/ / How to plant strawberries in spring? Growing strawberries in the country

How to plant strawberries in spring? Growing strawberries in the country

The best time to plant strawberries is the end.July After all, next year there will be a harvest. But what if this could not be done in the summer? How to plant strawberries in spring? What is needed for this and how to properly land? Let's see!

Determine the landing site

To grow strawberries, you need to know what type of soil on your land

how to plant strawberries in spring
plot. From this will depend on the yield of berries. If there is peat or light gray soil in the plot, then strawberries do not bear fruit very much. The best harvest will be on dark gray forest or chernozem soils.

The surface must be flat or sloped.Strawberries should not be planted in low-lying areas, since cold will accumulate and the risk that the plant will be subject to diseases will increase. Also, the harvest will be late. Do not plant strawberries on steep slopes for the same reasons. The growing place must be protected from the winds, because the root system may freeze. All these nuances need to find out before spring planting strawberries.

Site preparation and planting seedlings

The place on which it is planned to plant the berry,It is necessary to sprinkle with humus, dig and cultivate in the depth of 12-15 cm. The Earth should settle down one day. It is also worth checking the soil for the presence of pests: wireworm and cockchafer. If any, then alkaloid lupine is planted in the ground or watered with ammonia solution. It is better to treat the area that was very littered with weeds by a chemical substance, for example, means Roundup.

how to plant strawberries in spring
It is important to choose good strawberry seedlings forgetting a high yield. The best option is free-growing plants - these are seedlings that were dug up in the fall and kept at low temperatures during the winter. Also for planting strawberries need to use sorted seedlings. Pay special attention to the root system. It should be strong and well developed, up to 10 cm long.

Often produced growing strawberries in the country. This is a great place to tinker with seedlings. It is always pleasant to pamper the juicy berry of loved ones.

growing strawberries in the country


Strawberry seedlings are planted in early spring or autumn.This is the most favorable time. First, let's look at how to plant strawberries in the spring. First, you need to plan the site. Between rows you should make a distance of 80-90 cm, and between bushes - about 30 cm. Secondly, you should take into account the depth of the holes, make them no more than 20 cm. Third, choose a favorable day and time. Cloudy weather or evening is best.

The more you know about how to plantstrawberry seedlings, the less trouble will bring the process of care and growing plants. It is necessary not to forget to water the saplings and sprinkle the surface of the site with dry soil so that a crust does not form. The yield and juiciness of the berries will depend on when and how to plant strawberries in the spring. It is necessary to do this with the start of field work, if you delay with the terms, then most of the plants will simply die. And the remaining seedlings will develop poorly.

Planting Seeds

Growing strawberries in the country - the process is not very complicated, but requires constant attention and care. There are several types of planting material:

how to plant strawberry seedlings
1. Children.

2. Seedlings.

3. Seeds.

Of course, many choose the first two methods, thisminimum costs and maximum results. Such methods do not burden and bring a quick harvest. But true gardeners are engaged in growing strawberries from seeds. This is a painstaking and long-awaited process, but it can be used to breed rare and unusual varieties. Also, a plant grown in this way is completely healthy. Let's consider the question of how to plant strawberries in seeds.

Seedlings on the windowsill

First you need to buy planting material. Strawberry seeds are sold in any

how to plant strawberries with seeds
магазине для садоводов.You can make blanks in the summer. It is enough to pick a few berries and dry them well. For the cultivation of seeds suitable repair (fructifying round summer) or bezusaya strawberries. Start landing in December. Grains are placed in the soil prepared in advance and watered with settled water. Pots are placed on the window. The main requirement: there should be no drafts. The soil should be watered regularly; it should not be allowed to dry.

When the first leaves appear, you need seedlingsswoop down Already in early May, strawberries can be planted in open ground (as we planted strawberries in the spring, we considered at the beginning of the article). The harvest will appear only next year.

Landing in the ground

It is important to correctly place the root in the recess. Need it

how best to plant strawberries
straighten.Put a small mound of earth into the hole and place a plant on it. Cover with soil, but so that the core is at the surface level. Otherwise, the bush can either rot or dry. Water the seedlings better from the watering can, sprinkling method. The first few days, strawberries will need to be covered from the sun (can be with leaves of paper). If the young seedlings bloom, the flower stalks should be cut off.

В конце лета грядки нужно подпушить, а осенью grumble. If the strawberry planting was correct, then by the winter strong bushes will be formed. They will go through a period of adaptation and survive the cold. Of course, it is important to know how best to plant strawberries. It will be correct to create three beds: the first - the first year of fruiting, the second - the second and, accordingly, the third - the third. Strawberries are best planted in the place where previously grown grain crops.

Care of seedlings

A popular saying says: “What you sow, you reap!”, But in our case

how to plant strawberries under the film
seeding is not enough. Strawberry - whimsical berry, requires regular attention and care. But the main points are watering and weeding.

In the summer, the moisture evaporates quickly, becausebeds better to mulch. Dry grass, sawdust or hay will do well. Such an approach will not only help preserve moisture, but also protect berries from rot. When the strawberry blooms, it must be watered from a watering can, and during the harvest period - under a bush. Water should not be cold, the ideal temperature is 18-20 degrees. During the period of prolonged rain, it is desirable to cover the plant with foil.

For strawberries, weeds are not terrible enemies (after all, it is a wild berry). But if you want to get large and juicy fruits, then we must deal with weeding.

Strawberries constantly appear old redleaves, they need to be removed. It helps to rejuvenate the plant. Sometimes for these purposes, after the end of the harvest, all foliage is mowed. What for? To get rid of pests and infections.

Strawberry bushes fertilize, but here you need to be careful not to overdo it with the frequency and dose. It is best to use ash for top dressing or to add a small amount of manure during the initial landing.

Pros and cons of planting strawberries under the film

Growing any plant is alwayslaborious process. Every person wants to keep costs to a minimum, and get the maximum yield. For strawberries, mulch film is suitable. Such material is inexpensive and easy to use. But often people just do not know how to plant strawberries under the film. It is not difficult, but the method has several disadvantages. So let's get everything in order. On the site where the seedlings will grow, you need to spread a plastic black film. Then cuts are made in which strawberry bushes are planted. The film helps in weed control and allows you to get an earlier harvest.

Но каждый материал имеет свои минусы.First, the film does not let in fresh air, which in summertime contributes to the overheating of the soil. Secondly, it has a small lifetime, the maximum is enough for two seasons. Thirdly, the film is not intended for cold weather. At the slightest freeze, preheating is required, as condensate forms inside and turns into ice.

All the work of growing strawberries seem like little things when you take a juicy berry in your hands. Its aroma and taste do not leave anyone indifferent.