/ / Construction of the bath: step by step instruction. Bath with your own hands

Construction of the bath: step by step instruction. Bath with your own hands

Many people today think about howthe construction of a bath is underway. A step-by-step instruction will help you with this. It will be presented below. To begin with, it is necessary to decide which material will form the basis of construction. It can be, for example, a bar or a brick. The latter option is better in some cases. This is expressed, first of all, in the quality of fire safety, in addition, the brick, perhaps, is the leader in the issue of durability.

Features of a bath from a brick

bath construction, step by step instruction

Before choosing a brick as a materialfor a bath, it is necessary to evaluate all its positive and negative sides. Initially, it is possible to note the feature of these products, expressed in the ability to build from them the buildings of the most diverse forms. Applying a brick, you can be sure that the building will last for a hundred and fifty years or more. After the completion of construction work, you do not have to worry about the fact that the outer surface of the walls will have to be trimmed. However, it is necessary to distinguish and cons. So, the construction of the bath with their own hands (the instruction will be presented in the article) is more expensive if you apply a brick, which is true in comparison with the bar. In addition, the brick has increased heat capacity, which implies the need to melt the steam room for a more impressive period. However, this problem can easily be solved by the method of thermal insulation works.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the brick hasthe ability to collect moisture, which causes its subsequent destruction. This is due to the much less impressive qualities of vapor permeability compared to wood. But this issue can be solved by the way of installing ventilation.

Determination of the location of the bath

construction of a bath by yourself

Before starting the construction of a bath,a step-by-step instruction should be carefully studied by you. Thus, at the first stage, you need to think about where the building will be installed. As a basic requirement, the condition is that the place should not be wet. This indicates that in the presence of a reservoir nearby construction should begin, leaving it for 30 m or more, otherwise spring flooding will certainly cause increased humidity in the air, and in some cases, even flooding may occur.

Step-by-step instruction on the construction of the Russianbaths provides for compliance with fire safety requirements, this implies the need to remove buildings from neighboring houses by twelve meters or more, which is true for saunas that are heated by firewood. Whereas in the case of an electric or gas boiler it is supposed to be used as a heating, this distance can be reduced to five meters, because in the process of the furnace there will be no smoke.

If there is a desire to save, then the bath can beattached to the residential building on its site, it will significantly reduce the consumption of materials, and to conduct electricity, as well as drainage system will be much easier.

Foundation installation

construction of a bath instruction step by step

If you wish to produce your ownconstruction of a bath, turn-by-turn instructions will be very useful, you can read it here. Choosing the type of base for the bath, you should think, the erection of which foundation will be the least labor-intensive. The answer to this question will be the ribbon construction. It should be dug by 1 m or more, which is especially true for clay soils. To build the foundation, you should first mark out the territory, and then you can begin to remove the top layer of the soil. At the next stage, a pit is digging along the perimeter of the building, at the bottom of which sand is to be filled, after tamping, the layer should have a thickness of 20 cm. It will be easier to compact it if sand is first poured with water. Now you can lay the rubble, the surface of which after tamping is carefully leveled. The thickness of the layer should be two times smaller than the previous one. Some experts advise to lay rubble in the solution, alternating it with sand. As a result, several layers should be obtained.

Reinforcement and Filling

step-by-step instruction on building a Russian bath

It is necessary to pay special attention to strengthfoundation, if you independently build a bath. The instruction step by step should be well studied to achieve this result. To obtain a reliable base of the bath in its foundation must necessarily contain reinforcement. But before laying it is necessary to install the formwork. It can consist of boards or plywood, it is permissible for the stability of the elements to install spacers. Only after the reinforcement casing has been laid, preferably it is mounted on supports, you can use brick for this. Now the solution is poured, it must be done layer by layer, without waiting until the crust appears on the surface of the previous one. Layering should be observed in order to be able to compact the solution. For this purpose, it is possible to use a vibratory plate or a piece of reinforcement, piercing them with concrete. After pouring, the structure is left for a time until the mixture dries. Only after this you can begin the process of waterproofing.

Insulation work

wooden bath with their own hands step by step instruction

Construction of a bath, step by step instructionit will be necessary for the beginning house master, assumes at the next stage stacking of isolation. It can have at its core a ruberoid laid in several layers. If you want to protect the structure from the rain, then it is necessary to build a blind area, for which perimeter the fatty clay is mixed, mixed with gravel and sand. The width of the structure should be approximately 1 m.

Construction of walls

floor installation baths step by step instructions

For the construction of a bath it is preferable to usered or silicate brick. For the walls of a bath, a brick laying in 1.5 or 2 bricks is excellent, and it will be possible to obtain a wall thickness of 38 and 51 cm, respectively. While internal partitions can be stacked in ½ or ¼ of bricks, which will give a thickness of 6 ½ or 12 cm.

Before starting the construction of walls,Determine what type of insulation will be used. If after the completion of the work is not supposed to perform thermal insulation, the walls can be erected on the principle of ring-shaped masonry, then in the empty space you can cover the heat insulator. If you want to insulate the walls from the inside or outside after the completion of the construction of the masonry is done traditional.

Do not lay out the area of ​​the base and partthe foundation of the building, which is located below the layer of waterproofing, using hollow bricks, whereas above the waterproofing line it is permissible to use hollow articles.

Construction of the bath with their own hands, step by stepthe instruction of which is presented here, involves the use of mortar for laying bricks. Prepare it necessary, using sand (fractionality 1-2.6 mm), cement, lime and the required amount of water.

Ceiling floor installation

step-by-step construction of the bath with their own hands

After completion of the work on laying in the wall should bedrive in the pins that are needed to fix the wall bars. The next step will be laying the beams of the ceiling, which are mounted directly on the bricks in the prepared nests. In order to protect the beams, it is necessary to wrap them in a ruberoid. Do not wrap their ends. The grooves formed by walls and beams, should be filled with a heater.

Erection of wooden walls

Step-by-step construction of the bath with their own hands canprovide for the use of beams at the base of the walls. Until the time of laying the brick, the technology of which was described above, all the work is done on the same principle. The foundation can remain bandy, as well as preparing its surface before assembling the log - it will be unchanged. Then you can start laying the log, the main thing is that before the start of the process you will determine which lock connection will be used. Between the beams must be laid a heater, the ends of which must be left on both sides of the walls. The heat insulator hanging on the sides will be used in the second stage of warming after the shrinkage of the bath. A wooden bath with its own hands, a step-by-step instruction for the erection of which is presented in the article, may provide for the presence of a wooden floor on the logs. This can be read below.

Floor arrangement

In order to equip the wooden floor forsoil, you must first carefully compact the soil, for this you can use a vibratory plate or improvised means in the form of a large log. After the preparation from sand and rubble is laid, everything is poured with cement "milk" and is covered with insulation. Now you can start laying the logs, which are then mounted on the plywood. It is advisable to purchase a moisture-resistant version of it. For the steam room, the floor can be concrete.

Work on the concrete floor

For this it is necessary to bypass the stage with lags and pourScreed with a certain bias towards the drain. For more comfortable use on its surface can be laid boards. The installation of a bath floor, the step-by-step instruction of which must be previously studied by the builder, presupposes the treatment of wood by rotting preventing compositions. Choose those that do not pose a threat to human health. In the waiting room, the concrete floor can be supplied with heating pipes, which are laid with a snake. This will ensure the heating in the winter and slightly reduce the increased humidity coming from the steam room.