/ / A beautiful house for a well do it yourself: step by step instructions

Beautiful house for a well do it yourself: step by step instructions

What could be better than cold and refreshing?hot summer day of well water! Especially if in the private sector it is often the only source of water for drinking and household needs. But it is worth noting that just to build a good well is not enough, it is necessary to protect it from falling inside of insects, dust, etc. For this we will build a house for the well with our own hands. Step-by-step instruction of the process will be presented in this article.

house for a well do it yourself step by step instructions

General information

If you list engineering designsantiquities, the well will be on this list. At the present time, the design has improved significantly. People added interior wall treatments and exterior trim. All this has made the well not only more durable, but also attractive in appearance.

how to make a house for a well

Но бывало, когда в колодцы падали птицы, животные and even small children. In most cases, it was fatal. Since a long stay in cold water quickly leads to hypothermia and, as a result, death. It is for this simple reason that they invented protective equipment covering the well when it is not in use. The first designs were elementary. Now the most popular are small houses, the so-called tents. This design not only provides reliable protection, but also performs an aesthetic role. Let's talk about how to make a house for the well with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions in this case will be very helpful. We start from the beginning.

About materials and tools

Before proceeding directly to the installationwork, you need to prepare. For the work we need a certain material. As noted above, we have plenty of options, but the most attractive and simple is a wooden small house. Make it easy enough. To do this, we need a wooden bar 50x100, edged board and wall paneling. As material for the roof suitable roofing material. As for consumables, then there must be how to prepare. Buy in advance screws, brackets, corners, nails.

house on the well drawing

We don’t work without a tool, thereforebe sure to take a screwdriver. Of course, you can not use it, but then the work will be more time-consuming and complex. You need to have on hand and a planer, as well as a jigsaw, preferably electric. To all this we add a hacksaw, and we are fully equipped to begin construction work.

How to make a house for the well

As material can be usedtile, stone, concrete, brick, etc. In general, everything depends on preferences, but it is necessary to work with this or that material in different ways. After you have found the tool and material, it is advisable to develop a draft design, even if it is small and unpretentious. On it you will identify all the details, such as the size of the house and its design features.

At the next stage, preparatorywork. The area near the well must be well removed so as not to do after the construction of the house. Yes, and during the construction of excess elements can interfere under your feet.

build a house for a well

Then you can make a foundation.For this, stone or tile is perfect. The fact is that if a beam is used as a base, then, being in the ground, it will undergo decay, therefore, the house will turn out to be short-lived. But the stone is what you need, it is durable and reliable. Since it is not difficult to make a house for a well alone with your own hands, you will do without an assistant. Getting to work.

Assembling the frame

The frame is the foundation of our house.It should be simple, but at the same time very durable and reliable. As a material we will use a beam and a trim board. In general, we need 4 racks 50 cm high and trim boards for strapping. The structure is fastened with nails. For reliable joints, use nails with a length of at least 10 centimeters.

well house sizes

The assembly process begins with the preparation of two racks.Above and below they are connected by edged boards. Next, two halves of the structure are installed around the well and are connected by a strapping. To build a house for a well using this frame is the easiest. The fact is that in our case a very running material is used, and the design itself is very simple and universal.

We are engaged in a roof

So we are already building our house for our wellhands. A step-by-step instruction assumes a strict sequence of actions that must be followed to achieve the desired result. The frame is, of course, good, but by itself it does not provide protection against the ingress of various elements into the well. The roof is what we really need. There is nothing complicated here, but it is advisable to adhere to the dimensions indicated on the drawing. All elements of the crate should be done clearly and with equal steps.

First you need to do the rafter system.It is desirable to arrange it in the form of a rigid structure, on which the crate is nailed. Of course, rafters should be made using materials such as crossbars (3 pieces), jibs from a thin board (8 pieces), rafter elements. The rafters need to be beaten so that there is an equal distance between them, so you get a reliable and durable house on the well. It is advisable to use the drawing for best results.

beautiful houses for wells

About roof assembly

As noted above, we can well get alongand without an assistant, that is, on their own. In this case, the assembly of the roof is preferably carried out on the ground. In addition, it is important to observe the following sequence:

  • The upper ends of the rafters need to be cut at a slight angle and connected using brackets.
  • To increase the rigidity of the structure, the rafters are connected with crossbars. They must be installed below 25-30 cm from the junction of the rafters.
  • We prepare grooves on the rafters for fastening. Fasteners are preferably carried out using brackets or nails 10-12 cm long.
  • We reinforce the structure with a pair of jibs, then we fasten the farm with two boards.
    beautiful houses for wells

In general, the most difficult stages of work have been completed.It remains to fix the roofing material on the roof, and on top of it is slate. Corner joints should also be closed. For this, wind boards are suitable. Here the wooden house for the well is almost ready, a few more strokes remain.

We make the door

In general, this stage is not mandatory,since the hole where the door should be can be covered with a piece of slate or something like that. But this approach is not very convenient, therefore it is better to spend a little time once, and enjoy the result in the future. The door can be made in the form of a wooden board. This is a simple, but at the same time reliable design.

production of houses for wells

As the main material we useedged board suitable for the size of the pediment. We fasten the structure with the help of a bar, for this, nails of the appropriate length are suitable. Only 2 bars are needed. One is attached on top of the shield, the second on the bottom. If the strength is insufficient, then you can diagonally fasten an additional block. If you wish, you can attach a pen, and if necessary add a lock. Something like this is the production of houses for wells. Now let's move on to the final stage.

Beautiful houses for wells: what is the secret?

After you do everything, look at whatwhat happened. Agree, everything is slightly different than in the picture. The thing is that finishing work is necessary. Sometimes this is completely unnecessary, but if there is time and desire, then why not. The board can first be sanded, coated with a special varnish and painted on top, say, in black. On the racks you can add thread, which will give the design a more attractive appearance. But do not forget that the main goal of such a house is the safety and protection of water from pollutants. Therefore, the door must close tightly. In general, the finish can be what you want. This is just the case when you can give free rein to your imagination.


Basically, now you know how to make a housefor the well with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions will be a great helper for you. I would like to note that there should not be any difficulties in the process, but you need to take into account the fact that the house for the well, the dimensions of which you will have in the drawing, can be built on problem soil. Prepare a simple drawing, believe me, it will help you a lot. It is advisable to carry out all the work in the warm season, especially if there is a concrete base in the plans, since it requires warm and not wet weather to solidify. In general, the complexity of the design, as well as its appearance, completely depends on your goals and capabilities. If you have the time and money, then you can experiment and come up with something really unique and amazing.