/ / The toilet bowl flows: the main faults and how to eliminate them

The toilet bowl flows: the main faults and how to eliminate them

Без установки сантехники не обойдется ни одна apartment or private house. It happens that there are failures in its work, for example, the toilet bowl flows. What to do in this case, how to solve the problem, is described below. It is very important that all repairs can be done independently.

Components of the toilet bowl

All tanks consist of almost the sameitems. They differ only in the mechanism of the descent of water. It can be represented by one or two buttons, as well as a lever. Important details of the tank are:

  • Bulk valve. It maintains water at a certain level.
  • Float. Shut off the supply valve (when there is enough water).
  • Drain mechanism. It is equipped with an overflow system.
  • Overflow. With its help the maximum level of water is regulated.

toilet bowl flows

The descent is done either manually or with buttons.This opens the drain valve that lets water through, and the float is lowered. The two-button tank has a more complex structure. However, it saves water due to the possibility of partial discharge. Also today there are toilets with a lower connection of communications. They are used when lateral connection is not possible.

Reservoir malfunctions

Everyone who has a toilet bowl runs into various associated problems. Most often among them are the following:

  1. Failures in the drain button.
  2. Leakage tank or bowl.
  3. Too noisy filling with water.
  4. Its continuous flow from the plumbing.
  5. Constant flow from tank to bowl or to the floor.
  6. Water supply only after a few button presses.

All these faults are quite simply eliminated. Therefore, the most important task is to establish the cause of the problem.

Main reasons

To understand why the toilet bowl is flowing, you needopen its lid and carefully inspect the inside. Most often, water is drained through the overflow hole, which is associated with improper operation of the float valve. During operation, the rubber gasket hardens and can not tightly block the hole. Also in the valve body sometimes cracks are formed. This is typical for plastic parts. If in normal condition the gasket does not press against the position, this may be due to the unevenness of the lever, cracks in the float, and the destruction of the stud that holds the lever on the valve. Also, a problem will appear when a hole is deformed in which the pin is located.

Problems when draining

If after pressing the drain button the tank flowstoilet bowl, then you need to check the drain design. This usually indicates a shut-off valve problem. She dares simply. You need to take hold of his hand and press a little. Most likely, it is loose. It is important to replace the old gasket with a new one.

toilet bowl is flowing

Moving the drain button creates a gap.between the valve and the hole, resulting in a leak. Need to fix the design. It is necessary to return the button to the correct position and tighten the fasteners holding the tank. The cistern of the toilet bowl flows with a loose fit of the outer nut holding the bottom. In this case, leakage is impaired. This is eliminated by replacing the gasket or nut. With minor violations, you can use a conventional sealant.

Flow through the overflow

Before fixing the problem, first check the valve and float. Most likely, there was a shift or bias of the lever. The reason may be the presence of fluid in the float. In this case, you need:

  • Remove the float and drain water from it.
  • Dry it and seal all cracks with epoxy glue.
  • Put the float back.

Flowing toilet bowl what to do

When the toilet bowl is flowing due to the float valve, it is necessary to do the following manipulations:

  1. Empty the tank.
  2. Disconnect the shaped element from the water supply.
  3. Remove the lever and the retaining nuts.
  4. Remove the valve.
  5. Install a new part and fasten it.
  6. Turn on the water supply and check the quality of the drain.

If you have problems with the siphon membrane, you will need to update it:

  • Drain all the water. Snap the float lever to any fixed part (bar, extra board).
  • Remove the nut holding the tank and the flush pipe.
  • Loosen the nut at the bottom of the tank. Disconnect the siphon and pull it out.
  • Install a new membrane and put all the elements back in place.

Leak between cistern and toilet

It happens that the tank does not overflow, andwater flows from the tank to the toilet. Usually the problem is with the connecting bolt. It is made of steel, so it rusts and leaks over time. You need to carefully examine this area and, if necessary, replace the fasteners.

Flowing toilet flush cistern
Works are performed as follows:

  1. Turn off the water and empty the tank.
  2. Disconnect the water pipe.
  3. Unscrew the bolts. If they are rusted, they are cut with a hacksaw.
  4. Move the tank and pull the shelf from the cuff.
  5. Drain the remaining water and remove all rust.
  6. Change the gaskets and bolts.
  7. Install all items back.

Flowing from the tank to the floor

Over time, the gasket between the bowl and the tankmay shift. Then it will have to tighten the clamps (duct tape, sanitary tape). It is necessary to unwind fasteners and assess the integrity of rubber parts. In the presence of damage (cracking, hardening) they will have to be changed. Work pads are dried. They are covered with sealant and set in place.

Flowing water from the tank to the toilet

For the repair of a toilet bowl it is worth choosing gaskets fromrubber, silicone, polyurethane. Higher quality are considered flexible and elastic products. They do an excellent job with sealing. They should not be overflows and cracks. In addition, they should be wrinkled easily in the hands. It is possible that no solution to the problem will work. Then you have to replace the plumbing fixture.

Features of repair of toilet bowls with different system of washout

In modern cisterns, water can go downdifferently. Therefore, the repair of such toilets slightly different. They understand quite simply. But the push button system requires careful treatment. Before disassembling a single-button toilet bowl, it is necessary to turn off the water, drain its remnants, unscrew the plastic nut and remove the cover. Subsequent actions depend on the type of breakdown. If a toilet bowl with a button is flowing, you need to take some water into it, inspect the float and, if necessary, correct it.

Single-button design issues:

  1. Water is not washed off when you press the button. This may be due to the breakage of the mechanism between it and the drain valve. This item is usually replaced with copper wire or install a new valve.
  2. Flow through the overflow. Adjustable height float and overflow. To do this, unscrew the nut and change the level of detail.
  3. Constant flow into the bowl. Most likely, the gasket has fallen into disrepair. Therefore it is necessary to change the entire valve. It is necessary to unscrew the nut at the bottom of the tank, remove it and install a new element.

Repair two-button toilet almost nothingno different from its one-button counterpart. If the water is not drained, the integrity of the elements is checked (straightened or replaced with copper wire). Leakage of the drain valve may cause leakage. In this case, the height of the float or overflow changes.

Why is the toilet bowl flowing

Tanks with bottom water connection are equippedspecial diaphragm valve, problems that may arise due to low water pressure. If it is constantly supplied under low pressure, it will be necessary to replace the membrane with a rod element. Quite often, the toilet bowl flows in the area of ​​the supply valve. He is constantly in the water. Therefore, insufficient tightness leads to breakage. Repair of the system with the lower connection is performed in stages. First overlap the water, remove the cover. Then fix the problem by the above algorithms.

Flowing toilet bowl with a button


To the toilet served as long as possible withoutbreakdowns, you need to periodically carry out preventive measures. The bowl and tank need to be thoroughly cleaned (at least weekly). From the tank will have to clean up the garbage and plaque. The condition of the fittings and all fittings should also be monitored. Toilets are “afraid” of mechanical damage and sudden temperature changes. If you keep this in mind, you can extend the life of the entire system. If, however, leaks appear, then simple failures are first excluded, and only then serious problems are solved. When the toilet bowl is flowing, you can fix it yourself. A rather simple construction is repaired without any tool. Thus, you will save on a specialist call and enjoy the pleasure of a successful repair.