/ / How to make warm beds in spring: instructions

How to make warm beds in the spring: instructions

В последнее время очень многие дачники устраивают in their so-called “warm beds” —high rectangular structures filled with compost, branches, leaves, and fertile land. In the spring, arcs from a rod are installed over their sides, and the film is stretched. This design allows you to plant seedlings 2-4 weeks earlier than usual. Warm beds are usually made in the fall. However, if you wish, you can arrange them in the spring. The main thing is not to use fresh manure as a lining layer. So let's see how to make warm beds in spring.

Material selection

The sides of such ridges are most often made ofcut, rather thick (20 mm) boards. This material conducts heat poorly and is very easy to handle. Sometimes, flat slate is also used for the sides. This material is more durable than wood, but it also retains heat worse. In addition, when using it, it is imperative to make a rigid frame out of a thin shaped tube. Otherwise, when weeding or planting seedlings on the sharp edges of the sides, you can simply cut yourself. Both wood and slate both have their advantages and disadvantages. Of what material to make the sides - it is up to the owners of the site to decide. Sometimes the device of a warm bed is made and with use of more solid elements. For example, brick or stone. This is the most durable and reliable option. However, cost of stone or brick beds, of course, very expensive.

how to make warm beds in spring

In case of using slate or wood forside supports will also need to prepare a profile tube. Arcs can be made from a metal rod with a diameter of 8 mm or from PVC pipes. Film for warm beds used standard polyethylene technical or intended for greenhouses.

Manufacturing of wooden sides

Вопрос о том, как сделать теплые грядки весной, comes down including to the correct choice of their size. The height of the sides of this design is usually 40 cm. In this case, the roots of the plants will receive enough heat. Yes, and handle the beds will be more convenient. Experienced gardeners are not advised to make the width larger than 80 cm. The optimal parameter is 60 cm. The length of the frame can be any.

how to make a warm bed in spring

Gathering beds in the spring, when the garden is still too damp, it is better not in place, but in a workshop or somewhere in the yard, in a dry place. Wooden sides are made as follows:

  • The ends of the beds are going. They are made from pieces of board 60 cm. Two angular segments of shaped pipes are nailed to each from both edges. Thus, the ends are made boards for all the beds.
  • Further segments of the profile pipe with a pitch of approximately 2 meters are screwed to future long sides.
  • Then the latter are attached to the angular shaped tubes on the end elements.
  • The resulting structure is transferred to the garden, set in the right place and level by level. Digging the ground under the frame or even remove the sod is not necessary.

Continue the device warm beds in the springtightening the opposing sidewalls with a rod (in pairs). This will give the structure rigidity. If this is not done, the beds will simply be ripped off. In particular, the carrots and other root crops are “strongly bred”.

How to bend the rod

How to make a warm bed in the spring - for you nowno problem. In order for the seedlings to feel even better in it, the construction in April-May, before the establishment of stable warm weather, will need to be covered with a film. She pulls on the arc, which can also be made independently. To make such props tidy, you should first make a simple template. For this, an arc of the required radius and length is drawn on a piece of plywood. Further, according to the resulting contour, nails are filled (up to half). At the ends of the arc, they should be scored two at the same level. Then each rod is simply bent on the nails.

How to make the sides of slate

In this case, the frame is pre-assembled fromprofile pipe. Fastening is usually done with bolts. If the farm has the appropriate equipment, the frame can be welded. The pipe before attaching the slate should be painted.

Since the beds of this material are obtainedvery heavy, welded cages are best moved and installed at a chosen place in the garden. Further, the slate itself is attached to the structural elements (inside the frame). Fixing in this case is also bolted.

warm bed device

How to fill a bed

So, we figured out how to make warmbeds in the spring. Now let's see what you need to fill them to get the best effect of heating the roots of plants. First of all, the beds should be properly positioned. Typically, prefabricated frames set in the direction from north to south. So the plants will be lit longer: in the morning from the east, in the afternoon - from above and in the evening - from the west. In the shade warm beds do not install. Otherwise, in the first year in the soil a lot of nitrates are formed.

device warm beds in spring

Warm beds are filled (according to the rules of composting) in layers in the following order:

  • Drainage is arranged from branches, rotten boards, logs, etc. First, large fractions are laid, then smaller ones.
  • Organic is laid on the drainage.When laying, alternate carbonaceous (dry foliage, paper, old rags, split stalks of sunflower) and nitrogenous layers (tops, grass, food waste, rotted manure, etc.). To speed up the process of decomposition is to pour the organic matter with special biopharmaceuticals. At the last stage, it should be tamped.

