/ / Climate complex Smower Multi Action: reviews. Smower Multi Action: Specs

Climatic complex Smower Multi Action: reviews. Smower Multi Action: Features

Man in all conditions tends to comfort.In winter, we resort to space heating and warm clothes, in hot weather we are looking for ways to lower the air temperature. During the rains we struggle with moisture, in a drought we moisten the air. All this is done to ensure that our body feels comfortable. Fortunately, in the modern world there are many technologies that help us create the necessary conditions in any weather. The climate complex Smower Multi Action perfectly helps with this. Consider its features and benefits, as well as reviews.

What is a climate complex

Climatic complexes are designed to create comfortable conditions in the premises. They are able to perform such functions:

  • Purify the air.
  • Moisturize.
  • Take over the functions of the fan.
    smower reviews

Air masses under the action of the fan gradually pass through the filters. Depending on the destination, they are:

  • Protects paper filter from dust.
  • From burning, soot, tobacco smoke installed coal filter.
  • The filter with a sponge is used to humidify the air.

Climatic complexes differ from each other in many ways.

Differences of climate complexes

There are complexes with standard features that were listed above. But some of them have a number of additional options:

  • Ionization of air.
  • Aromatization.
  • Dry air.
  • Air heating.
  • Cooling the air, but not more than 10 degrees.

Some climatic complexes can be used for aromatherapy. For this, a special capsule is provided.

smower multi action reviews

They may also differ:

  • Power from 60 to 90 watts.
  • The degree of air purification.
  • Management.
  • Performance.
  • Noise level.
  • The size of the service area.
  • Cost.

Consider the characteristics of one of the most popular climatic complexes.

Smower Multi Action Complex

The capabilities of the device are as follows:

  • Air purification.
  • Ionization of air.
  • Humidification.

The peculiarity of the Smower Multi Action climate complex is that customers can perform all functions simultaneously or separately.

The complex consists of:

  • An ultrasonic steam generator that saturates the room with moisture.
  • Ionizer. Negatively charged particles discharge air masses.
  • Four filters, perfectly cleans the air.
  • Ultraviolet emitter that sterilizes the flow of air masses when exiting the device.

The steam generator can be dismantled if necessary. Consider how the device works.

smower multi action

Principle of operation

The main function of the complex is moisturizing, which is performed with the help of a moisturizing block. It consists of:

  • Ultrasonic generator.
  • Tanks with water in the amount of 2 liters. You can use ordinary tap water.

The generator sinks into the water and boils it.Then, the steam that has risen is dissipated by a fan that is built inside the device. Due to the fact that boiling occurs with the help of ultrasound, vibration and noise are minimal. Man does not perceive this sound, although animals are very sensitive to him and may experience discomfort.

smower multi action Price

Steam under the action of the fan, before leaving the device, passes several degrees of cleaning. Smower Multi Action filters are made from environmentally friendly materials. Consider each of them:

  • Pre-filtering Large particles are retained through the mechanical lattice barrier.
  • HEP filter. A 0.3 micron crimped membrane retains small particles.
  • The absorbent filter is presented in the form of charcoal, which allows you to trap dust microparticles and large molecules.
  • Photocatalytic filter is able to trap chemical active substances, prevents the growth of bacteria.

Together with the photocatalytic filter workssterilizer that disinfects the flow of air. Bacteria and viruses are destroyed by an ultraviolet lamp. Photocatalytic filter air flow, like an electron gun, knocks out active oxygen and other free radicals with a negative charge.

The advantages of the complex

Smower Multi Action Reviews mostly positive because of the large number of virtues. Here are some of them:

  • Original modern design.
  • Compact and mobile. It is possible to divide into two sectors if there is not enough space. Weight up to 5 kilograms makes it easy to move in the room.
  • Made from environmentally friendly materials, therefore safe for health.
  • The choice of the intensity of the operating mode of the three available. You can set the level of cleaning and moistening. Easy to manage.
  • Virtually no noise. Can be compared with the computer turned on.
  • Filters are easy to replace.
  • There is no need to purchase special formulations; ordinary tap water is used in the work.
  • Serves an area of ​​up to 40 square meters. meters
  • Energy consumption up to 60 W when running at full power.
  • Can be used in apartments and offices.
  • Allowed to leave included for the night.
  • Owners point out that Smower Multi Action filters are effective even on polio, tuberculosis and rabies bacteria.
  • The air is well saturated with anions, bacteria and viruses do not withstand such an environment and die.

The price of Smower Multi Action is 10-15 thousand rubles, which is much less than buying a cleaner, humidifier and ionizer separately. Universal device is much more economical.

climate complex smower multi action

How to care for the device

Care of the Smower climate complex is very simple, user reviews confirm this. You do not need to have special skills and knowledge. The procedure is as follows:

  • To clean the surface of the device from dust with a damp cloth.
  • Replace filters promptly. Carbon filter requires replacement after 6 months. HEPA filter change after a year. The photocatalytic filter is changed when the UV lamp fails.
  • The coarse particle filter can be cleaned by hand, wiping with a damp cloth.

When buying a climate system in the kit attached filters for replacement.

Smower Multi Action Reviews

Buying a climate complex, people note the following points:

  • The air becomes cleaner.
  • Allergy sufferers are much easier to breathe. The number of attacks of bronchial asthma decreases.
  • Nasal congestion, which was from dry air, passes.
  • The skin does not dry out.
  • Children are less sick and recover faster. And not only babies, but also adults and old people feel much better.
  • Convenient to move, fits well into the interior of small apartments, offices.
  • The device is easy to use and manage.
  • Easy to change filters.
  • It is necessary in industrial urban areas, since the air there is very polluted.
  • People say that sleep and general well-being are improving.

smower multi action filters

Considering reviews of Smower Multi Action, You can safely buy a complex thatsupport the health of you and your children. Since it has long been noted that in mountainous areas, where the air is clean, the lifespan is much longer. Modern megacities, unfortunately, cannot boast of this.