/ / Pansies: planting and caring for a spring flower

Pansies: planting and caring for the spring flower

Many amateur gardeners are already offensivecold weather begin to plan their beds and flower beds in the spring. Among the flowering early plants one of the first places is occupied by pansies. For a variety of shades, the combination of colors they have no equal. It's hard to even imagine how wide the color spectrum of this plant is. Shades of a flower happen from snow-white to black with splashes of yellow, red, blue. The article presents a photo - pansies in the midst of flowering.

Pansy planting and care

The most common types among gardeners - a tricolor violet and Wittrock. The only difference is in the shape of the flower itself. Vittrok violet differs from its rival in large flowers.

In this article we will talk about pansies.Planting and caring for this plant is within the power of novice gardeners. This perennial plant is most often grown as a biennial. Many modern hybrids of this plant perfectly adapt to the hot climate and can bloom almost all summer.

Pansies: planting and care

Traditional planting method: in June, ripened or purchased seeds are sown in

photo of pansies
soil or in containers with loose soil.The first shoots most often appear on the 6-14th day. The main thing at this time is to provide the seedlings with the necessary conditions: moderately water and cover from the bright sun. After the first round (full) leaves appear, the plants are seated at a distance of 5 cm from each other. After 10 days after transplantation, when the seedlings have got stronger, you need to start feeding with a frequency of 1 every 10 days, you need to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers. The soil needs to be loosened and weeds removed.

In late August-early autumn, plants needtransplanted to the place where you plan to see them in the spring, at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Florists recommend that the soil around the pansies after transplanting sprinkle with peat. This is done in order to help the plant retain moisture, as well as save the flower in early spring when frost occurs.

pansies landing
And in April and early May, you will be pleased with the firstbuds. At this point, you need to feed the flowers with complex fertilizer. Loosen the ground around the plants, remove the weeds. If spring is dry, do not forget to water. With a small investment of manpower and means, the pansies will bloom almost until the autumn, with short breaks in very hot weeks.

There is another way to grow pansies:planting and plant care are carried out as for annuals. In this case, the seeds in February and early March are sown in the greenhouse. In early May, planted in open ground - and by the end of the month the plants bloom.

Great interest among growers is another rare way to grow pansies: planting plants vegetatively. This breeding option is only suitable for hybrid varieties.

Сам способ очень прост, позволяет за одно лето get a lot of seedlings and keep the variety in “clean”. Cuttings begin to cut in May. Shoots should have 2-3 knots. They are planted very tightly to a depth of no more than 1 cm. For a good result, the cuttings must be sprayed with water all the time so that the leaves do not wilt. A month later, the sprouts take root, and they can be transplanted. With early and successful grafting plants can bloom this year, with the later - in the next.

This flower, pansies, planting and carewhich does not require much effort, will delight you with its long flowering. It needs to be watered in time, to loosen the soil around the bushes, weed weed and periodically fertilize. To prolong flowering, you need to remove withered flowers.

photo of pansies

Interesting fact:pansies in olden times attributed an amazing ability to attract love. In France and Poland, when they separate, they give a bunch of flowers from pansies. And in England there is a tradition to send dried flowers to a beloved girl in recognition of love.