/ / Difficult question - repair in a small apartment.

A difficult question - repair in a small apartment.

Arrangement of an apartment even the smallestsize - this idea is truly global and difficult. It requires the drawing up of a repair plan in all its details. In this article it was decided to tell about what to start repairing in a small apartment without the help of professionals.

repair in a small apartment

So, with what to begin, doing repairsyourself? In advance it is worth paying attention to the fact that repairing a small apartment with own efforts, especially when there is not enough time and money, turns out to be a real test. Therefore, it is not only worthwhile to think about how to start implementing your idea. If repairs in a small apartment need to be done in all rooms, rather than in one, then you need to think through each stage of repairing the living space.

Experts advise starting repair in a smallapartment with a room located at the furthest distance from the front door. Otherwise, the repaired room will always settle dust. Especially it refers to the entrance rooms - such as the living room. Make the space of a small apartment visually more will help some secrets.

repair of a small one-room apartment

Folding (lifting) bed-transformer inWhen a small one-room apartment is being renovated, it will free up space. However, with this option, an almost perfect fittings and a well-thought-out state of the carcass fixation design will be required. Therefore, it is worth buying such furniture only from manufacturers that have proven themselves in the market.

The idea of ​​a wall with a mirror is quite useful for visual expansion of the area.

Different mirrors, chrome details, as well as a glossy stretch ceiling will give more space to the interior of a room with small dimensions.

You can expand the space with the window sill inthe form of a table. To do this, you need to make a panel to work in white and cover it with glass. Natural illumination inside the cramped room will improve the shiny glass surface of such a small table.

repair in a small apartment
When there is a desire to create a study inan apartment of a small size, you can use a wardrobe with a built-in area for work. This is quite comfortable, because with the help of sliding doors you can hide the workplace when it turns out to be unnecessary.

To visually expand a small apartment, designers advise to hide wires from equipment, create a storage system for hanging, do not hang large lamps.

Will help visually expand the space of open racks with shelves. Household appliances should be chosen not very large sizes.

Calculate the time it takes tocomplete the repair of a small apartment, is no less significant moment before the beginning of repairs. Most often engaged in ennobling the home during the holiday or its own legal weekend. Therefore, careful planning of each day is of great importance in order to complete the repair work on time.

Applying these tips, you can feel comfortable by doing repairs in a small apartment.