, born in 1964, archpriest. He is secretary of the Diocese of Religious Education and Catechism, has medals, letters and awards of the Russian Orthodox Church. Five priests are constantly serving in the church - V. Yadrevsky, V. Likhonin, I. Petrov, A. Sukharev, A. Krikunov and deacon G. Sharov.

Church of the Nativity, Mytishchi. Schedule of worship

Service in the Church of the Nativity of Christ is performedevery day, on weekdays and on holidays. Divine Liturgy is celebrated at 7.00 and at 10.00. On Holy holidays, the liturgy is held twice - early and late. You can come to confession daily.

Christmas Church Mytishchi schedule


Church of the Nativity in Mytishchi leadscharitable activities, constant assistance to the needy is carried out through donations of believers and sponsorship. The temple has courses for teachers who teach the basics of Orthodox culture in schools, there is a Sunday children's school and a children's choir. The temple has its own Orthodox library, which contains the works of many representatives of the clergy. A free-of-charge narcologist's help desk is open on the territory of the cathedral — advisory assistance is provided to drug addicts who are dependent on alcohol and tobacco. For the needy and needy, the church organized icon painting courses, where they help to learn the craft of painting icons and in the future employ them. There is also a youth Orthodox organization.


Church of the Nativity in Mytishchi has threethe throne, each of which is dedicated to a particular event or holy face. The central altar is named after the birth of Christ. The holy feast of Christmas is known to all Orthodox believers, it glorifies the birth of the Son of God, its appearance in the flesh for the sake of the salvation of all mankind. Orthodox Christmas is celebrated on January 7, on this day in the temple are celebratory liturgy on ancient texts.

Another throne is named in honor of the Holy Matron.Moscow. Matron (sometimes it is called Matryona) Moscow is known as a healer and a soothsayer. She was blind, born in the Tula region and later moved to Moscow, where she helped people, treated them and saved them. They went to her for help, prediction, for advice. Since childhood, she has been distinguished by extraordinary kindness, humanity and virtue. Her grave, located at the Danilovsky cemetery in Moscow, is still followed by people for help and healing. Matrona Moskovskaya was canonized in August 1999.

The third altar of the Church of the Nativity is dedicated toconfessors and new martyrs of Russia. The twentieth century is famous for the persecution of believers, and the church commemorates and honors all those who suffered for their faith in Christ the Savior. Priests who suffered because of their religious beliefs are depicted on modern icons and are revered by the church.

Service in the Church of the Nativity of Christ

To perform the ordinance of baptism, the temple of ChristmasChrist in Mytishchi has a baptismal temple - a special room for baptism. It is named after John the Baptist, the Baptist of the Lord. The Prophet John the Baptist is one of the most revered saints in Orthodoxy.


В осуществлении идеи возведения храма приняло participation of many people and organizations. Government officials were actively involved during construction. BV Gromov, the governor of the Moscow region, showed great interest in the results of construction. He constantly visited the temple during its construction and later, when the cathedral was already built. The main stages of the construction were carried out by the UASSTROY company, which is headed by S.A.Butusova, and LaVina, its director - A.A. Yazykov. The head of the city administration, A.E. Murashov organized a collection of donations for this charitable cause, funds were collected in almost all organizations and enterprises of the city.

Church of the Nativity

The result of the labor of many people was one ofThe largest and most beautiful religious buildings of the Moscow region - the Church of the Nativity. Photos of this temple allow us to appreciate the majesty and magnificence of the erected cathedral.