One week after the bed is goodwarmed, it poured garden soil. In order for the roots of the plants not to burn, its layer must be at least 25-30 cm. At this point, the device of a warm bed in the spring can be considered finished. All other actions can only be aimed at improving its performance.

How to make a greenhouse

Part of one of the warm beds can be covereda small mini hothouse. As a frame for such a construction, it is allowed to use a metal painted rod, timber or PVC pipe. The walls, door, vent and roof are usually made of polycarbonate. To bring down the frame of the desired shape will be easy. When fastening the same polycarbonate should follow certain rules. This material is able to expand with increasing / decreasing air temperature. Therefore, it should be fixed to the frame by means of special screws with thermal washers. Holes for them are drilled a little larger than the rods of diameter. The device of a warm bed with a hothouse will allow to plant seedlings even earlier. Time for its production will take a bit.

device warm beds in the greenhouse

Constructions in the greenhouse

Обычно теплые грядки устраивают прямо на открытом the air. However, you can make them in the greenhouse already installed in the garden. Collect such designs with the same materials. Technologically, the question of how to make warm beds in the spring in a greenhouse is not technologically complex at all. The method of their manufacture completely and completely repeats the above. The only thing - the beds in this case must be made not too high (20 cm).

The device of a warm bed in the greenhouse will helpget an even earlier harvest. However, since the air temperature inside this room will be higher than outside, it is important to ensure that the roots do not overheat. At a temperature soil at 30-45 degrees plant growth slows down. Also it is necessary to arrange in the beds drip irrigation.

What plants and how to plant

Поскольку в первые два года в грунте таких грядок a lot of nitrogen accumulates, during this period it is not recommended to plant culture-nitrate storage devices. These include greens (dill, onion, lettuce, spinach, etc.), beets and radishes. In the first year, it is best to plant pumpkins, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers or eggplants in a warm garden, i.e. plants that require a high content of nutrients in the soil. In the second year, cabbage, celery or salads are usually planted in their place.

how to make warm beds in the spring in the greenhouse

Many gardeners advise after harvestearly crops sow warm beds with sideratami. This will replenish the supply of nutrients. Moreover, the soil prepared in this way does not require digging in the spring. All that needs to be done is to deepen the remnants of dead-off sideratov by loosening. How to make warm beds in the spring (photos of such structures can be seen on the page), as well as how to plant seedlings on them, you now know. What else should be done to facilitate the care of crops and accelerate the ripening of the crop? Read about it below.


Most often, sawdust orstraw. It would be a good idea to close the soil under the plants with also mowed dried grass. Pre it should be chopped with a hatchet. Soil microorganisms begin to process the grass from the point of cutting. Therefore, this litter will decompose faster, while releasing carbon dioxide, which is necessary for garden crops. Mulching on warm beds, among other things, allows the soil to retain moisture longer. Also, a layer of organic matter or film will hinder the growth of weeds all summer. And this, in turn, will facilitate the care of plants.

Flower beds

How to make warm beds in the spring, you nowyou know However, what to do if there is no material or time to make them, and you want to land the tomatoes early? In this case, you can try to build warm beds. The difference between them from the beds is primarily smaller. As bumpers you can use, for example, old car tires, put in three rows. Filling in this case is the same. In the middle it is necessary to stick a stake or rod. They will support the film in the spring.

how to make warm beds in spring photo

Of course, many cultures on such flowerbeds will not fit. But a few tomato bushes, cucumbers, onions, pumpkins or zucchini to grow on them is quite possible.

As you can see, the question of how to make a warmgarden bed in the spring with their own hands, is no different complexity. In the presence of high-quality material and skillful hands, ready-made structures will be convenient, reliable and last for a long time. Have a good harvest!