/ / Electric convector: purpose and features

Convector electric: purpose and features

Convector electric, like any othera heating device, is required to create comfortable conditions in the room in the winter season. The central heating services in apartments are often not stable, therefore such a device becomes an excellent alternative for heating not only in living rooms, but also in kiosks, cottages, pavilions or garages. The temperature can be adjusted automatically or manually.

Convector electric
Convector electric has long been a competitorradiators, while the preponderance is clearly in his favor. This device is installed in a convenient place, while it does not interfere with the movement of the apartment, perfectly fitting into the interior. This can not be said of water or electric radiators. Such devices are often intended for installation in the center of the room, which hinders the movement, and also poses a considerable danger to all members of the family.

Convector electric wall price

Convector electric consists of metalhousing, and inside it housed heating elements. Their work is controlled by a mechanical or electronic thermostat. The tan itself consists of a conductor with a high resistance placed in a heat-resistant ceramic casing. It is sealed in an aluminum or metal box, which has an ergonomic radiator shape, equipped with diverting plates, wings or aerodynamic inserts. Thanks to this form, the useful area of ​​the device increases at times. Tan is able to work at a temperature of 600-1000 degrees Celsius. Convector electric does not overdry and does not burn the air inside the room.

The best electric convectors
The operation of the device is based on the physical law ofheat exchange, known to all. Down there is always cold air, and warm at the top. And in the convector is the same. Down comes the cold air masses that pass through the tenes. During the movement, the lower layers become heated, which become lighter, so they rise upwards. The air cools down, becomes heavier, descends. So when the convector is switched on it happens all the time.

Considering the best electric convectors,you can understand that they are of two types: floor and wall. The first is usually narrow and oblong, no higher than 20 centimeters, and the height of the second is 40-45 centimeters. The floor version has a higher efficiency, as it gives heat around the perimeter of the case, but the electric wall mounted convector, the price for which is from 2500 rubles, is much simpler in terms of installation.

You can consider its advantages.The device does not require supervision when the automatic mode is on. The device warms up the room very quickly, and in its work the risk of drafts is reduced to zero. The temperature in the room is regulated by means of a built-in thermostat, thereby saving energy. Also, it does not allow heating elements to overheat. The electric convector can be installed in a room with a high humidity level, since it is equipped with a protection against moisture.